Here is a full map with all foxes’ locations.

2 � The fox is near the northern edge of the countryside, near Lake Fyer. There’s a small wooden bridge here – check under the bridge to find the secret.
3 � The fox can be found in the northern area of the countryside, to the south-west of Fyer Dam. Find a large white house and inspect the bridge next to it. The fox is at the end of that bridge section.
4 � The fox is in the Westbank Mill location in the northern part of the countryside, to the south of Fyer Dam. Check the small shed. The fox is hidden in the corner next to the wood.
5 � The fox is on the farm which can be visited only during A Trip to the Country main mission. Keep advancing in the mission until you reach a large barn with Sam defending himself inside of it. Don’t attack nearby gangsters, because killing them would transport you to the inside of the barn. Go past the enemies and find the fox inside one of the northern buildings.
6 � The fox is in the countryside, near Heaven’s Peak and Durham Pond. Look for the collectible in the crossroads.
7 � The fox is in the countryside, next to the twisty road leading to the top of Heaven’s Peak. There are some rocks next to the road with a fox graffiti on one of them. The actual fox is very close to the graffiti.
8 � The fox is in the countryside, to the east of Heaven’s Peak and to the north-west of the airport. Inspect a large Lost Heaven Airport billboard located next to the crossroads. The collectible is at its base.
9 � The fox is in the northern part of the countryside, to the east of Old Ford Bridge and to the north-west of Clark’s Motel. Find a hut next to the asphalt road. It has a fox graffiti and the collectible is inside.
10 � The fox is on the upper balcony of Clark’s Motel in the countryside. It’s best to obtain it while completing Ordinary Routine main mission, however you can also access the balcony in Free Ride mode.
11 � The fox is in the parking lot in front of the Lost Heaven International Airport. The collectible is in the bushes in one of the corners of the parking lot.
12 � The fox is on the western edge of Chinatown district. Find a white fence with a fox graffiti on it. You can climb this fence and the collectible is behind it in an area with a roof.
13 � The fox is in the central part of Chinatown, not far to the north-west from Biff’s place. Check a side alley – the fox is on the grond near a fence and a building wall.
14 � The fox is in the north-eastern corner of Chinatown district, next to a large intersection. Locate a brick wall with a fox graffiti painted on it. You must climb on the crates and then over the brick wall. The collectible is inside a small building in the newly accessed area.
15 � The fox is in the western part of the Little Italy district. Find a grey fence with a fox graffiti painted on it. You can climb the fence and discover the collectible in the new small area.
16 � The fox is in the northern part of the Little Italy district. Locate a brick wall with a fox graffiti on it. You can climb this wall. The fox is in the new area next to a scaffolding and a building wall.
17 � The fox is in Ralphie’s garage located behind Salieri’s bar. It’s next to a wall and a row of lockers.
18 � The fox is at the eastern edge of the Little Italy district, not far to the east from Salieri’s bar. You must find a brick wall with a Fresh Milk sign painted on it. Tommy can climb over this wall. The fox is in the corner.
19 � The fox can be found in the western part of the Works Quarter district, near the trolley depot. It’s next to one of the shorter buildings.
20 � The fox is in the central part of Works Quarter district. Find the fox graffiti on the brick wall – Tommy can climb this wall and reach a fenced off area with the collectible.
21 � The fox is in the central part of Works Quarter. Walk alongside the brick wall until you’ll encounter the fox graffiti. This is a sign you can climb this wall. The collectible is in this new area.
22 � The fox is found in the central part of the Works Quarter district. Find a grey fence and keep walking alongside it until you’ll find a fox graffiti. It’s a sign that you can climb the fence and reach a new area with the secret.
23 � The fox can be found in the south-western part of Works Quarter, to the east of Federal Customs Impound. Find a large red Free Delivery City Wide sign painted on the brick wall. Tommy can climb the wall here and reach a fenced off area. The fox is on the wooden boards.
24 � The fox is in the southern area of the Works Quarter district. Find a small wooden building – the collectible you’re looking for is inside.
25 � The fox is in the harbor in the Works Quarter district and can be only obtained during the You Lucky Bastard main mission. The collectible is on top of one of the cranes used by enemy snipers – you must kill the sniper and then use a ladder to climb the crane.

27 � The fox is inside the old prison and you can locate it only while completing the Election Campaign main mission. Pass through the main area of the prison to reach its tower. Before you head up the tower descend to its lower level to locate the secret.
28 � The fox can be found in the northern part of the Central Island district. Begin on a sidewalk located above the entrance to the West River Tunnel. Find a fox graffiti on a small brick wall – it tells you that you can climb over this wall in order to reach the secret area with the fox.
29 � The fox is in the Central district, not far to the north-east from the Moulton’s City Theater. Find wooden boards next to a fence – you can climb the boards and then reach a small roof next to a graffiti on the wall. The fox is by the chair on the roof.
30 � The fox is in the south-western part of the Central Island district, next to St. Peter’s Docks. You’ll find it on a small wooden pier by the water.
31 � The fox is at the base of the lighthouse located on the southern edge of the Central Island district. Use the spiraling stairs in order to reach the collectible.
32 � The fox is inside a small hut located by the water in the North Part district, not far to the west from Pepe’s Restaurant.
33 � The fox is in the North Part district, not far to the north from Morello’s bar. Find a fox graffiti on the wall – it tells you that you can climb the wall and reach a fenced off area with the collectible.
34 � The fox is in the North Park district next to Morello’s bar. Find a fox graffiti on one of the walls. There’s an alley next to it and that’s where you’ll find the secret.
35 � The fox is in the northern part of the Holbrook district, not far to the south-west from Salieri’s warehouse. Find a damaged part of the fence with a fox graffiti. It’s an indication that Tommy can climb the fence and the collectible is behind it.
36 � The fox is behind the Bertone’s Autoservice building located in North Park, next to Giuliani Bridge.
37 � The fox is located in the central part of the Downtown district. You’ll find it behind a large statue surrounded by a small fence.
38 � The fox can be found in the central part of Holbrook Park. You must find an acccessible building. Once you’re inside go to the opposite exit from the building. It leads to a small area with the collectible found on a destroyed chair.
39 � The fox is in the apartment complex which you’ve visited during the Bon appetit main mission in order to find Carlo. The collectible is at the end of an alley located between two buildings.
40 � The fox is on the eastern edge of the Holbrook district. Locate a place where Tommy can climb over the wall – you’ll recognize it by a fox graffiti. The collectible is hidden behind the wall.
41 � The fox is in the middle part of the Holbrook district. You must locate a damaged fragment of a grey fence with a fox graffiti painted nearby. Tommy can climb over the fence and locate a collectible hidden behind it.
42 � The fox is hidden next to St. Michael’s Church in Downtown. Walk alongside the western wall of the church to find the secret.
43 � The fox can be found in the south-eastern part of Downtown district, not far to the north from Giorgi’s Diner. Find the crates which Tommy can climb and after that climb over the brick wall. The secret is behind the wall.
44 � The fox can be found in the garden behind Tommy’s house located in the Oakwood district. The collectible can be found next to the wood supply.
45 � The fox is in the eastern part of Oakwood, not far to the north from Oakwood Church. The collectible is on the porch of one of the houses.
46 � The fox is in the middle part of a twisty rocky road connecting Oakwood and Beech Hill districts. Enter a small building located next to the road.
47 � The fox is in the western part of the Beech Hill district. You must climb the fence of one of the villas. Locate a shed in the garden marked with a fox graffiti. The collectible is next to the shed on a well.
48 � The fox is inside the proscecutor’s mansion in Beech Hill which can be explored only during Visiting Rich People main mission. The collectible is in one of the rooms on the upper floor. Make sure to pick it up before uncovering the safe behind one of the paitings.
49 � The fox is by the road leading to the lighthouse and located to the south of the Beech Hill district. You’ll find a small hut and the fox is next to it.
50 � The fox is located to the south of Downtown and Oakwood districts. Check the pedestrian path at the back of Giorgi’s Diner. In one of the areas you can jump over the balustrade to reach the fox on the rocks, near the bushes.