Sins of a Solar Empire II: Economy Guide

A strategy game is not only about battles; it also involves your attention to economic matters. Sins: Rebellion had some economic differences between factions, but Sins II takes asymmetric economic styles to a new level. For those familiar with Sins: Rebellion’s economy, the TEC will have the least surprises in … Read More

Sins of a Solar Empire II: Planet Modules Guide

Planets are your main source of income. Specializing them is crucial for your empire, and Sins 2 offers a new mechanic for it – planetary modules. Each race has their own set of planetary modules, and factions can have their own unique modules, enhancing their playstyle. Every planet can house … Read More

Sins of a Solar Empire II: Multiplayer Guide

You made it this far, Commander! Just a few more clicks and you will be challenging other human players. This guide will show you how to create and join games, including in progress games (yes, you read it right, in Sins 2 there is hot seat!). Most importantly, this guide … Read More

Sins of a Solar Empire II: Capital Ships Module Guide

Sins of a Solar Empire II doubles down on the uniqueness and importance of capital ships. There are several mechanics making them the pinnacle of your fleet, but this guide will focus on the new capital ship modules. The right module can save not just the ship, but your entire … Read More

Sins of a Solar Empire II: Combat Guide

Have you ever fought a battle where you seemed to have a bigger fleet, but your friend somehow managed to come out on top and now you are losing the game? That’s probably because he read this guide before you did. 😉 In this guide we will talk about basic … Read More

Sins of a Solar Empire II: How to Skip the Launcher

How to skip the launcher on startup, the average player likely doesn’t want to see it as the news is displayed on steam already. This works on ALL games with launchers, unless the launcher is used for authentication   Navigate to your SOSE2 Folder Go to your Steam Library, Right-click SoSE2, … Read More
