Sins of a Solar Empire II: Capital Ships Module Guide

Sins of a Solar Empire II doubles down on the uniqueness and importance of capital ships. There are several mechanics making them the pinnacle of your fleet, but this guide will focus on the new capital ship modules.

The right module can save not just the ship, but your entire fleet. Each race has their unique modules, which makes knowing them and countering enemy modules only more important.

Up to 4 modules can be installed on a capital ship. The first capital ship for TEC and Advent start with a module that refunds its cost of exotics. Here is my first Akkan of the game with the free module:


TEC modules

Tech Tier
Radiation Bomb
2 uses
Small AOE dmg
Negligible impact, but cost is also extremely low, which makes it usable in niche situations.
Rapid Autoloader
Weapon reload speed decrease
Has passive and active boost. Can be really good on Kol and Marza.
2 Mil
Targeting Array
Weapon range buff for self and fleet
Niche item. Use it with Javelis and Orgrovs for first strike or out-range specific static defenses.
3 Mil
Missile Guidance Computer
Missile damage buff for self and fleet
Extra good on Marza, but true benefit comes from the fleet buff. A must have if you are going to surprise your enemy with a Javelis fleet.
4 Mil
High Yield Warheads
Planetary bombing dmg buff
Can be useful in a capital victory snipe, but otherwise you’ll find better modules to build.
4 Mil
Reserve Squadron Hangar
(Sova, Dunov only)
Gives extra squadrons and instant build ability
Quite a decent addition to your strike craft strength.
2 Mil
Armor Patch Kit
3 uses
Minor repairs
Negligible impact but can provide that tiny bit of extra health which may save your capital ship. And comes at low cost.
Flak Burst
AOE dmg against strike craft and missiles
A very strong tool when used properly to stop swarms of strike craft or missiles.
2 Mil
Combat Repair System
In-combat repairs
Significant boost to repairs of your high value cap ships
2 Mil
Reactive Armor
Extra Armor and missile damage reduction
Missiles counter capital ships. With this, you will significantly decrease their effectiveness.
3 Mil
Backup Shield Generator
Adds a weak shield burst
Good for a tanky build, but keep in mind, that TEC have low shields to begin with.
4 Mil
War Reporter
+1 Influence point
You may have enough Influence points from planets, but good to have a plan B.
2 Civ
Exotics Salvage Policy
Returns exotics spent, once ship is lost
Niche tool. Try rather not to lose your capital ship in the first place with the help of other modules.
Antimatter Engine
Increases AM capabilities of a capital ship
Core item on any capital ship with active abilities.
2 Mil
Deploy Argonev Starbase
You face an impenetrable enemy starbase? Just drop one of your own!
5 Mil
Volatile Accelerants
Drastically increases speed of your ship at cost of hull
A race car upgrade for your capital ship. If you think you are good at micro, this module will keep your capital ship alive.
3 Mil
Heavy Gauss Slugs (Kol, Marza only)
Gauss damage buff
Makes your Kol/Marza the bane of enemy capital ships.
4 Mil

Vasari Modules

Vasari Exodus (VE) has a much stronger lore focus on capital ships with them trying to abandon this part of the galaxy. This is also represented in gameplay, as their capital ships get some extra interesting modules.

Tech Tier
Nano Attack Swarm
3 uses
Solo target dmg
Minor damage, which can be used to deal with enemy capital ships faster. Can be useful in early game.
Beam Modulator
Increases beam damage
Has an activation for an even bigger buff. Beams are your Pierce damage, so it’s an anti-capital ship tool.
2 Mil
Wave Modulator
Increases wave damage
Wave cannons on capital ships represent a small portion of DPS, so use it only if everything else is upgraded.
2 Mil
Phase Missile Augments
Increases missile damage
Missiles have high Pierce and damage. If they can get to the target through PD, it will cause gigantic damage with this module.
3 Mil
Nano Repair Swarm
6 uses
Minor hull repair
Provides a better repair than the TEC counterpart module, but still only a minor one. Very useful in early game.
Phase Attenuated Shield
Buffs the shield burst
Decent module to increase survivability.
3 Mil
Self-Repairing Armor
Helps to restore armor
Armor is the strongest type of hull, which makes it a nice addition to your survivability.
2 Mil
Bomber Armor
Buffs life of bombers
Could be interesting for Skirantra carrier. For other capital ships you will likely find a more interesting module.
3 Mil
Nano Catalyzer Swarm
6 uses
Restores antimatter
A decent early game item to get another round of some ability going.
Gravity Stabilizer
Increases speed
Can be good if your entire fleet uses this. Not much sense if only 1 ship flies faster (except when you are trying to run away).
3 Civ
Resonance Amplifier
Increases length of Resonance
An interesting module for late game, where battles last longer and the resonance buff is significant.
3 Civ
Deploy Orkulus Starbase
Not only you can deploy a starbase at an enemy gravity well you can also research tech to do it faster! An absolute must have for late games.
3 Mil
Antimatter Recharger
Buffs AM regeneration
Good on ships like the Kortul, which will quickly run out of antimatter.
2 Civ
Deploy Phase Gate
A niche tool, but extremely powerful in certain situations.
5 Civ
Mobile Exotic Factory (VE only)
Creates exotics
Allows you to create exotics directly on a capital ship. Can be useful with STTC.
3 Civ
Mobile Fleet Beacon (VE only)
Builds ships
A weaker alternative to phase gates to get reinforcements. Well, unless you used STTC on all planets and this is the only way to build ships.
4 Mil
Mobile Resonance Capacitor (VE only)
Increases Resonance level
Resonance is extremely strong, but this module costs a lot. In situations where you cannot get more planets, this will shine.
5 Civ
Mobile Empire Lab (VE only)
+1 civ research point
Extremely good to tech up and save planetary slots.
1 Civ
Mobile Warfare Lab (VE only)
+1 mil research point
Same as previous.
1 Civ
Mobile Adjunct Lab (VE only)
Increases research speed
Decent upgrade, if you used STTC on all of your planets.
2 Civ
Mobile Rulership (VE only)
No need for planets
Prevents you losing when all planets are lost, as long as you have a ship with such a module.
4 Mil

Advent Modules

Tech Tier
Plasma Nova Generator
Small AOE damage (2 uses)
Akin to TEC radiation bomb, use against light targets, like corvettes
Plasma Agitator
Boosts plasma damage and planet bombing
Plasma has high pierce, this will allow your capital ship to deal even more damage to enemy cap-ships
2 Mil
Vex Amplifier
Boosts weapon reload speed
Faster dakka = more damage. This is also boosted by your psi power
4 Mil
Energy Accelerator
Boosts all weapons
This also increases damage of plasma
2 Mil
Shield Battery
Restores shields (2 uses)
This restores a significant bulk of your shields. Excellent for early game!
PsiKinetic Platting
Increases your armor strength and armor value
Boosted by your psi power, can become extremely strong.
Synchronous Shield
Boosts your shield burst and shields in general
Shield burst makes it quite hard for a human opponent to predict how much firepower he needs to kill your capship. This magnifies this effect, often keeping your valuable ships alive.
3 Mil
Antimatter Pod
Restores Antimatter (2 Uses)
Niche early game item, use corvettes in later game stages
Psintegrat Choir
Boosts Psi Power
Psi power is responsible for increasing effects of some other modules, but really shines in buffing your abilities
Guiding Mentor
Boosts experience gained
This can give you an edge over your opponent when rushing for a level 6 capship
2 Mil
Harmony Circuit
Boosts Psi Power (Can boost 1 friendly ship as well)
A stronger version of Psintegrat Choir
3 Mil
Psionic Dynamo
Boosts Psi Power, based on frequency of abilities
The more abilities you spam, the stronger this gets. Passive abilities do not count.
2 Mil
Essence Reservoir
Boosts Psi Power for ships lost nearby
This scales good into late game, but requires too many ships killed for mid game.
3 Mil
Brilliance Array
Increases antimatter regeneration based on Psi Power
AOE antimatter regen can be quite good, especially if enemy hard counters your corvettes
3 Mil
Deploy Transcencia Starbase
Advent can use starbases not just for entrenchment, but for sneaky strategies, like spreading culture on enemy planets.
4 Mil

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