Full Map of Greenvale

Buildings in Greenvale
Owned by Nick Cormack, it serves as the primary place to eat throughout the game. It is also frequently a meeting point for York and other characters in the game.
Overseen by Brian the Insomniac, the graveyard is home to several suspicious looking red trees.
A bar owned by Carol MacLaine, it becomes available after the town meeting. Carol is often seen singing in the bar and Thomas can frequently be found bartending.
An overly large hotel that serves as the main resting place for York throughout the game. It is run by Polly Oxford, who can almost always be found behind the front desk. Kaysen stays at the hotel when he is in town and Diane sometimes eats there. The Great Deer Yard hotel boasts a number of rooms, although it appears that only Kaysen and York actually inhabit the hotel. Each room is virtually identical. Polly — who owns the hotel — inhabits a large suite with a room full of plants and a spacious bedroom with a four-poster bed.
Contains both the Mercury Theater and the clock tower. It is one of the oldest buildings in Greenvale.
The location of the first murder. The park itself is vast and includes three prime fishing locations. It is cared for by Jim Green. The park features in Deadly Premonition’s opening cutscene.
Located at the edge of town, it is one of the first places that York visits in the game. It is also the only place to purchase health kits.
The police station serves as the central meeting place for the investigation. It is run by George Woodman. Thomas will also offer meals if he is at the station, which serve as some of the best status restorers in the game. George Woodman can sometimes be seen flexing and pumping iron in front of his mirror while he is in his office.
The only place to purchase gas in Greenvale. It is owned and operated by Jack the Raging Bull and his wife, “Rosy Lips” Gina. York can also get his cars washed at the gas station, as well as get information about different Side Missions by bribing Jack.
A scrapyard owned by the General Lysander. York can find parts to make his car run faster or purchase new cars, including his own after Lysander repairs it.
A convenience store owned by Keith and his wife Lilly Ingram. It carries a variety of items, such as food, ammunition and fishing equipment. Keith also has maps that lead to weapon upgrades. The store is covered with posters featuring rock ‘n’ roll motifs.
The setting of the first murder. It is one of the few locations that is only accessible during one part of the game.
An art gallery owned by Diane Ames. Nearly all of the paintings in the gallery are images of trees.
A gun store located in Wesley the Gunsmith’s house. All of his wares can be accessed through various toolboxes around town at any hour of the day.
A bar owned by Richard Dunn. It is known for its dart boards, which can be played with a dart gun for various items.
Residential Areas
York can wander around Anna Graham’s house after 12:00 P.M. when Sallie Graham is home. Sallie will also offer him Side Missions, which add details about what Anna was doing the night of the murder.
A mansion by the side of the lake, Becky Ames’ house becomes a focal point in the first half of the game.
Brian the Insomniac’s house is in the old section of town surrounded by a barbed wire fence (according to York anyway, it’s quite clearly an iron clad fence). If you have the Key to Brian’s House, there is a smaller gate to the right of the larger gate that will let you inside.
Carol MacLaine’s apartment is only accessible until later in the game. Her apartment is connected to Thomas’ apartment through the kitchen.
Although it is only open during a small window of time, Emily Wyatt will offer York Side Missions on rainy evenings after her shift at the police station. Sometimes you can catch her practicing self defense moves in front of her mirror.
Situated over by the junkyard, it is not completely accessible until the end of the game.
The largest house in Greenvale, it becomes readily accessible during the second half of the game. Despite its size, only Harry Stewart and Michael Tillotson live there.
A cabin at the edge of Greenvale Forest Park and home to Jim Green.
Home of the entire Ingram family. On rainy days they can be found sitting on the couch, with Lilly reading to the twins, Isaach and Isaiah, and Keith jamming to music.
The home of Nick and Olivia Cormack. Olivia is usually the only person home and constantly paces around the living room.
One of the trailers behind SWERY ’65 occupied by Quint Dunn. It is filled with bike tanks and colorful posters cover the walls.
The other trailer behind SWERY 65′ occupied by Richard Dunn. It is much more organized than Quint’s trailer.
During the Cold Pot Side Missions, York will have to drive “Roaming” Sigourney back to her house. You can find Sigourney’s other shoe on the driveway.
Thomas MacLaine’s apartment is only accessible until later in the game. Thomas can sometimes be seen dancing to lounge music when you look through the windows.
The Other World
Depending on the situation, the building layout may also change. After finishing the original Other World scenario, York can return to the location and play through it again. Reruns can offer items, trading cards and weapons that were not initially available.
These areas are:
- Moyer’s Lumbermill
- Becky’s House
- Muses Gallery
- Greenvale General Hospital
- Greenvale Sheriff’s Department
- Galaxy of Terror
- Harry’s Mansion
- G.V. Community Center (Mercury Theater)
- Albireo Graveyard
Three other locations – Cope’s Tunnel, Extended Lines Inc. and the Darius Inc. G.V. Electrical Substation – offer Other World challenges based on Keith’s maps that result in various infinite weapons.
Between 00:00 A.M. (or midnight) and 06:00 A.M., the outside world turns into the Other World. Shadows will continuously spawn and wild dogs will grow into giant monsters. The Shadows that appear during this time are more likely to drop items but are also better able to sneak up on York and kill him.