Welcome, here is a guide on how to get all achievements in Return to Monkey Island.
Note: This guide is a work in progress and will update later.
Story Related Achievements
All story related achievements are unmissable!

Started Part One
The first part of the story “Part I – A Friendly Place” will start right after completing the “Prelude – An Unexpected Story Begins”.

Started Part Two
The second part of the story “Part II – A Dangerous Journey” will start right after completing the “Part I – A Friendly Place”.

Started Part Three
The third part of the story “Part III – Return to Monkey Island” will start right after completing the “Part II – A Dangerous Journey”.

Started Part Four
The fourth part of the story “Part IV – Things Get Complicated” will start right after completing the “Part III – Return to Monkey Island”.

Started Part Five
The fifth part of the story “Part V” will start right after completing the “Part IV”.
Gameplay/Missable Achievements

Fulfilled Your Restroom Obligations
This achievement can be unlocked during the “Prelude – An Unexpected Story Begins” part of the story, while you are playing as Boybrush.
In order to get this achievement you will need to get the pegleg with the outhouse key item that’s hanging on the hook on the left wall inside of the Scurvy Dog shop.
Once you have the key, go outside and use it to unlock the door to the outhouse. Peel the slug off the floor and exit the outhouse. Afterwards, go back to the shop and place the pegleg with the outhouse key item back on it’s place on the hook.
As soon as the dialogue ends, the achievement should unlock.
Note: Picking up the pegleg with the key and placing it back on the hook without retrieving the slug from the outhouse will not unlock the achievement.

Shared Your Luck
This achievement can be unlocked during the “Prelude – An Unexpected Story Begins” part of the story, while you are playing as Boybrush.
In order to get this achievement you will need to advance with the story until reaching the park area and have your to do list updated by Dee. From there, go to the right side of area, on the grass patch with a sign where you will find the four-leaf clover.
Pick up the four-leaf clover and go on the dock of the little pond and use the four-leaf clover item on the duck that’s swimming around.
As soon as the duck gets its new look, the achievement will unlock.

Convinced Cobb To Tell You About LOOM
This achievement can be unlocked during the “Part I – A Friendly Place” part of the story, while you are playing as Guybrush.
After the failed attempt to bargain for finance with the new three Pirate Leaders, Guybrush will angrily exit the Scumm Bar into the Docks area.
Cobb will appear in the Scumm Bar only after you change the scene entirely. You can to this in 3 ways:
– go to the Lookout
– stroll along the Docks (near LeChuck’s ship)
– go to the Low Street area where you will meet Elaine (ehaust her dialogue options)
After going in any of the 3 areas, return to the Docks, enter the Scumm Bar and you will find there a new character: Cobb.
Say hi to him and then choose the following dialogue options:
1. Tell me about LOOM.
2. Then why don’t you take off the “Ask Me About Loom” button?
3. Oh, come on. Tell me about Loom. For old times’ sake.
4. Say It!
5. Saaayyyy it!
After finally getting him to tell you all about LOOM, the achievement will unlock.

Thoroughly Examined All Of Wally’s Stock
This achievement can be unlocked during the “Part I – A Friendly Place” part of the story, while you are playing as Guybrush.
For this achievement, you will need to be inside Wally’s shop: “Wally’s Maps-n-More”. You can get here only after Guybrush fails to board on LeChuck’s ship: after exhausting all the dialogue with the quartermaster and returning to the docks, a scripted event will play with the Voodoo Lady talking to Curator Conrad about Wally leaving the Chamber of Commerce Midnight Luncheon early. Only then, Wally’s shop will be open.
Once in the shop, you need to interact with all 18 maps, as shown in the screenshot below:
After interacting with all of the 18 maps, the achievement will unlock.

Freed Otis
This achievement can be unlocked during the “Part I – A Friendly Place” part of the story, while you are playing as Guybrush.
In order to get this achievement you will need to advance with the story until the failed attempt to bargain for finance with the new three Pirate Leaders. After Guybrush will angrily exit the Scumm Bar into the Docks, head towards LeChuck’s ship on the pier and interact with the quartermaster. After exhausting all the dialogue with her and returning to the docks, a scripted event will play with the Voodoo Lady talking to Curator Conrad about Wally leaving the Chamber of Commerce Midnight Luncheon early. Wally’s shop will now be open. Go inside Wally’s Maps-n-More and inspect the monocle. Now, you can get the monocle from its case.
Next, head to the Locke Smith’s shop in the High Street, interact with her and exhaust all her dialogue options regarding the making of a key. Exit the shop and enter the jail across the road. Here you will find Otis locked up in the cell on the right. Interact with him, exhaust all his dialogue options and then inspect the lock on cell’s door. Use the monocle on the lock in order magnify the code and obtain the serial number of the lock.
Return to the Locke Smith’s shop and give her the serial number in order to make a key.
Head back to the jail and use the key on the Otis’ cell door lock.
You will get the achievement once the door is unlocked and open.

Attempted To Steal The Cook’s Mop
This achievement can be unlocked during the “Part I – A Friendly Place” part of the story, while you are playing as Guybrush.
In order to get this achievement you will need to advance with the story until the failed attempt to bargain for finance with the new three Pirate Leaders. After Guybrush will angrily exit the Scumm Bar into the Docks, head towards LeChuck’s ship on the pier and interact with the quartermaster. After exhausting all the dialogue with her and returning to the docks, enter the Scumm Bar and go into the kitchen. Interact with the cook, exhaust all his dialogue options (sending you on the spiritual voyage to craft your own mop) and once again exit the Scumm Bar. Change the scene (e.g. by heading towards the Lookout point) in order to make the Fancy pirate (the nightmare customer) appear at a white table inside the Scumm Bar. Go into the kitchen and talk once again with the cook, exhausting all his dialogue options, learning that the cook needs a recipe in order to prepare a special meal. Exit the Scumm Bar, go into the Low Street and head inside the International House of Mojo. Exhaust all the dialogue options with the Voodoo Lady and inspect the frog on the table (to the bottom left side of the screen). Buy the apology frog and travel to the Governor’s Mansion.
After the insult swordfight ends, inspect the “Ingredients” by Barbie Leflay cookbook on the middle shelf of the bookcase and attempt to borrow it. Carla will not allow you to take the book as she expects an apology. You will need to write the apology on the frog that you picked earlier, but in order to find the right combination of words, you will need to inspect the plaque underneath Carla’s statue (Low Street) and the poster of Carla hanged in the Docks.
NOTE: Each information from these two items is randomized on each walkthrough, therefore you will have to find these for yourself!
Combine the State of the Art Pen item with the apology frog item and and select the proper dialogue choices. Return to Carla, give her the apology frog and now you can successfully borrow the cookbook.
With the cookbook item in your inventory, return to the cook and offer him the book.
Once the cook is busy preparing the meal, grab the mop and leave the kitchen and then exit the Scumm Bar. The cook will catch you right before exiting in short cinematic and the achievement will unlock.
Collected More Than Twenty Trivia Cards
To start your Trivia collection you will need to firstly get your hands on the Trivia Book that you can find within the Scumm Bar, on the table next to the pirates that are having a drink. When you pick up the Trivia Book you will automatically receive your first trivia card that you can answer straight away (question no.6 on the first page).
The Trivia cards are scattered all over the world and once they are picked up they will appear in the Trivia Book. There are not 100 cards to be found, but rather a couple of them that will respawn in certain spots after some amount of time. The cards will not contain the same questions if found in the exact same spot; they are always randomized from a pool of 100 questions. By holding the TAB button, the cards will be highlighted as well, making them more easily to spot.
For this achievement you only need to collect 20 or more trivia cards (you don’t have to answer them too in order to get this achievement).
Here are some possible card spawn locations:
- Scumm Bar
– in the kitchen, on the shelf, above the table
– in the kitchen, on the floor, under the left side of the table
– on the mini-docks, behind the wooden seagull
– under the leg of the chair in which the pirate woman sits (next to the barrel)
- The Docks
– on the street, on the right side of the Scumm Bar
– on a wooden box, under the basket, in the left side of the Scumm Bar
– on the path to the Lookout, on a rock
- Low Street
– under the window, on the exterior wall of Wally’s Maps-n-more shop
– in the middle of the street, right after entering the area
– International House of Mojo, underneath the drum set
- The pier (where LeChuck’s ship is stationed)
– on a wodden barrel, left to the quartermaster
– on a wodden barrel, right to the quartermaster (almost the middle of the pier)
– between the barrel and the rope, at the beginning of the pier
- Lookout
– next to the wooden railing, behind a rock
– on the right side of the stone arch, in a crack
- High Street
– left corner of the first brick house, where the old lady sits at the open window attic
– in the jail, behind the blackboard, between the two jail cells
– in the alley, between the two barrels
- Governer’s Mansion
– underneath the red carpet, on the 6th stair
– on the red couch
- Forest
– behind a tree, near it’s roots, to the right side of the screen
– on the ground, next to a carnivore plant
– on the ground, to the right side of the screen, near the exit to another path
- Museum
– on the ground, next to the sign that reads “Museum of Pirate Lore”
– in the storeroom, on the third shelf
- Shipyard
– on the wall, on the left side of Stan’s shop
Answering The Trivia Questions
Please keep in mind that answering a question wrong, will cause the card to disappear from your book and you need to “find” this question again. As stated previously, there are not 100 exact locations for the cards, but only a couple, in which the cards will respawn after a certain amount of time. In order to fully complete your Trivia Book you will need to find and correctly answer a total of 100 trivia cards.
The achievements are as it follows:
Trivia Go Getter
Answered Ten Trivia Questions Correctly
Trivia Master
Answered Twenty-Five Trivia Questions Correctly
Trivia Grand Master
Answered Fifty Trivia Questions Correctly
Trivia Lord
Answered Seventy-Five Trivia Questions Correctly
Trivia Overlord
Answered One Hundred Trivia Questions Correctly
The questions (and correct answers) are the following:
01. Q: The official name of the Voodoo Shop is…
A: The International House of Mojo
06. Q: In the back of the Scumm Bar is…
A: The kitchen
07. Q: Morgan LeFlay first appeared in:
A: Tales of Monkey Island
09. Q: Which of these ingredients is not needed to get to Monkey Island?
A: Yeast
10. Q: Wally’s shop is on:
A: Low Street
02. Q: In Monkey Island 2, who had a glass bottom ship?
A: Kate Capsize
04. Q: What word is the curator asking for when solving the crossword puzzle?
A: Pirate
10. Q: Guybrush often tries to distract people with the following:
A: Look behind you, a three headed monkey!
02. Q: David Fox started working at Lucasfilm Games in…
A: 1982
05. Q: How many dead pirates are in the abandoned camp on Terror Island?
A: Three
10. Q: The first game to use the SCUMM system:
A: Maniac Mansion
04. Q: The name of the sheriff in Monkey Island 1 was:
A: Shinetop
06. Q: Herman Toothrot first appeared in:
A: Secret of Monkey Island
07. Q: What type of cake isn’t Otis’ favorite?
A: Carrot cake
05. Q: What is carved into a tree on the beach on Monkey Island?
A: “L + E”
06. Q: How many windows are lit on the governor’s mansion?
A: Eighteen
09. Q: Flowers by the bench are…
A: Purple
05. Q: Which of the following books cannot be found on Carla’s bookshelf?
A: “Piracy for Dummies”
03. Q: What does Guybrush say when landing at an island?
A: Nothing
06. Q: How many crows are in the LeShip’s crow’s nest?
A: Zero
09. Q: Due to an outbreak of scurvy, all ships heading north of Scurvy Island are required to carry:
A: Limes
10. Q: Stan’s accountant is named:
A: Ned
04. Q: How many ship masts can be seen in the street with the sleeping pirate?
A: Three
10. Q: What cannot be found on the sea floor?
A: An old diving suit
06. Q: On the door of the outhouse is a…
A: Moon
07. Q: Chuckie’s friend is called:
A: Dee
10. Q: In the park there is a…
A: All of these
NOTE: These are the questions we discovered so far! We will update the questions as we gather the trivia cards.
More Guides:
- Return to Monkey Island: All Questions & Answers for Quizbook
- Return to Monkey Island: Speed Runner Walkthrough and Guide