This is a basic guide on Finding & Crafting the 50. Cal Machine gun.
Guide to Finding the 50. Cal Turret parts
To craft the 50.Cal you will need these following items
- Garage (You have to craft it)
- SUV (Can be found at junk Yards)
- Broken Machine gun
- Mounting Part
- 50. Cal ammo
The 50.Cal Turret
This is the Bandit camp you’ll approach, The turret sits on that watch tower to the left.
Mounting Part
This the road leading up to the bandit church. Be really careful when approaching this place, There’s alot of bandits here, You’ll want to be very careful taking them all out.
Front of the Church, Enter and go to the back left.
Room to the Left in the back.
Mounting Bracket on the shelf, Along with 50. Cal ammo in a storage locker (Ammo can be spawn randomly in lockers).
Ready to Craft 50. Cal Turret
Your SUV armed with the 50. Cal is ready to go! Raid bandit camps or shoot some zombies!
50. Cal Ammo
The only time you need the empty can is for when you craft the turret, So do save one for crafting your turret.