Cats and Seek : at Dino Park – 100% Guide

This guide was created to help you to find all hidden cats. Some of them were hard to spot so feel free to use my guide. Just take a look if you are missing some cats to complete the game.


Area Legend

NOTE: There are in total 5 areas. In each area you need to find 100 hidden cats. Except from seeking for cats you need to also complete a side quest which is to find a particular amount of bees or birds. The amount is different in each area (more information down below in each area).

Area 1

NOTE: Beside finding 100 hidden cats you need to also find 6 bees in Area 1. In the picture they are shown in the green circles.

Area 2

NOTE: Beside finding 100 hidden cats you need to also find 7 birds in Area 2. In the picture they are shown in the green circles.

Area 3

NOTE: Beside finding 100 hidden cats you need to also find 7 bees in Area 3. In the picture they are shown in the green circles.

Top Part

Middle Left Part

Middle Right Part

Bottom Part

Area 4

NOTE: Beside finding 100 hidden cats you need to also find 8 birds in Area 4. In the picture they are shown in the green circles.

Top Part

Bottom Left Part

Bottom Right Part

Area 5

NOTE: Beside finding 100 hidden cats you need to also find 7 bees in Area 5. In the picture they are shown in the green circles.

Top Left Part

Bottom Left Part

Top Right Part

Bottom Right Part

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