A guide for the locations of all six cats for the side quest “Scavenger Hunt: Big Gay Al’s Big Gay Cats”. If I missed anything or there are any mistakes, let me know!
Note: Images are taken from this page.
Starting the Quest
Before you start, make sure you have unlocked Timefart Pause from the main quest “Medicinal Fried Fiasco” to get the cats, since they will immediately get scared and hide if you approach them. If you mess up and the cats manage to hide out of your sight, use Timefart Glitch to place them back into their original position.
This quest can be triggered on Day 2, when you head over to Big Gay Al’s House and see him standing outside, smoking a cigarette. Talk to him to start the quest. Another way to start it is to collect one of his cats beforehand.

Big Gay Kirby
Big Gay Kirby is located on top of the tree next to Bebe’s House. Use Snap N’ Pops to break the branch below the cat to make it fall down. Once the cat has landed onto the ground,
quickly activate Timefart Pause, then approach it to pick it up.
Big Gay Bono
Big Gay Bono is located on top of the tree next to the Fast Travel station by the South Park Church. Use Snap N’ Pops to break the branch below the cat to make it fall down. Once the cat has landed onto the ground,
quickly activate Timefart Pause, then approach it to pick it up.
Big Gay Shadow
Big Gay Shadow is located on the ground at the pathway between Main Street and the playground. Simply activate Timefart Pause, then approach the cat to pick it up.
Big Gay Loki
Big Gay Loki is located on the ground by the right of the South park Mall, next to a tool chest. Simply activate Timefart Pause, then approach the cat to pick it up.
Big Gay Bogie
Big Gay Bogie is located on the path leading to the Canadian Wall.
BEWARE: You get access in this area on Day 3, since at the previous days the road is blocked by a U-Stor-It truck.
To get there, you will need to stop the farmer in the Memberberry Farms from blocking your path first. Activate Timefart Pause, then drag the basket to block his path. Once the farmer has been stopped, proceed down the path, where you will see the cat perched on top of a tree. Use Snap N’ Pops to break the branch below the cat to make it fall down. Once the cat has landed onto the ground, activate Timefart Pause, then approach it to pick it up.

Big Gay Blossom
Big Gay Blossom is located on a plank at one of the upper floors of the SoDoSoPa ruins.
BEWARE: You get access in this area on Day 3, since it’s blocked by lava beforehand and you unlock it by passing through it during the main quest “The Hundred Hands of Chaos”.
You need to go up there by using Fartkour first, then head to the plank where the cat is located. This cat can be picked up straight away, Timefart Pause is not required to be activated at all.

Ending the Quest
Once all the cats have been caught, return to Big Gay Al and he will reward you with the Feline Costume and Snowcat Costume sets, and you will also be able to take a selfie with him. After this the quest will be complete!
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