Hello Aces. This guide showcases all the unlockable aircraft skins in the game, and details the unlock requirements for each. Let’s get started.
All aircraft in Ace Combat 7 have at least 6 different skins. Skin 1 is the Osea skin, which is the base skin unlocked by default for all aircraft. Skins 4, 5, and 6 are the Mage, Spare, and Strider squadron skins, which are unlocked by completing the campaign. They are identical to the Osea skins apart from having unique tail markings. The skins we are interested in are Skin 2, the Erusea skin, and Skin 3, the Special skin.
The Erusea Skin requires you to earn a specific medal to unlock it for each aircraft, which I will detail for each skin.
The Special skin requires you to shoot down a specific enemy ace (or “named aircraft”) wearing that skin to unlock it. Each enemy ace has a certain spawn condition, and can only be spawned when you are playing on NORMAL difficulty or higher, and are not playing the mission for the first time. I will detail the spawn requirement for each enemy ace.
The F-104C, Su-30M2 and Su-30SM do not have associated enemy aces, and instead require you to earn medals to earn their Special skins. The X-02S requires you to shoot down every enemy ace to earn its Special skin.
For each aircraft, I have included images of the Osea, Erusea, and Special skins. You can click on these images to view fullscreen versions.
There are several DLC aircraft present in Ace Combat 7. The Erusea and Special skins for these aircraft are unlocked by default, and I will therefore not be detailing them in this guide. In addition, several vanilla and DLC aircraft have extra DLC skins that again have no unlock requirement, which I also will not be detailing.
With that out of the way, let’s get into the aircraft.

Base skin.

Earn the medal Machine Gun Maniac.
Complete campaign mode using only the machine guns.
You cannot earn this medal in Free Mission – you must select New Game and complete a full guns-only campaign run to earn this medal.
Special Skin:
Earn the medal Gold Wings.
Earn an S Rank on all missions on ACE difficulty.
This medal can be earned in Free Mission.

Base skin.

Earn the medal Silver Wings (MP).
In multiplayer mode, sortie 50 times.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace BAYONET.
In Mission 3, shoot down all enemy aircraft in the first phase of the mission in under 90 seconds. BAYONET will spawn in the northwest after the mission update.

Base skin.

Earn the medal Ship Of Liberty.
Sink 100 enemy ships.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace BOGEN.
In Mission 15, destroy the Aegis Ashore that spawns near the end of the first phase of the mission. BOGEN will spawn in the south with stealth capability, and will attempt to flee south.

Base skin.

Earn the medal Bronze Wings.
Earn an S Rank on all missions on NORMAL difficulty.
This medal can be earned in Free Mission.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace KITTEN.
In Mission 6, fly through the tunnel in the third base. KITTEN will spawn in the southwest.

Base skin.

Earn the medal Silence Is Golden.
In Mission 4, get through the radar network in under 3 minutes.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace FOUDRE.
In Mission 12, fly underneath any of the destroyed railguns. FOUDRE will spawn in the south.

Base skin.

Earn the medal Bronze Marksman.
Shoot down 50 aircraft with the machine gun.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace PYRO.
In Mission 1, shoot down the third wave of bombers with one launch of the 4AAM, 6AAM, or 8AAM. PYRO will spawn in the northwest with the fourth wave.

Base skin.

Earn the medal First Try.
In Mission 6, destroy 50 or more ground targets without using the resupply line.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace JESTER.
In Mission 2, destroy the TGT-marked Control Tower near the end of the first phase of the mission. JESTER will spawn on a runway after the mission update.

Base skin.

Earn the medal All For The Glory.
In multiplayer mode, earn the MVP in a game of Team Deathmatch.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace SPIDER.
In Mission 9, destroy half of the non-TGT marked targets. SPIDER will spawn in the centre with stealth capability, and will fly towards the player.

Base skin.

Earn the medal Silver Marksman.
Shoot down 200 aircraft with the machine gun.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace BUFFLE.
In Mission 12, shoot down the three A-10Cs that approach from the east near the start of the mission. BUFFLE will spawn in the southwest, and will eventually attempt to flee west.

Base skin.

Earn the medal Clairvoyant.
In Mission 12, destroy all missile silos in under 5 minutes.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace LOUVETEAU.
In Mission 10, destroy all of the camouflaged SAM sites in under 5 minutes. LOUVETEAU will spawn with one of the waves of interceptors from the east.

Base skin.

Earn the medal Whoa Man.
In Mission 15, do not take any damage.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace IBIS.
In Mission 11, fly through the gap in one of the platform sections of either the northern or valley platforms. IBIS will spawn at the aircraft carrier in the east, and attempt to flee north. If the aircraft carrier has been sunk, IBIS will instead spawn at the valley platforms, and attempt to flee north.

Base skin.

Earn the medal Gold Wings (MP).
In multiplayer mode, sortie 100 times.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace COMET.
In Mission 13, destroy all missile silos in under 6 minutes. COMET will spawn in the west after the mission update, and will attempt to flee west.
Base skin.
Erusea Skin:
Earn the medal Bronze Ace (MP).
In multiplayer mode, shoot down 50 rival aircraft.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace FANG.
In Mission 5, take at least 51% damage while your weapon systems are locked. FANG will spawn in the centre after the first wave of bombers have been destroyed, and will attempt to flee northwest.

Base skin.
Erusea Skin:
Earn the medal Relieved.
In Mission 7, shoot down all UAVs in the second phase of the mission before you receive seven distress pings.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace RONIN.
In Mission 4, do not let your altitude exceed 200m (650ft) until you have gotten through the radar network. RONIN will spawn in the northeast after the second mission update, and will attempt to flee west.

Base skin.
Erusea Skin:
Earn the medal Mass Destruction.
In Mission 3, shoot down 30 or more UAVs.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace GAZELLE.
In Mission 8, destroy all oil facilities in first phase of the mission. GAZELLE will spawn in the north with the UAVs partway through the second phase of the mission.

Base skin.
Erusea Skin:
Earn the medal Bronze Wings (MP).
In multiplayer mode, sortie 25 times.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace FAUCON.
In Mission 7, destroy all non-TGT marked enemies in the first phase of the mission. FAUCON will spawn in the north.

Base skin.
Erusea Skin:
Earn the medal Victorious And Glorious.
In multiplayer mode, win 50 Team Deathmatch games.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace CHASSEUR.
In Mission 11, destroy all fighters on the northern platform before they take off. CHASSEUR will spawn in the direction the player is facing, around 10,000m away.

Base skin.
Erusea Skin:
Earn the medal Ghostbuster.
Shoot down 200 enemy UAVs.
Special Skin:
Earn the medal Piloted.
In Mission 20, destroy all targets using only the machine gun.

Base skin.
Erusea Skin:
Earn the medal Raze The Roof.
Destroy 1500 enemy surface targets (excluding ships).
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace WALRUS.
In Mission 12, prevent Stonehenge from taking any damage. WALRUS will spawn with the helicopter wave in the northeast.

Base skin.
Erusea Skin:
Earn the medal Dropping The Bird.
In Mission 19, shoot down the Arsenal Bird using only missiles and missile-type special weapons.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace SERPENT.
In Mission 15, earn 15,000 points in the first part of the mission. SERPENT will spawn in the center, and fly towards the player.

Base skin.
Erusea Skin:
Earn the medal Silver Ace.
Destroy 2000 enemies.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace GADFLY.
In Mission 14, fly through the canyon in under 2 minutes. GADFLY will spawn with the wave of interceptors in the north.

Base skin.
Erusea Skin:
Earn the medal Silver Ace (MP).
In multiplayer mode, shoot down 100 rival aircraft.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace MANTIS.
In Mission 17, fly along and just above the mass driver rail on the north side of the island. MANTIS will spawn with the large wave of bombers and escorts in the east, and will be marked as UNKNOWN until confirmed hostile.

Base skin.
Erusea Skin:
Earn the medal Sky Stalker.
In multiplayer mode, win 3 Battle Royal games.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace LYNX.
In Mission 18, destroy all enemies en route to the castle in under 3 minutes. LYNX will spawn just north of the castle, and will attempt to flee south.

Base skin.
Erusea Skin:
Earn the medal Silver Wings.
Earn an S Rank on all missions on HARD difficulty.
This medal can be earned in Free Mission.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace TEMPEST.
In Mission 19, earn around 20,000 points in the first phase of the mission. TEMPEST will spawn southwest of the space elevator.

Base skin.
Erusea Skin:
Earn the medal Not A Scratch.
Complete campaign mode without taking damage.
You cannot earn this medal in Free Mission – you must select New Game and complete a full no-damage campaign run to earn this medal.
Special Skin:
Earn the medal Getting The Job Done.
In Mission 18, shoot down Mihaly in under 5 minutes without using special weapons.

Base skin.
Erusea Skin:
Earn the medal Guardian.
In Mission 10, destroy 16 or more ground targets.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace AXEMAN.
In Mission 16, earn 10,000 points in the first phase of the mission. AXEMAN will spawn in the southeast, and will be marked as UNKNOWN until confirmed hostile.

Base skin.
Erusea Skin:
Earn the medal Gold Ace.
Destroy 3000 enemies.
Special Skin:
Shoot down the enemy ace CALAMITY.
In Mission 19, earn around 17,000 points in the first phase of the mission. CALAMITY will spawn southeast of the space elevator with stealth capability, and will attempt to flee south. If he reaches the edge of the map, he will hold position just outside the map boundary, but within reach of long-range special weapons.

Base skin.
Erusea Skin:
Earn the medal Photon Blitz.
Complete campaign mode with a cumulative mission time under 4 hours.
You cannot earn this medal in Free Mission – you must select New Game and complete a full run with a total mission time under 4 hours.
Special Skin:
Shoot down all enemy aces.