Waste from Bolier, Dark Mana from Obelisk, and Energy (and gift) from Chest.
Then what is the circle prepared for us? ..wow, the spell.
The selected spell does not go away on reset, perfect.

First, did the Chest reset for the Gift.
Then did a 3-days-long run with Spell set :
1: Energy circle, Swamp ritual, Red flower.
2: Animal Instincts, Empty Skull, TIME CONTROL.
3: Key to the chest.
And do the boiler reset to swap Swamp ritual to Ark.
The flow of long run :
1. ~e1500 gem
Should create Dagons with Swap ritual.
Progress to e1500 gems, and give gift to lilith.
2. ~Billions waste
Plant Bubonic fungus (second mushroom) to reach Kelpies.
let your first bubonic rot away, then harvest other normally.
ive planted ~50 bubonic, to ~40 billion waste.
3. ~Ruby mushroom
Then build up drowner and plant Ruby mushroom (the fourth one).
Plant Bone mushroom (third) as many as you can meanwhile,
except 2 (or 3) essence for ruby mushroom.
4. ~7th spell
Now just have to long wait until the 7th spell (key or candle) affordable.
Around the end of run, each of source gives me :
1. Recycling Raw Mana: ~70 powder
2. Recycling Dark Mana: ~30 powder
3. Ark of the Drowned: ~70 powder
4. Candle spell: ~70 powder
If you have Contract R of Undead so can grow up ruby mushroom twice,
Ark spell isn’t a really necessary thing. additional ruby mushroom can cover it.
So can be done in one run. just select candle instead of key.
* It is good to check before the long run, how your prestige are strong.
like: select does spell and check you can buy 1 Gaal, to give the gift to Lilith.
This was my contracts set