This details the different steps you need to take to see the different endings available for both the male and female protagonist routes.

Overview of Ending Branches
(NG+) It sounds like… “I don’t know”
It sounds like… (Party Member)
*New Game+ offers six different extra scenes for the true ending across the two protagonists.
Bad Ending
December 31
Ryoji will ask you to make up your mind.
> You must choose wisely…
ALTERNATIVELY (You can refuse the first prompt and accept on the second prompt)
> You must choose wisely…
True Ending
Ryoji will ask you to make up your mind. Refuse to kill him to progress the story.
> You must choose wisely…
March 5
If you achieve the true ending on your first playthrough, you will be given the default true ending, which has Aigis talking to you until everyone shows up. However, if you are on New Game+ and have romanced any of your party members during this playthrough by January 31, you will be given the added choice of picking one of them to show up early instead to talk to you.
For the male protagonist, the bonus choices are: Yukari, Fụuka, and Mitsuru.
For the female protagonist, the bonus choices are: Akihiko, Shinji, and Ken.
Male Protagonist
Female Protagonist