Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot The First Cases: Walkthrough & Achievement Guide

This is a walkthrough including all achievements. I was logging my actions as I was playing and unlocked all achievements in one playthrough. Some actions might seem confused or out of order, but I didn’t experience any technical difficulties reported by some players so it might be a good idea to follow them.

Inspecting all objects was always my first step in every location, usually in clockwise way.

Some achievements which require inspecting multiple objects are my rough guesses since there’s no tracking in the game and I’m unable to tell the exact requirements. However since I was able to unlock all achievements the walkthrough covers them anyway.

Objects to inspect are numbered.
Deductions in mind maps are shown in frames.

Choices don’t matter until the last chapter where you can fail the conversation and miss one achievement. In chapters 1-8 the the game will keep rolling back the dialogues until you get them right, in chapter 9 the game will progress and you will get a different ending.


Prologue – The Bracelet


Talk to Elizabeth (auto)

1. Muddy footprints
2. Waterlogged patch

[Investigate the grounds for evidence of an intrusion]
Link: (Muddy footprints) + (Waterlogged patch) = (Footprints from earlier)

Talk to Elizabeth

3. Open window  Room with a view 1/15 
4. Front door
5. Overgrown trellis
6. Flower bed
7. Bench carving
8. Wooden ladder
9. Side door
10. Overgrown grass
11. Quote on a plaque

[Investigate the grounds for evidence of an intrusion]
Link: (Side door) + (Front door) = (No forced entry)
Link: (Wooden ladder) + (Open window) = (No scaled access)
Link: (No scaled access)+(No forced entry) = (No unlawful entry to the house)

Talk to Elizabeth

[Investigate the grounds for evidence of an intrusion]
Link: (Intruder didn’t use the path) + (Intruder didn’t use the lawn) = (No unlawful access through the garden)
Link: (No unlawful access through the garden) + (No unlawful entry to the house) = (Possible inside job)

It wasn’t a burglary
Complete the 1st objective

Talk to Elizabeth

Ground floor

Talk to Cassandra

12. Auction crate
13. Telephone
14. Portrait of gentleman
15. Coat (Gold band)
16. Collection of books (Collection of classic novels)
17. Door (Lounge)
18. Door (Kitchen)

[Find out why Cassandra accused Florette so hastily]
Link: (Strange symbol) + (Quote on a plaque) = (Interest in Shakespeare)

Talk to Cassandra
Talk to Elizabeth

[Find out why Cassandra accused Florette so hastily]
Link: (Interest in Shakespeare) + (Elizabeth confirmed spare key) = (Hidden inside a Shakespeare book?)

Talk to Elizabeth


19. Book (Romeo & Juliet)
20. Door (Bathroom)
21. Missing painting

[Find out why Cassandra accused Florette so hastily]
Link: (Missing painting) + (Auction crate) = (Selling heirlooms)


Talk to Angeline

23. Jewelery box
24. Abandoned poker
25. Photograph of a gentleman
26. Broken glass
27. Open window  Room with a view 2/15 
28. Rectangular dust recess
29. Fireplace
30. Cleaning rag

[Investigate the crime scene]
Link: (Broken glass) + (Unprotected) = (Angeline replaced the photograph)
Link: (Abandoned poker) + (Open Window) = (Someone forced the window open from inside)

Talk to Angeline

Angeline Van den Bosch
Uncover a secret/memory from Angeline

Talk to Elizabeth


Talk to Florette

31. Personalised handkerchief  Work-life balance 1/23 

32. Wet parcel  Work-life balance 2/23 
33. Selection of pastries  Work-life balance 3/23 
34. Poker stand  Work-life balance 4/23 
35. Letter (Final demand)  Work-life balance 5/23 
36. Note (Note from Luc)  Work-life balance 6/23 

Luc Piette
You have uncovered a secret/memory from Luc

37. Wine bottle  Work-life balance 7/23 
38. Collection slip  Work-life balance 8/23 

Fine-toothed comb
Inspect all items in the prologue

[Find out why Cassandra accused Florette so hastily]
Link: (Final demand) + (Telephone) = (Financial responsibilities ignored)
Link: (Financial responsibilities ignored) + (Selling heirlooms) = (Cassandra is desperate for money)
Link: (Cassandra is desperate for money) + (Valuables are insured) = (Theft fits Cassandra’s insurance scam)

[Investigate the crime scene]
Link: (Personalised handkerchief) + (Cleaning rag) = (Insufficient clean-up)

[Confirm Florette’s innocence or guilt]
Link: (Collection slip) + (Address label) = (Parcel was collected from tailors)
Link: (Florette was dawdling) + (Parcel was collected from tailors) = (Florette was running an errand for Elizabeth)
Link: (Abandoned poker) + (Poker stand) = (Poker was moved)

Talk to Florette
Talk to Elizabeth

[Uncover Elizabeth’s secret]
Link: (Note from Luc) + (Bench carving) = (Elizabeth and Luc are courting)
Link: (Elizabeth and Luc are courting) + (Gold band) = (Elizabeth and Luc are betrothed)
Link: (Formal suit) + (Elizabeth and Luc are betrothed) = (Elizabeth and Luc plan to elope)

Talk to Elizabeth

Elizabeth Padget
Uncover a secret/memory from Elizabeth

[Confirm Florette’s innocence or guilt]
Link: (Florette was running an errand for Elizabeth) + (Cassandrea watched Florette after she returned) = (Florette had no opportunity)
Link: (Florette had no opportunity) + (Theft fits Cassandra’s insurance scam) = (Florette was scapegoated)

[Investigate the crime scene]
Link: (Angeline removed soot stain) + (Fallen soot) = (Angeline reached into the chimney)

Talk to Angeline

39. Fireplace

[Confirm Florette’s innocence or guilt]
Link: (Cassandra became aggressive with Florette) + (Cassandra previously mistreated Florette) = (Florette is mistreated by madame)

Little grey cells
Make 25 deductions

[Confirm Florette’s innocence or guilt]
Link: (Florette is mistreated by madame) + (Florette was scapegoated) = (Florette is innocent)

Talk to Florette

Florette Duval
You have uncovered a secret/memory from Florette

Talk to Cassandra (Understanding, Empathetic, Sympathetic)

40. Fireplace (in Angeline’s room)

[Investigate the crime scene]
Link: (Someone forced the window open from inside) + (Angeline stashed her keepsakes in the chimney) = (Angeline staged the burglary)

Talk to Elizabeth

The Bracelet
Complete the prologue

Chapter 1 – Blackmail

Go inside
Talk to Archibald (auto)

Main hall (ground floor)

1. Book (Welcome book)
2. Door (Salon)
3. Door (Dining room)

4. Telephone
5. Glass case (quill pen)
6. Fireplace
7. Glass case
8. Piano
9. Tag on vase
10. Painting  Exquisite artwork 1/9 
11. Door
12. Door

Talk to Zakariya

[Locate your rooom and get settled into your surroundings]
Link: (Archibald is stressed) + (Very few staff working) = (Archibald stressed due to lack of staff)
Link: (Locked dining room door) + (Locked salon door) = (Rooms for tonight’s event)
Link: (Rooms for tonight’s event) + (Staff are very busy) = (Staff too busy to assist)

Go upstairs

Main hall (first floor)

13. Letter (Receipt)
14. Painting (Valley)  Exquisite artwork 2/9 
15. Painting (Group of saints)  Exquisite artwork 3/9 
16. Painting (Sun)  Exquisite artwork 4/9 
17. Mounted animal head
18. Grandfather clock
19. Plant
20. All doors with locked access icon (all except the one between “Group of saints” painting and painting of the raising sun)
21. Try to go upstairs

Enter the only available room


22. Changing screen
23. Window  Room with a view 3/15 
24. Fireplace
25. Perfume bottles

[Locate your rooom and get settled into your surroundings]
Link: (Changing screen) + (Perfume bottles) = (Room prepared for female guest)
Link: (Room prepared for female guest) + (Archibald stressed due to lack of staff) = (Archibald misdirected me)

26. Cupboard
27. Luggage
28. Pillow

Leave the room
Talk to Gedeon
Go downstairs

[Find out what happened to Elizabeth, Florette and the Van den Bosch family since you last met.]
Link: (Receipt) + (Tag on vase) = (Family keeping up appearances)

Go upstairs
Talk to Gedeon
Go downstairs
Talk to Zakariya
Talk to Angeline

[Find out what happened to Elizabeth, Florette and the Van den Bosch family since you last met.]
Link: (Gedeon believes finances are in order) + (Family keeping up appearances) = (Family taking care of money now)

[Locate your rooom and get settled into your surroundings]
Link: (Group of saints) + (Plaques above doors) = (Seven saints assigned to rooms)
Link: (Seven saints assigned to rooms) + (Guests residing on 1st floor) = (One door missing)
Link: (One door missing) + (Zakariya says family holds a few secrets) = (House holds many secrets)

Go to Butler’s pantry (door on the right side next to a painting)

Butler’s pantry

28. Pots and pans  [Work-life balance 9/23] 
29. Cupboard  [Work-life balance 10/23] 

Talk to Elizabeth
Try to leave

30. Letter  [Work-life balance 11/23] 

[Consider the nature of the blackmail letters]
Link: (Quill pen) + (Handwritten) = (Letters possibly written in the house)

Talk to Elizabeth

31. House deeds  [Work-life balance 12/23] 

Go the the main hall
Talk to Angeline
Talk to Zakariya

[Consider the nature of the blackmail letters]
Link: (staff concerned for Angeline) + (Manage unaware of payment) = (Staff aware of blackmail)

[Find out what happened to Elizabeth, Florette and the Van den Bosch family since you last met.]
Link: (Luc passed away) + (Elizabeth hasn’t been herself) = (Elizabeth mourns for Luc)
Link: (Elizabeth upset Florette was dismissed) + (Elizabeth mourns for Luc) = (Elizabeth lost loved ones)

Go upstairs
Talk to Gedeon

[Find out what happened to Elizabeth, Florette and the Van den Bosch family since you last met.]
Link: (Angeline mindful of staff) + (Angeline guilty about dismissal) = (Angeline is trying to redeem herself)
Link: (Angeline is trying to redeem herself) + (Angeline tried to contact Florette) = (Angeline wanted to help Florette)

Go to the Northeast quarter (door next to the grandfather clock)

Northeast quarter

32. Plant
33. Luggage
34. Grandfather clock
35. Door
36. Door

[Locate your rooom and get settled into your surroundings]
Link: (Someone reciting a speech) + (Audible music) = (Some guests arrived already)

Go back to the first floor hall
Go to the Southeast quarter

Southeast quarter

47. Plant (ugly)
48. Luggage
49. Plant
50. Northern door
51. Southern door (next to the ugly plant)

Poirot’s room

52. Book (A piece of literature)
53. Window  Room with a view 4/15 
54. Fireplace

Talk to Elizabeth

[Consider the nature of the blackmail letters]
Link: (House deeds) + (Blackmailer wishes family to leave the manor) = (Blackmailer may want the house)
Link: (Staff aware of blackmail) + (House holds many secrets) = (House staff may know blackmail reason)

Talk to Elizabeth

The Blackmail
Complete chapter 1

Chapter 2 – The Altercation

Talk to the Major (auto). (Implicating, Agreeable, Antagonising)

Major Felix Hagen
Uncover a secret/memory from the Major

1. Pamphlet
2. Note (Staff rota)
3. Glass case (the same as in chapter 1, it can be inspected again)

Talk to Archibald
Go upstairs

First floor hall

4. Group of saints (you can inspect it again)  Exquisite artwork 5/9 

Go to the library


5. Book (top right corner of the room) (Compendium of saints)  Well-read 1/8 
6. Window  Room with a view 5/15 
7. Telescope
8. Globe
9. Glass case
10. Glass case
11. Collection of books (Collection of mystery novels)  Well-read 2/8 
12. Collection of books (Collection of romance novels)  Well-read 3/8 
13. Fireplace
14. Book (on a table next to Ernesto) (Thriller novel)  Well-read 4/8 
15. Collection of books (Collection of mystery novels)  Well-read 5/8 
16. Book (green table 1) (Mystery novel)  Well-read 6/8 
17. Book (green table 2) (Romance novel)  Well-read 7/8 
18. Book (green table 3) (Travel book)  Well-read 8/8 

Examine all books in the library

19. Note (green table 4) (List of travel destinations)

Talk to Ernesto
Talk to Jackie
Talk to Hugo

[Find out about the circumstances surrounding the altercation]
Link: (Gedeon had one of the major’s cigars) + (The Major wanted to calm down) = (Gedeon possibly stole a cigar)

[Meet the other guests and uncover their connections to the family.]
Link: (Jackie dismisses Hugo argument) + (Hugo resistant to elaborate) = (Hugo and Jackie argument seems significant)
Link: (Ernesto helped out the family) + (The Major supports the family) = (Family still need help)

Order and method
Make 50 deductions

Leave the library
Go downstairs
Go to the salon


20. Piano
21. Newspaper
22. Fireplace
23. Window  Room with a view 6/15 
24. Bottle

Talk to Zakariya
Talk to Margaux
Talk to Zakariya

[Meet the other guests and uncover their connections to the family.]
Link: (Bottle of alcohol) + (Zakariya is intoxicated) = (Zakariya enjoys a drink)
Link: (The Major supports the family) + (The major’s been around since the Viscount’s death) = (The Major is very close to the family)
Link: (The Major is very close to the family) + (Jackie’s blackmailer theory) = (The Major possibly involved in blackmail)

[Find out about the circumstances surrounding the altercation]
Link: (Brothers have a history with the Major) + (The Major doesn’t like Gedeon) = (The Major intended to warn Angeline)

Talk to Zakaryia
Talk to Margaux

[Meet the other guests and uncover their connections to the family.]
Link: (The Major didn’t treat Cassandra well)+(Margaux protective of Cassandra) = (Margaux dislikes the major)

Talk to Cassandra

[Find out about the circumstances surrounding the altercation]
Link: (Hastily-arranged marriage) + (Gedeon looking forward to family fortune) = (Potential financial intentions)

Leave to the ground floor hall

Ground floor hall

Talk to Archibald

[Find out about the circumstances surrounding the altercation]
Link: (The Major views the family as high-class) + (Differing status) = (Possible status drop)
Link: (Possible status drop) + (Potential financial intentions) = (The Major thinks Demirs are bad for the family)
Link: (The Major intended to warn Angeline) + (The Major thinks Demirs are bad for the family) = (The Major disapproves of the wedding)

Try to enter the Butler’s pantry, it will be locked.
Go back to the salon, talk to Cassandra and try again.

Butler’s pantry

25. Photograph (Staff photo)  Work-life balance 13/23 
26. Letter (Staff termination)  Work-life balance 14/23 

Talk to Inge

[Find out how staff members may be linked into recent events.]
Link: (Staff photo) + (Staff rota) = (Insufficient staff)
Link: (Insufficient staff) + (Staff termination) = (Recent staff layoffs)
Link: (Family taking care of the money now) + (Recent staff layoffs) = (Layoffs related to money issues)

Talk to Inge

[Meet the other guests and uncover their connections to the family.]
Link: (Layoffs related to money issues) + (Family still need help) = (Family struggling financially)

Leave the pantry

Ground floor hall

Talk to Archibald

[Find out how staff members may be linked into recent events.]
Link: (Forbidden areas of the house) + (Archibald claims unsatisfactory work) = (Archibald is hiding something)

Go to the salon


Talk to Cassandra

[Find out how staff members may be linked into recent events.]
Link: (Staff know family is hiding something) + (Cassandra dismissive of forbidden areas) = (Forbidden areas may hold secrets)

Leave, go upstairs, enter the library.


Talk to Ernesto

Leave, go downstairs

Ground floor hall

Talk to Archibald

The Altercation
Complete chapter 2

Chapter 3 – The Major

The Major’s study

Talk to Archibald (auto)

1. The Major’s corpse
2. Damp floor
3. Wallet
4. Ice bucket
5. Window  Room with a view 7/15 
6. Letter (Blackmail letter)
7. Dent in plaster
8. Safe
9. Burnt carpet

[Determine what happened prior to the Major’s murder.]
Link: (Sum of money) + (Jewellery box) = (Valuables not taken)
Link: (Valuables not taken) + (Second floor window) = (Not a simple burglary)
Link: (Damp floor) + (Remaining ice cubes) = (Bucket was overturned)
Link: (Bucket was overturned) + (Unrepaired) = (Evidence of a fight)

10. Door to the Major’s bedroom

[Determine what happened prior to the Major’s murder.]
Link: (Evidence of a fight) + (Logical entry point) = (Killer’s entry to the room was unobstructed)

Talk to Archibald

11. The Major’s jacket
12. Ashtray
13. Towel
14. Match box
15. Desk
16. Poker stand
17. Fireplace

[Deduce who may be responsible for the Major’s death and obtain the murder weapon.]
Link: (Burn mark) + (Half smoked cigar) = (Evidence of smoking)
Link: (Ring of dust) + (Mouldy logs) = (Room not cleaned)
Link: (Very tidy) + (Bucket was overturned) = (Crime scene was compromised)
Link: (Single stab wound) + (Missing knife) = (Potential murder weapon)
Link: (Clean) + (Crime scene was compromised) = (Poker was cleaned)

Talk to Archibald

[Deduce who may be responsible for the Major’s death and obtain the murder weapon.]
Link: (Empty) + (Unused) = (No fire source)
Link: (Evidence of smoking) + (No fire source) = (Someone lit the Major’s cigar)
Link: (Someone lit the Major’s cigar) + (Killer’s entry to the room was unobstructed) = (The Major knew his killer)

Truth from within
Make 75 deductions

[Deduce who may be responsible for the Major’s death and obtain the murder weapon.]
Link: (The Major knew his killer) + (Crime scene was compromised) = (Killer may still be in the building)

Talk to Archibald


18. Letter
19. Plant
20. Window  Room with a view 8/15 
21. Drawer
22. Hunting rifle
23. Mounted animal head
24. Note (Threatening letter)
25. Drinks globe

[Determine who in the house warrants cautious attention.]
Link: (Margaux protective of Cassandra) + (Close to Cassandra) = (Written by Margaux)
Link: (Hugo’s positive work is mentioned) + (Gedeon is a supported of the unions) = (Written by Gedeon)
Link: (Mention of helping the family) + (Ernesto supports the family) = (Possibly written by Ernesto)

Talk to Archibald

[Determine who in the house warrants cautious attention.]
Link: (Love for Cassandra mentioned) + (Cassandra has multiple admirers) = (Written by Ernesto)
Link: (Killer may still be in the building) + (Multiple guests threatened the major) = (Guests may be involved)

Talk to Archibald

The Major
Complete chapter 3

Chapter 4 – The Interrogations

Talk to Archibald (auto)

1. Piano
2. Bottle (Bottle of sherry)

Take a break
Stop for a refreshment during a key moment

3. Window (Probably not needed, but I’m putting it here just in case)

Talk to Zakariya
Talk to Hugo
Talk to Ernesto
Talk to Gedeon
Talk to Margaux
Talk to Jackie

[Interrogate the guests and confirm their alibis.]
Link: (Zakariya saw Gedeon and Margaux) + (Gedeon saw Margaux and Zakariya) = (Gedeon and Zakariya confirm each other’s alibis.)
Link: (Gedeon saw Margaux and Zakariya) + (Gedeon was present) = (Margaux and Gedeon confirm each other’s alibis.)
Link: (Zakariya went missing) + (Gedeon saw Margaux and Zakariya) = (Zakariya was briefly missing)
Link: (Spoke with Jackie and myself) + (Jackie was talking to Hugo) = (Jackie and Hugo confirm each other’s alibis.)
Link: (Argument between Hugo and Jackie) + (Ernesto was lurking in library) = (Jackie and Ernesto confirm each other’s alibis.)
Link: (Spoke with Jackie and myself) + (Ernesto was lurking in library) = (Hugo doesn’t mention Ernesto)

Talk to Zakariya
Talk to Hugo
Talk to Archibald

[Interrogate the guests and confirm their alibis.]
Link: (Zakariya’s absence covered by Archibald) + (Zakariya was briefly missing) = (Absent time accounted for by Archibald)
Link: (Hugo saw Ernesto briefly) + (Argument between Hugo and Jackie) = (Hugo and Ernesto confirm each other’s alibis.)

Talk to Zakariya
Talk to Hugo
Talk to Ernesto
Talk to Gedeon
Talk to Margaux
Talk to Jackie
Talk to Zakariya
Talk to Gedeon
Talk to Margaux (Flattering, Coercive)

Comtesse Margaux de Vos
Uncover a secret/memory from Margaux

[Continue your interrogations and determine likely motives.]
Link: (Gedeon feels detached from Zakariya) + (Zakariya resents Gedeon) = (Brothers are unlikely to cooperate)
Link: (Zakariya resents Gedeon) + (Zakariya is defensive of Gedeon) = (Zakariya’s conflicting attitude)
Link: (Hugo claims to have calmed down) + (Hugo’s frustration) = (Hugo lied about his temper)
Link: (Ernesto and Cassandra’s friendship) + (Cassandra more than a friend to Ernesto) = (Ernesto’s love is a well-kept secret)

Talk to Ernesto
Talk to Archibald

[Reach a conclusion based on what you have learnt so far.]
Link: (Hugo has dirt on the major) + (Jackie wants information from Hugo) = (Jackie pushing for dirt on the major)

Curious and beautiful
Make 100 deductions

[Reach a conclusion based on what you have learnt so far.]
Link: (Jackie claims Margaux is hiding something) + (Advice to the Major) = (Margaux’s motive – Protection?)
Link: (Gedeon hesitant to mention past with the Major) + (Gedeon wrote the letter) = (Gedeon’s motive – Retribution?)
Link: (Threat to the Major) + (Ernesto cares for Cassandra) = (Ernesto’s motive – Jealousy?)
Link: (Hugo, Ernesto, and Jackie confirm each other’s alibi’s.) + (Gedeon, Zakariya and Margaux alibis all confirm each other’s) = (All alibis confirmed)

Talk to Angeline (auto)

Jacqueline “Jackie” Conrad
You have uncovered a secret/memory from Jacqueline

[Reach a conclusion based on what you have learnt so far.]
Link: (Jackie pushing for dirt on the Major) + (Jackie bumped heads with the Major) = (Jackie seems suspicious)
Link: (All motives confirmed) + (All alibis confirmed) = (All guests are suspicious)
Link: (Guests have known each other for years) + (All guests are suspicious) = (Multiple guests may be responsible)

The Interrogations
Complete chapter 4

Chapter 5 – The Secret

Talk to Archibald
Talk to Angeline
Talk to Gedeon
Talk to Margaux

[Investigate the Major’s involvement with the blackmail]
Link: (Zakariya was shocked by the Major’s corpse) + (Zakariya was therapized after the war) = (Zakariya may have shellshock)
Link: (Angeline disputes the Major being the blackmailer) + (Angeline knew the Major well) = (Angeline attached to the Major)

Talk to Gedeon

Zakariya Demir
Uncover a secret/memory from Zakariya

Go to the garden


1. Faint footprints  Sunken secrets 1/5 
2. Expensive lighter  Sunken secrets 2/5 
3. Garden tools  Sunken secrets 3/5 
4. Milk bottles  Sunken secrets 4/5 
5. Fallen bird feeder  Sunken secrets 5/5 
6. Exit is impossible (Gate) – Don’t inspect this until you have found all the other items.

Sunken secrets
Inspect all items hidden in the snow

Go to the dining room

Dining room

7. Bust
8. Bust
9. Window  Room with a view 9/15 
10. Window  Room with a view 10/15 
11. Bust
12. Drinks globe

Talk to Cassandra
Go to the kitchen


13. Pots and pans  Work-life balance 15/23 
14. Cupboard  Work-life balance 16/23 
15. Mounted animal head  Work-life balance 17/23 

Talk to Rehana

Meet all characters in the game

Go back to the ground floor hall

[Investigate the Major’s involvement with the blackmail]
Link: (Cassandra believes the Major was the blackmailer) + (Angeline disputes the Major being the blackmailer) = (Conflicting opinions)

Talk to Angeline

[Investigate the Major’s involvement with the blackmail]
Link: (Gedeon paid it off) + (Cassandra wasn’t happy with the Major) = (Relationship ruined by blackmail?)

Talk to Angeline
Talk to Archibald


16. Letter (Loan)
17. Empty envelopes
18. Photograph (Torn photograph)
19. Sealed letter

[Investigate the Major’s involvement with the blackmail]
Link: (Large sum) + (Ransom value) = (The Major paid the blackmail ransom)
Link: (Angeline attached to the Major) + (Angeline and Cassandra) = (The Major cared about Cassandra and Angeline)
Link: (Cassandra and the Major’s relationship issues) + (The Major cared about Cassandra and Angeline) = (The Major faked the blackmail?)
Link: (The Major paid the blackmail ransom) + (The Major faked the blackmail?) = (The Major is innocent)

Leave the room

Second floor hall

Talk to Archibald (auto)

20. Telescope
21. Collection of books
22. Painting (moutain)  Exquisite artwork 6/9 
23. Painting (forest)  Exquisite artwork 7/9 
24. Painting (boat)  Exquisite artwork 8/9 
25. Painting  Exquisite artwork 9/9 

Exquisite artwork
Admire all paintings in the main hall

Go to Cassandra’s bedroom

Cassandra’s bedroom

26. Perfume bottles
27. Window  Room with a view 11/15 
28. Drawer
29. Fireplace
30. Bust

Talk to Cassandra
Leave the room
Go to the storeroom


31. Children’s toys
32. Grandfather clock
33. Book

[Investigate the Major’s relationship with the family]
Link: (Angeline and Cassandra) + (Cassandra claims the Major didn’t love her) = (The Major cared about Cassandra)
Link: (High interest rate) + (The Major resided with the family for a long time) = (The Major depends on Cassandra’s accommodation)

Leave the room
Go downstairs

First floor hall

Talk to Angeline

[Investigate the Major’s relationship with the family]
Link: (The Major returned after the Viscount’s death) + (Previous birthday gift) = (The Major was acting as a father figure to Angeline)

Go upstairs and to Cassandra’s bedroom

Cassandra’s bedroom

Talk to Cassandra

[Investigate the Major’s relationship with the family]
Link: (Cassandra has no romantic feelings towards the Major) + (The Major hasn’t helped the house financially) = (Cassandra cared about the Major)

Talk to Cassandra (Forceful, Suggestive, Forceful)

Cassandra Van Den Bosch
Uncover a secret/memory from Cassandra

Leave the room
Talk to Archibald

Chapter 6 – The Search

Talk to Archibald (auto)
Go to Margaux’s bedroom

Margaux’s bedroom

Talk to Margaux

1. Gramophone player
2. Book (Romance novel)
3. Plant
4. Window  Room with a view 12/15 
5. Package
6. First aid kit
7. Grandfather clock
8. Fireplace
9. Piano

Talk to Margaux
Leave the room

Jackie’s bedroom

Talk to Jackie

10. Window (probably not needed, it’s the same as in chapter 1)
11. Cluttered workstation (Jackie’s notebook)
12. Fireplace
13. Pocket knife
14. Cupboard
15. Newspaper (Stack of newspapers)
16. Gramophone player

Talk to Jackie
Leave the room

Angeline and Gedeon’s bedroom

17. Gedeon’s room is pristine
18. Drinks globe
19. Window  Room with a view 13/15 
20. Grandfather clock
21. Fireplace
22. Photograph (Photo of Gedeon and Zakariya)

Gedeon Demir
You have uncovered a secret/memory from Gedeon

23. Drawer

Leave the room
Go to the Major’s study

The Major’s study

24. Scrapped paper

What else did I miss?
Return to the scene of the crime, alone, for a 2nd time

Leave the room
Go downstairs
Talk to Inge

Rehana Piette
Uncover a secret/memory from Rehana

Go to Zakariya’s bedroom

Zakariya’s bedroom

Talk to Zakariya

25. Plant
26. Window  Room with a view 14/15 
27. Gramophone player
28. Ceremonial dagger
29. Fireplace
30. Cigarette butts

Talk to Zakariya

[Search the guest rooms for evidence of possible collusion]
Link: (Photo of Gedeon and Zakariya) + (Zakariya is hesitant to reconcile with Gedeon) = (Demir brothers unlikely to collaborate)

Leave the room

Hugo’s bedroom

31. Photograph (Hugo’s family photo)
32. Window  Room with a view 15/15 

Room with a view
Inspect every window in the game

33. Plant
34. Note (Scrapped paper)
35. Book (Hugo’s notebook)
36. Grandfather clock

[Search the guest rooms for evidence of possible collusion]
Link: (Jackie thinks Hugo was slow to react) + (Scrapped paper) = (Jackie unlikely to collaborate with Hugo)

Instinct is marvellous
Make 125 deductions

[Search the guest rooms for evidence of possible collusion]
Link: (Jackie unlikely to collaborate with Hugo) + (Hugo’s notebook) = (Hugo may collude with Ernesto)

Leave the room

Ernesto’s bedroom

Talk to Ernesto

37. Gramophone player
38. Letter opener
39. Letter (Partially-signed contract)
40. Fireplace
41. Letter (Blackmail letter)

Talk to Ernesto (Straightforward, Concerned)

Ernesto da Silva
You have uncovered a secret/memory from Ernesto

[Search the guest rooms for evidence of possible collusion]
Link: (Hugo may collude with Ernesto) + (Partially-signed contract) = (Hugo and Ernesto seem unlikely to collude)
Link: (Ernesto employed a servant from the Women’s Shelter) + (Hugo and Ernesto seem unlikely to collude) = (Ernesto may have asked Margaux for help)

[Investigate the blackmail]
Link: (Inge got the job from Margaux) + (Ernesto employed a servant from the Women’s Shelter) = (Margaux has a network of helpers)

Talk to Ernesto

[Search the guest rooms for evidence of possible collusion]
Link: (Archibald allowed Margaux to check the body) + (Margaux approached Ernesto to offer help) = (Margaux has links to several staff members)

Leave the room
Talk to Inge

[Uncover Inge’s involvement in recent affairs]
Link: (Inge previously prosecuted) + (Inge is following Margaux’s orders) = (Inge is assisting with thefts)
Link: (Inge is assisting with thefts) + (Archibald lost his key copy) = (Inge stole Archibald’s key)

Talk to Inge

Inge Frank
You have uncovered a secret/memory from Inge

[Uncover Inge’s involvement in recent affairs]
Link: (Inge accessed the safe) + (Inge stole Archibald’s key) = (Inge is trying to uncover secrets)
Link: (Inge knows of the hidden room) + (Inge is trying to uncover secrets) = (Van den Bosch secrets may be in the hidden room)

Talk to Inge

[Investigate the blackmail]
Link: (Margaux has links to several staff members) + (Van den Bosch secrets may be in the hidden room) = (Margaux is the blackmailer)

Talk to Angeline

The Search
Complete chapter 6

Chapter 7 – The Family

Leave the room
Go to the first floor hall
Talk to Elizabeth and Archibald (auto)
Go to the library


Talk to Hugo (Suggestive, Direct, Honest)

Hugo Beckers
You have uncovered a secret/memory from Hugo

Leave the room
Go downstairs
Go to staff quarters

Staff quarters

Make sure to inspect the abandoned clothes and luggage last as that will progress the story and you will be unable to inspect the rest of the objects.

1. Logs  Work-life balance 18/23 
2. Newspaper  Work-life balance 19/23 
3. Hammock  Work-life balance 20/23 
4. Cupboard  Work-life balance 21/23 
5. Luggage (Medal)  Work-life balance 22/23 
6. Abandoned clothes (Abandoned coat)  Work-life balance 23/23 

Work-life balance
Examine all items in the staff-related areas

[Dig deeper into Archibald and Rehana’s suspicious actions]
link: (The Major’s coat)+(Hugo saw the Major outside) = (Someone else wore Major’s coat)
link: (Rehana claims she took ice to the Major)+(Archibald staged the phone call) = (Staff covering for the real time of death)

Talk to Archibald
Talk to Inge
Talk to Rehana

[Dig deeper into Archibald and Rehana’s suspicious actions]
Link: (Worn-out boots) + (Madame pays the staff very little) = (Staff member’s boots)
Link: (Someone else wore Major’s coat) + (Staff member’s boots) = (A staff member impersonated the Major)
Link: (Rehana unsure about timing) + (Archibald forgot he took whiskey to the Major) = (Archibald and Rehana unsure of their stories)
Link: (Archibald and Rehana unsure of their stories) + (Staff covering for the real time of death) = (Archibald and Rehana fabricated the story)
Link: (A staff member impersonated the Major) + (Archibald and Rehana fabricated the story) = (Staff are hiding the truth)
Link: (Staff may be involved in the murder) + (Staff are hiding the truth) = (Staff are involved in the murder)

Exit the mind map, another one will unlock

[Conclude each staff member’s association to the murder]
Link: (Elizabeth mourns for Luc) + (Rehana distraught Luc passed away) = (Elizabeth and Rehana both grieve for Luc)
Link: (Elizabeth looked white coming downstairs) + (Staff are involved in the murder) = (Elizabeth found the body)
Link: (Elizabeth found the body) + (Rehana helped Elizabeth after coming downstairs) = (Rehana wasn’t seen after Elizabeth found the corpse)

Thinking of everything
Make 150 deductions

[Conclude each staff member’s association to the murder]
Link: (Rehana wasn’t seen after Elizabeth found the corpse) + (A staff member impersonated the Major) = (Rehana was covering for Elizabeth)
Link: (Rehana wasn’t seen after Elizabeth found the corpse) + (Archibald staged the phone call) = (Archibald was covering for a staff member)
Link: (Elizabeth found the body) + (Archibald was covering for a staff member) = (Archibald staged the phone call to cover for Elizabeth)
Link: (Inge feels disconnected from her peers) + (Staff are involved in the murder) = (Inge not involved in the murder)

[Investigate the murder]
Link: (Archibald staged the phone call to cover for Elizabeth) + (Rehana was covering for Elizabeth) = (Elizabeth is the murderer)

The Family
Complete chapter 7

Chapter 8 – The Truth

Leave the room
Go to the first floor hall
Go upstairs
Enter the storeroom
Talk to Archibald1. Detached saint carving

[Investigate Archibald’s suspicious behaviour]
Link: (Detached saint carving) + (Van den Bosch secrets ma be in the hidden room) = (Secret room accessible within Storage room)
Link: (Secret room accessible within Storage room) + (Archibald hid items related to the murder) = (Archibald hid items in secret room)

2. Inspect furniture (Grandfather clock)
3. Inspect furniture (Carpet)
4. Inspect furniture (Cupboard)

Visit all locations in the game

Secret room

5. Military knife
6. Letter (Viscount’s will)

Viscount Edwin Van Den Bosch
Uncover a secret/memory from the Viscount

7. Expensive lighter
8. Military service box

[Investigate Archibald’s suspicious behaviour]
Link: (Unrecognisable symbol) + (Rose engraving) = (Military lighter)
Link: (Military lighter) + (The Major’s lighter) = (Lighter from garden wasn’t the Major’s)
Link: (Blood stains) + (Potential murder weapon) = (The Major’s knife is the murder weapon)

Leave the room
Talk to Archibald

[Investigate Archibald’s suspicious behaviour]
Link: (Archibald was in the garden) + (Open window) = (Archibald collected something dropped from the window.)
Link: (Archibald collected something dropped from the window.) + (The Major’s knife is the murder weapon) = (Archibald dropped the knife out of the window)

Talk to Archibald

Archibald Sterling
Uncover a secret/memory from Archibald

Talk to Archibald

[Determine why Elizabeth killed the Major]
Link: (The Major paid the blackmail ransom) + (The Major killed prisoners of war) = (Major was being blackmailed over war crimes)
Link: (The Major was in a bad financial state) + (The Major is not receiving a pension) = (The Major was desperate for a well-paid job)
Link: (The Major was desperate for a well-paid job) + (Ernesto paid the Major well for his support) = (The Major needed to ensure the job was done)
Link: (The Major needed to ensure the job was done) + (The security attacked first) = (The Major ordered the attack at the strikes)
Link: (Luc died at the factory strike) + (The Major ordered the attack at the strikes) = (The Major’s orders led to Luc’s death)
Link: (The Major’s orders led to Luc’s death) + (Elizabeth is the murderer) = (Elizabeth was possibly seeking revenge)

Talk to Angeline and Elizabeth (auto)

[Investigate the murder]
Link: (Defensive strike) + (Elizabeth stabbed the Major when he wouldn’t let her go) = (Elizabeth killed the Major in self-defence)

Resolve the blackmail and murder cases completely

This is the last point when you can take a manual backup of your save. The next chapter is one long dialogue scene which lasts until the end of the game.

Talk to Elizabeth
Talk to Angeline

The Truth
Complete chapter 8

Chapter 9 – The Denouement

This chapter is one long dialogue scene in which you can actually fail the dialogues depending on your choices. You will be talking to four characters and your approach will determine the ending. Only one ending grants all the achievements. If you pick a wrong option and don’t have a backup save you’ll have to play the whole game from the beginning since there’s no chapter select.

Best ending:

  • Jackie: Accusing, Forceful, Disgust
  • Hugo: Direct, Sarcastic, Sympathetic
  • Ernesto: Direct, Straightforward, Assertive
  • Cassandra: Suggestive, Antagonising, Sympathetic

I like an audience
Complete the denouement

Probably the greatest detective in the world
Pass the denouement, flawlessly

The Denouement
Complete chapter 9

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