There are ten switches in the game, each with its own achievement. Read this if you’re having trouble finding them.
If it says “easy to miss” in the heading, it’s one of the switches that, at the time I wrote this, less than 10% of players have found.
As a general hint, a lot (but not all) of them are higher up on the walls or ceiling, so don’t forget to look up.
Switch #1 (Green)

In the first area after your office, this is the bit below the trapdoor. Once you drop down from the trapdoor, go left and you should see this port-looking bit. The door on the left side of the screen will be closed (just keep clicking on it to smash it open).
Switch #1 is on the ceiling, right where the ladder is.
Switch #2 (Blue)

You’ll find this switch when you’re trapped in the elevator. Go up the ladder.
It’s to the left of the blue panel – I circled it here because it can be difficult to spot amongst the colour contrast (or lack thereof).
Switch #3 (Blue, easy to miss)

This is the corridor after you’ve gotten past the blue fan. Turn right here.
Follow the corridor and keep looking up – the switch is on the ceiling just before the corridor turns left.
Switch #4 (Red, easy to miss)

Right after you get through the tunnels and drop down the hole that’s covered by the red grating, this switch will be pretty much in front of you. If you’ve entered the gravity chamber (the place where you have a slot for the red prism immediately to your right) you’ve gone past it.
Switch #5 (Green)

This one’s past the gravity chamber (the area with the wasp and the giant safe) in the vampire’s lair. This is the view you get when you first walk in. You see that pillar on the far right of the picture with the slot for a prism in it?
Switch 5 is on the back of that, at the bottom.
Switch #6 (Blue, easy to miss)

The area after you escape the vampire lair is your office, after it’s been ransacked. The switch is on the floor where the shelves were – I’ve circled it.
Switch #7 (Red, easy to miss)

After you escape from the cell with the lasers and emerge from the grate on the other side, turn around and look back through the bars at the cell you just left – the switch is on the bottom left of the cell door.
Switch #8 (Green, easy to miss)

In the hall/foyer area with the videotape puzzle, you won’t find this until after you open the gates, get upstairs, and activate the red eye teleporter on the ground. You’ll emerge here – immediately look to your left and up to spot the switch on the ceiling.
Switch #9 (Multicolour, easy to miss)

This one’s also in the foyer area, but it won’t show up until you’re in the kaliedoscope/colour-shifting version of it. It’s back in the elevator.
The switch is on the elevator ceiling, in the back left corner.
Switch #10 (Green)

Remember here? The first area you entered after you left the office? We’re back here now, and the last switch is in the section with the bed.
It’s above the end of the bed, at the top corner of the wall there.
The Radio
The radio is in the very last area of the game. As you exit the elevator, you’ll see the big eye right in front of you. Don’t go there yet. Instead, go to the chair on the left.
Click on the chair and enjoy the show!