Malware: Complete Guide and Tips

Here is a full guide for the game Malware.


Tips and Tricks (Spoiler Free)

If you don’t wish to be spoiled on how to resolve the puzzles, use these handy tips and tricks

  • This game uses the mouse for its puzzles
  • Try to click window buttons, even if it seems like you cannot
  • Test with all the mouse buttons
  • Text can be well hidden, search carefully.
  • Reading carefully is important.
  • Hovering over things can reveal secrets.
  • Sometimes, you just have to move on and come back to it.

Achievement Games

The games relevant to the achievement are received in the following Emails
Gopher Fortress- The game distributor’s email. Make sure it is ticked when you are installing.
GF Spoiler: You can use the space bar to hit the gopher, which will allow you to only have to dodge the red missiles.
Fairy Maze- An email on its own
FM Spoiler: You only need to complete the lunatic level once to get all achievements.
Slots- The Artist’s Email. Tick it to install it.

Spoiler Spacer

In an attempt to keep direct spoilers from being seen as soon as this guide is loaded, this is a spoiler spacer.

This spacer was tested on a 1900*1250 monitor at default steam size.

It may not be completely effective, but I did my best.

Doghouse Store

Untick the box on the finish page

Gnome Beauty

Untick the box on page 1

Untick the first, fourth, and fifth boxes on page 3

Toulon Pastry

Untick all the boxes on page 1

X out of the popup. Do not click okay

Cute Pet Tribe

Untick the boxes on page 3

After installation, press “Next” instead of Finish

Untick the boxes on that page


When the installer opens, press cancel on the initialising installer window.

In the window that pops up, choose to install the lite version

Untick the boxes on the install page

Untick the box on the Finish page

Mutsu Eye Care

Select Custom Installation

Untick the first and third boxes on the following page

Untick the box on the install page


Untick the box on page 1

On the license page, there will be a text that is hidden unless hovered over.

Click the hidden text

Untick the boxes on install page


Click “more” on page 1

Untick the boxes on the more page

Click the Down carrot on any page before installation

Untick the boxes in the popup that appears

Odyssey Seed King

Even if you follow this guide, you will always install a malware at first.
That Malware will cause a piratebay ad to show up.
To be rid of the ad, continue the game until you receive the ransom.

Related to an achievement: To successfully install no malware on Odyssey King, you must fail it 10+ times

After you have failed 10 times (And only after then), a tick box will appear on page 1. (Note: Even if you continue enough for the pirate ad to be removed, the tick box does not appear until you fail ten times.)

Untick the box at the bottom of the terms and conditions page

Untick the boxes on the install page

Untick the box on the Finish page


Untick the box on page 1

On the install page, press next without ticking the box. This will open a popup. Press X on the popup and untick agreeing to terms. Repeating this cycle 5 times will cause a new popup to open

In the new popup, tick the box. Press Okay.

Untick the boxes on the finish page

Alice Library Management System

Untick the boxes on page 1

Untick the box on install page

On any page before install, click cancel. In the popup that opens, untick the first box

Lincoln Ship Encyclopedia

As soon as the installer opens, while the bar is loading, untick the box for Cardpedia. (Failing to do this is linked to an achievement) Note that I could not screenshot the box unchecked because of how fast it goes.

There is a tiny barely visible X on the top left corner of the image window that shows the computer and other computer related items. Click it

Untick all the boxes there.

Untick the box on the finish page


On any page before installation, right click the mouse and click “install lite version”

On License page, there’s another barely visible text saying more options.

Click it

Untick all the options under More Options

Untick the Box on the install page

Z-Design Fashion

On the first page, click previous. This will take you to a prior step.

Untick all the boxes and click previous again

Untick all the boxes again, and go back to the first page with next.

Untick the boxes on the install page

36 Strategems of love

Click on the License Agreement header (Highlighted blue here) to be taken to another page

Tick the first box and untick all the other boxes on that new page

On any page before install, you can drag the picture of the computer to the side. Untick those boxes also

Untick the box on the install page

Teach Forkids 2

On any page before install, click the gears inside of the computer screen within the image.

Untick all the options that appear in the popup.

If you want 0 Malware, untick the Gopher Fortress option.

Because he doesn’t mind it, you will still be paid if you leave it ticked so long as it’s the only malware installed.

Click on the text “get more STEM courses (etc)” to make it struck through.

Super Art Imagine

At any point before installing, there is a window barely visible at the bottom.

Drag it upwards and untick all the boxes. Note: The first box is connected to an achievement game, so you’ll have to come back and install it.

Untick the boxes on the finish page

Mantis Shrimp Car Club

On the first page, click on the white text at the top which says “Mantis Shrimp Car Club V.1.0.3 Installation”. This will open a new installer.

Untick the boxes on page 1 of the new installer

In the License Agreement, under section 3, click on the the text with “Radio”, “Manual”, and “Travel Guide” to grey them out.

Voodoo Driver

Make sure the first box is ticked on page 1. This will send you the real installer. Other actions don’t matter on this first one.

In the new installer, untick the boxes on the install page. Note the empty space between the two options.

Click the middle space, and a new option will appear. Untick this box also.

Finally, there is a barely visible text in the bottom left corner. Click this also (I didn’t see any indication if I clicked it or not, but not clicking it had a malware)

Patience Trainer

Untick the box on the install page but do not continue.

Be patient. IE: Wait on the installer without doing anything. The image will start to move on its own.

When it has moved enough, tick “Install Lite Version”

Going Home

The Email says you have to wait a month,

You can adjust the date in your computer system to have a month pass

True Ending (Extra Challenge)

I’m afraid for this one, all I would be able to do is translate the true ending guide, and I don’t feel fully comfortable doing that at this point. So please seek out the Korean True ending guide if you’d like to go through all the steps.

What I will say though is that to gain the true ending, you have to close the game, reopen it, and find the “clue” hidden in the final email.

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