Introduction and Guide Motivation
The game contains a number of collectable items to find:
- Flies
- Baby Spiders
- Ant Larvae
- Pollen Fragments
- Stickers
along with a number of secret areas to discover and different bug species to meet along the way.
While attempting to 100% Webbed for myself, I was surprised to find that a guide containing the full map with all areas unlocked, as well as detailing the loot available in each area did not exist. At the time, I was trying to collect all of the Baby Spiders and Pollen Fragments for the Babysitter and Prettiest Princess achievements, without eating a fly to satisfy the Virtuous achievement criteria. The game does not tell you how many of each type of loot are in each playable area until you have collected all of the loot in the area, nor does the game show playable areas on the map until you physically enter them, meaning you could have all of the collectables in the unlocked areas collected, but still not be at 100% due to hidden areas on the map.
In this guide, I will show a fully unlocked in game map with detail as to what collectables and other secrets are available in each playable area, as well as a video guide recommendation for unlocking 100% of the achievements in a single run.
Hopefully this guide helps you traverse the world of Webbed a little easier!


Other Secrets
Full Map, Area Distinction and Level Numbering

Above shows the full game map of Webbed with all areas unlocked. No areas of the map are obstructed by the sectioning or annotations – what you see is all there is!
You start the game on the right hand side of The Dunghill, but are quickly ushered to The Tree by scripted events. I thought it made sense to group the starting region in with the rest of The Dunghill as The Tree is a big enough area with enough going on already.
There are no collectables or secrets available to unlock in The Sky Bower, so i have not included a section with numbered levels for it in this guide. The only thing in The Sky Bower relevant from a completionist point of view is that you will encounter the Boyfriend Spider here, and completion will unlock both Together at Last and Flew the Coup achievements.
Please note: The numbering system I have used for the playable areas in the different regions is not necessarily the order you will come across them in your play through, but the order I thought made most sense.
The Tree

In The Tree there are as follows:
- 3/40 Baby Spiders
- 2 Stickers (Fly Sticker, #1 Mum Sticker)
- Moth, Big Fly, Mother Spider,Ants, Dung Beetle (after releasing the dung ball), Princess Bee (after delivering at least 20 Pollen to the Queen Bee but before launching the Balloon to The Sky Bower)
The Anthill

In The Anthill there are as follows:
- 18/18 Ant Larvae
- 2 Stickers (Gears Sticker, Ant Nurse Sticker)
- Nursery
- Ants
The Dunghill

In The Dunghill there are as follows:
- 29/48 Flies
- 4 Stickers (Boyfriend Sticker, Dung Sticker, Ogre Sticker, Spider-bot Sticker)
- Hat Button
- Ogre Spider, Spider-bot, Boyfriend Spider (after banishing The Bird)
The Canopy

In The Canopy there are as follows:
- 19/48 Flies
- 37/40 Baby Spiders
- 42/42 Pollen
- 4/4 Golden Webs
- 4 Stickers (Redback Sticker, Prettiest Princess Sticker, Skateboard Sticker, Rainbow Sticker)
- Redback Spider, Golden Orb Weaver Spider (location of last discovered Golden Web), Bees, Queen Bee
*If this is the location of the last Golden Web you found
Image Sources: Images used throughout this guide are taken from in game screenshots and edited by myself for the purposes of illustration in the guide.
Thanks to Sløwpøke for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.
More Guides:
- Webbed: Golden Orb Weaver Spider Locations
- Webbed: Ogre-Faced Spider Location
- Webbed: Robot Spider Location
- Webbed: Redback Spider Location
- Webbed: Manga-Kumoko Pack