Gun Done: Walkthrough & Achievements Guide

Here is a full walkthrough with all achievements guide in Gun Done.


It’s high noon
Keep dueling and you will encounter Highnooner.
The minigame against him is simple: when the clock turns, shoot.

It’s high noon
Encounter and defeat Highnooner
Fast nerd hand
To get the 0.01 sec mark, you have to anticipate the opponent’s shot well. There are two good duelists options for this: the hooded guy and El Diablo, the guy with sombrero. Against hooded one, use the flag item for him to see where the stick will be throw and you have to shoot exactly to this point. Against El Diablo, use the glasses item for him to see how many steps he will make and try to anticipate after the zero step count.

Fast nerd hand
Make a shot in a 0.01 sec
18 years of nerding
The duels tend to get harder as you win consecutively, but win 18 is reasonably easy after you learn the minigames’ concepts for each and have gold to buy items that will facilitate your duel.

18 years of nerding
Win in 18 duels in a row
Peace, Death!
Death as duelist will appear randomly as the others. It’s very easy to defeat her. She will walk to you fading out for some seconds and when she materialize with her colors, it’s your time to shoot.

Peace, Death!
Defeat Death 24 times
Praise the King!
In the main menu, go to Heroes, select Gabe as duelist and win 222 duels with him.

Praise the King!
Win 222 times as Gabe
Duel nerd
There are heroes that can be bought and others that are unlocked after fulfilling certain requirement. You want those second. They are the duelists from the singleplay where you need to win some duels against them and others from more general requirements like winning 900 duels in total.

Duel nerd
Unlock all free heroes

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