Here are all usernames for the icon achievements! =)
Write some fiction: “elegy” as username
Best friends with gabe:”halflife” as username
Stanley didn’t unlock this:”Stanley” as username
Hyrule messenger:”Zelda” as username
Sole survivor:fallout as username
Friendliness petal for all:”Undertale” as username
Much unlock,Very wow:”Doge” as username
Oh wow,What an achievement:”kappa” as username
Binding of instant messengers:”Isaac” as username
Icefrog,Please nerf:”Dota” as username
Vid Spilum Endalaust:”Sigurros” as username
Nyanyanyan:”Nyan” as username
This Achievement is a Lie:”Portal” as username
Looks like you Unlocked an Achievement:”Clippy” as username
ANDHISNAMEISJOHNCENA:”Johncena” as username
By zxSleep