A map that might be helpful for those who want to find any CG in the game or just check the way to enter a certain story.
Introduction and Map legend

This guide includes five maps for the first episode of “Little Green Girl”. The main story is divided into six days and includes separate stories of three characters. All maps show all possible choices, important or not, as well as all CGs you need to find fo complete the Gallery section. Each CG has a number separated by a dot, with the first half being the Gallery page and the second being it’s position in the Gallery, from left to right. The maps include blocks of different colors:
- Dark blue – start of a day;
- Purple – list of CGs found at this part of the story (alphabetical instead of chronological for easier search and minimizing potential spoilers. Note that some CGs can be found after different choices or even several times during a single playthrough);
- Grey – a regular choice option, either unimportant or not recommended;
- Green – a choice option recommended or required to reach Kristina’s story (days 1-2) or unlock exclusive CGs in her story (days 3-6);
- Orange – a choice option recommended or required to reach Stasya’s story (days 1-2) or unlock exclusive CGs in her story (days 3-6) (P.S. I do understand that her main color is teal, but I switched it to orange not to confuse with Yana);
- Teal – a choice option recommended or required to reach Yana’s story (days 1-2) or unlock exclusive CGs in her story (days 3-6);
- Red – important notes with story requrements;
- Black – story endings.
Days 1-2 map

This map only includes the first two days of the story, which lead to character specific stories. Use it if you want to reach the story while having no clue what it is about later.

Days 3-6 map

These maps include days 3-6 for all three main girls. Note that sometimes both choices award you with exclusive CGs, so you might save your game or pick another option next time.
Kristina’s story
Stasya’s story
Yana’s story
Full map

Not afraid of any spoilers (there are almost none, but still)? Want to see the entire map to view all CGs and options? Here you go then! This final map combines the previous four into one.