Escape Dungeon 2: Shield Only Guide (Unstoppable and Unkillable)

A simple build that only requires a few upgrades and certain skills to be unstoppable and unkillable. No skill required to win.


Set Up

This build requires you to have unlocked a few abilities that require a few run throughs of the dungeon previously.

The skills you need are the following:

Necessary Skills For Attacking:
Hidden Arrow

Necessary Skills for Defending:

Optional “Nice Skills”
Ice Arrow

Any Health Upgrades. Taking a few from Ability upgrades is fine, but the most damage you will take is <10.

As the game allows you to preselect 5 skills (purchased upgrade) you can set up all necessary skills without needing an RNG to assist.

How It Works


Hidden Arrow allows you to attack twice during each turn. You can attack other enemies in your vision on the second attack.

Once you increase your Repeat skill, that will become 3 attacks per round almost every time.

As your attack/accuracy go up, this outputs massive amounts of damage so much so, that the offensive skills are not required to kill everyone but the bosses.


Having High Defense, through in dungeon upgrades or preferable through the ability screen, makes all attacks do only 1 damage. So even getting hit by the few monsters that get through your attacks will do minimal damage which is easily healable.

“Complete” is an amazing skill that rapidly boosts your attack and defense, so you take minimal damage and maximize damage output.

“Endurance” grants 1 health after an attack. As high defense makes it so you only take 1 damage, as you level up Endurance, you take 1 damage from enemies, but heal one damage, so you in effect take 0 damage.

Bosses: Easy Mode

Shield + Endurance

Bosses hit harder than regular enemies. This is where shield comes in. Shield can reduce damage to 0. BUT…. their attack still counts as an attack for purposes of Endurance. So when a boss hits you for 0, you still can gain 1 health for the attack, netting you a 1 health GAIN per round.

With maxed shield you can have 7+ rounds of gaining health and doing 3 attacks per round to the boss.

Maxed shield replenishes so fast that no boss can do enough damage to hurt you. This works on Beast Qaron as well!

Nice Skills:

Ice arrow can decrease the attack of bosses, making their damage even lower if you haven’t invested enough in defense up to that point.

Intimidate can decrease a bosses defense to increase damage and take the boss down faster.

Notes, Cautions, and Warnings


Recall is a great skill to get memory shards and upgrade abilities for further runs. Within 2 runs you can have enough to max everything.

You do not need to focus on health upgrades. The damage you take is replenishable with monster drops, and chests.


Shield is really only needed for bosses. Prioritize accuracy, complete, repeat, hidden arrow, endurance, crit rate, attack/def, vision. Other non essentials skills should be lower priority.

Play at 2x speed for most time saved.


This build is a face roll. I take no responsibility for the fun you may lose when you become an unstoppable, sexy, virgin elven archer capable of tanking Beast Qaron every floor while laughing in his face.

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