This guide will show you a simple way how to get this achievement. There are other ways to get this achievement, but a lot of them have since no longer worked. This method has worked for me.
Do note you will need Notepad++.
The Entire Set Up
– Open your Eversion Properties in your local file. (Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steamapps/common/Eversion/maps).
– Go to maps and open up the “” file with Notepad++. You will see random letters in black, but no need to worry.
– Delete any line. I went with Line 4.
– Launch the game, the loading screen will freeze and the achievement should show up. After a few seconds the game will crash, which is intended as shown.
– Once you get the achievement, uninstall and reinstall the game and you’re done! Just know that when you boot the game up again, you will have to readjust your controls.