Brothers in Arms Earned in Blood Console Command (How to Cheat)

Straight to the Point…. a guide on how to use the in-game console commad.


Creating a NEW profile with everything unlocked in game
You can simple creat a new profile in the base game with the folloing name 2ndsquad to unlock all the extras in the extras menu. cheats/movies will all be unlockedfor you in the game withought having to actually earn them by finishing.

Unlocking the console and setting a key bind for it.
Additionaly you can look for the a file called EIN.ini in your game folder, open it with notepad
press ctrl + f key in your keyboard and browse for Consolekey=0 in the EIN.ini file or you could try and find it manualy if you wish
onse you found Consolekey=0 change the 0 to 192

it should look like
{we are basicly changing a key bind so we can open the game dev console in game so the 0 key is none and 192 is the ‘ key next to the 1 key in your keybord}

now that we assigned a key for the console command we actually need to enable the console in game press Ctrl + F again and search for bEnableDebugConsoleAndMenu=False, again you could try and find it manualy should be somewhere neer the bottom of the .ini file

now change the False to True
it should look like this

Save and exit the EIN.ini file
Launche the game
we all set now i will provide a list of cc for you guys
reminder that you can press the ” ‘ ” key next to the ” 1 ” in your keyboar to open the console in game

Beware this involves editing a .ini file Always make a copy of said file in case you mess something up by mistake!

Console Commands
Cheat Effect
fly ……………………… around
noclip …………………..Fly through walls/Ground/objects
supersquad ………….Gives Your Squad Infinite Health
god ……………………..Godmode
loaded …………………Lots of Ammo
allammo ………………Lots of Ammo
oldmovie ………………play game in black and white mode
walk …………………….return to normal walking
allweapons …………..Start Level With All Weapons

Weapons cheats insert these in the console to gain the speciffic weapon you want

Cheat Effect
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSBar ……………..Gives BAR
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSBazooka ………Gives Bazooka
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSColt1911_ ……..Gives Colt1911
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEFG42_ ………….Gives FG42
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEFG42Sniper …..Gives FG42 with scope
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEK98Sniper ……..Gives K98 with scope
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEK98_ ……………..Gives KAR98
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSM1_ ………………Gives M1
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSM1Carbine ……..Gives M1 Carbine
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSM3A1_ …………..Gives M3A1
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEMP40_ …………..Gives MP40
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEP38_ ……………..Gives P38
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEPanzerfaust …….Gives Panzerfaust
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSSpringfield ………Gives Springfield
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDESTG44_ ………….Gives STG44
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSThompson ………Gives Thompson

Changing FOV Distance and Camera Option
You can also ajust the FOV as you want the cc for it should be FOV followed by the desired value

FOV 90

this will set the players field of view(FOV) to 90
also you can use the command Behindview 1 to play in third person tho its kinda hard to aim i dont recomend it and behindvie 0 to play in first person again.

By Pac

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