Whether you’re new or returning, this guide will focus entirely on the differences, advantages, and disadvantages between all of the class alongside their various race combinations.
As of now in Barony there are 21 different classes in total. 13 of them are in the base game, while 8 are tied to the two DLCs (which you should definitely get, they’re worth it!)
Standard Classes:
DLC Classes:
Class “Categories”
Keep in mind that EVERY class is capable of doing other things, it’s just that this is an easy way to categorize certain archetypes for new players to choose from.
Bruisers: Classes that either excel at being tanky or in-the-enemy’s-face with melee strikes.
- Barbarian [Fast & Aggressive]
- Warrior [Strong & Tanky]
- Wanderer [Tanky & Utility]
- Cleric [Tanky & Magic-Potential]
- Monk [Fast & Tanky]
- Shaman [Troll Form] (DLC)
Spellcasters: Classes which both start with and/or rely heavily on magical prowess throughout the game.
- Healer [Healing]
- Wizard [Extreme Offense]
- Arcanist [Balanced Offense]
- Sexton [Utility]
- Conjurer [Summoning] (DLC)
- Mesmer [Charming] (DLC)
- Shaman [Imp Form] (DLC)
Rangers: Classes that rely on physical ranged capabilities and speed to their advantage.
- Rogue [Ranged & Utility]
- Hunter [Extreme Ranged] (DLC)
Assassins: Classes where you rely on stealth, speed, and good melee damage to get powerful backstabs.
- Ninja [Extreme Stealth & Damage]
- Accursed [Stealth. Speed, & Magic. Cursed with affliction!] (DLC)
- Punisher [Stealth, Magic, & Utility] (DLC)
Wildcards: Classes which often have a particular gimmick that is not easily categorized with the four labels above.
- Merchant [Utility]
- Joker [Wildcard]
- Brewer [Potions & Damage] (DLC)
- Mechanist [Machines & Utility] (DLC)
- Shaman [Rat Form] (DLC)
- Shaman [Spider Form] (DLC)

They are the very first class you see in the menu, and strangely aren’t considered the easiest according to the developers. Regardless though, they are fairly easy to understand.
Official Difficulty NORMAL
Fun Rating: C+
Effectiveness: B
Starting Equipment
Iron Axe
Iron Mace – Effectively counters skeletons.
2x Bronze Tomahawk – Starting ranged option.
Leather Helm
Wooden Shield
2x Torches
Bottle of Booze – Slight heal and strength bonus while drunk.
Meat – Powerful food source.
Why you would choose Barbarian
The Barbarian is all about being fast and aggressive, smacking enemies in the face in melee as well as peppering from range when given the chance. They are actually fairly well rounded when it comes to dealing with enemies up-close or afar.
What Sets Barbarian Apart
- They are the only class that begins with both an iron axe & iron mace, being proficient in both of those weapon skills means that they can easily alternate between the two weapon types depending on the situation.
Stat Weights
STR: 63% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 57% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 35% (Natural Armor)
INT: 35% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 51% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 57% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Swimming: 25/100
Mace: 50/100
Axe: 50/100
Shield: 25/100
Unarmed: 20/100
Alchemy: 10/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
Due to having high STR and DEX, the Barbarian will be proficient with any melee or ranged weapon. Having low CON means they won’t be as tanky as other classes so will need to reply on their damage output. Low INT is obvious for a ‘Barbarian’, so offensive magic shouldn’t be prioritized even later into the game.
The starting skills of Barbarian reflect their nature of using a melee weapon alongside a shield effectively.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) The standard choice.
Skeleton: (EASIER) By avoiding magic you can use your MP as a second life.
Vampire: (HARDER) Vampire is usually better with magic users or assassins due to their play-style.
Succubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Limited to using cursed items.
Goatman: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Starts with extra booze but will still be difficult to find throughout the run.
Automaton: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Same as any non-mechanist class, rely on the scrap ability for extra food.
Incubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Similar to the Succubus but also reliant on casting due to using Arcane Mark.
Goblin: (EASIER) Leveling melee skills is much easier along with slower weapon degrade.
Insectoid: (NORMAL) A lot of utility-moves with the ability to eat rotten food.

The first beginner class you see in the menu. This is often the go-to for new players, as they are quite forgiving but still very fun.
Official Difficulty: BEGINNER
Fun Rating: B
Effectiveness: A-
Starting Equipment
Iron Spear
Iron Sword
Leather Helm
Iron Breastpiece
Leather Boots
Bronze Shield
Fish – Powerful food source.
Why you would choose Warrior
The Warrior can be seen as the ‘easier’ counterpart to the Barbarian. Instead of beginning with an axe & mace, the Warrior starts with the other two weapon types, the sword and polearm. Instead of the throwable tomahawk, they get the shortbow. Add onto that, they are extremely tanky and have the most melee damage potential of any class in the game. They are a very solid choice for players who just wanna poke and slice away.
What Sets Warrior Apart
- They are the only class that begins with both an iron spear & iron sword, being proficient in both of those weapon skills means that they can easily alternate between the two weapon types depending on the situation.
- They have the most starting armor equipment of any class in the game.
- They have the single highest STR growth in the game, meaning they have the potential to deal the most melee damage.
Stat Weights
STR: 70% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 36% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 65% (Natural Armor)
INT: 26% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 36% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 65% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Leader: 40/100
Ranged: 25/100
Sword: 50/100
Polearm: 50/100
Shield: 50/100
Unarmed: 10/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
Astronomically high STR and CON means that the Warrior will be an insane tank who can dish out heavy punishment up close. This comes with a trade-off though, as unlike the Barbarian, the Warrior has even less wiggle-room in their stat growth to try other things. They are the single worst class in the game for magic, and their DEX is also quite low, meaning ranged should only be a last resort.
Along with having good sword and polearm skills, the Warrior starts with high enough leadership to start utilizing powerful allies once recruited.
Race Recommendations
Human: (EASIER) Beneficial due to being able to recruit stronger human allies early on in the game.
Skeleton: (EASIER) By avoiding magic you can use your MP as a second life.
Vampire: (MUCH HARDER) Vampire is usually better with magic users or assassins due to their play-style.
Succubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Limited to using cursed items.
Goatman: (HARDER) No extra starting booze.
Automaton: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food. They also get the same privileges as humans with the ability to recruit other strong humans.
Incubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Similar to the Succubus but also reliant on casting due to using Arcane Mark.
Goblin: (EASIER) Leveling melee skills is much easier along with slower weapon degrade. Goblin allies are also abundant in later stages to make use of leadership.
Insectoid: (NORMAL) A lot of utility-moves with the ability to eat rotten food.

A very frail caster who begins with various spells and tools in order to heal the party.
Official Difficulty: NORMAL
Fun Rating: C
Effectiveness: B
Starting Equipment
Magical Staff of Slow – Doesn’t do damage but slows enemies.
Phrygian Hat – Useless, drop to save weight.
Healer Doublet – Useless, drop to save weight.
Cloak – Useless, drop to save weight.
Spellbook of Healing
Spellbook of Cure Ailment
x3 Potion of Extra Healing – Extreme potions that can heal you to from zero to full.
x3 Towel – Give to allies to stop bleeding.
x2 Apple
x2 Fish – Powerful food source.
Why you would choose Healer
If going with a group, you will be loved by your friends and allies by offering extremely useful early heals. Not only that, but eventually you can grow to become an offensive caster if given enough time to grow. Solo is a bit more difficult but once you find some NPC allies you can heal them as well.
What Sets Healer Apart
- They are the only class that begins with the Heal & Cure Ailment books.
Stat Weights
STR: 43% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 43% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 50% (Natural Armor)
INT: 62% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 57% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 43% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Swimming: 25/100
Casting: 50/100
Magic: 25/100
Polearm: 25/100
Alchemy: 30/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
The Healer has surprisingly balanced stat growth, with a bit of skew towards INT and CON, which makes sense as the healer of the group should be proficient in both magic and survivability.
The starting alchemy bonus means that potions will be more effective when used by you. Low magic but high casting means that you can start using spells rapidly but will need to wait longer before you can learn more powerful abilities.
Race Recommendations
Human: (EASIER) Being able to recruit human allies early on can help give you a wall between you and enemies.
Skeleton: (MUCH HARDER) Slow MP regen means that using magic will cripple your ability to heal mid-game.
Vampire: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Vampires are good casters but also rely on stealth and offensive magic to obtain blood.
Succubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Limited to using cursed items. Can use polymorph to get human meat-shields(allies) early on.
Goatman: (EASIER) No need to drink booze at all since Cure Ailment gets rid of the hangover! Because of this, you can save booze for recruiting human & goblin allies.
Automaton: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food. They also get the same privileges as humans with the ability to recruit other strong humans.
Incubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Similar to the Succubus but can utilize Arcane Mark due to good casting.
Goblin: (HARDER) Lack of spell knowledge means that you will need to manage your books carefully so as to not let them burn out.
Insectoid: (EASIER) Any type of food turns into energy which turns into heals. The more food you have, the more you can spam healing rapidly.

The first dexterity-focused class with an emphasis on ranged combat, stealth, and utility.
Official Difficulty: HARD (Should be NORMAL in my opinion.)
Fun Rating: A-
Effectiveness: A
Starting Equipment
Bronze Sword – Use swords for assassinations.
Hood – Useless, drop to save weight.
Leather Breastpiece – IMHO you should drop this to move faster and more freely.
Leather Gloves
Cloak – Useless, drop to save weight.
3x Potion of Sickness – Throw these to weaken & poison high value targets
3x Lockpick
Why you would choose Rogue
While the developers classify the Rogue as being ‘hard’, that couldn’t be further from the truth in my opinion. The Rogue is easily one of the better classes to try out early on because they have multiple safe and ranged tools at their disposal to deal with enemies. Add onto the fact that they start decent appraisal, means you’ll spend less time identifying items and more time playing the game and having fun early on!
What Sets Rogue Apart
- They are one of 5 classes (and one of 2 without DLC) to start with some kind of appraisal skill, making their early game much more bearable.
- They are tied with the Hunter for having the highest DEX & PER growth in the game. Because of this, they have the highest DEX & PER growth of all non-DLC classes.
Stat Weights
STR: 36% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 70% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 26% (Natural Armor)
INT: 36% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 70% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 59% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Tinkering: 40/100
Stealth: 50/100
Appraise: 25/100
Ranged: 25/100
Sword: 25/100
Alchemy: 20/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
The Rogue trades away a massive amount of tankiness and magical prowess in exchange for some of the best ranged setups in the entire game. With how good you’ll become with a bow, you won’t need to rely on anything else eventually aside from the occasional stealth assassination.
Like I said before, having a high Appraise skill means that early game item-collecting will be much more comfortable, as you’ll be able to know what to drop or keep almost immediately. No more holding onto 6 different unidentified iron helmets for several minutes.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) Standard.
Skeleton: (EASIER) By avoiding magic you can use your MP as a second life.
Vampire: (NORMAL) Vampire can make use of the Rogue’s stealth abilities to rack up assassinations and thus a healthy amount of blood.
Succubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Limited to using cursed items.
Goatman: (HARDER) No extra starting booze.
Automaton: (EASIER) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food. In addition- due to having skills in tinkering as well as starting lockpicks, you can unlock chests to find bonus scrap and keep your boiler humming.
Incubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Similar to the Succubus but also reliant on casting due to using Arcane Mark. You can use the mark sparingly in order to become more effective against certain enemies with your bow.
Goblin: (NORMAL) Since you’re mostly ranged, your melee bonuses won’t see too much use. The extra durability of your bows will certainly help however.
Insectoid: (NORMAL) A lot of utility-moves with the ability to eat rotten food.

A rather unpopular ‘survivalist’ class due to being very niche with no clearly defined role. Regardless, they are quite fun and worth a try.
Official Difficulty: NORMAL
Fun Rating: B
Effectiveness: B-
Starting Equipment
Hood – Useless, drop to save weight.
Blessed +1 Leather Boots
Cloak – Useless, drop to save weight.
Lantern – Powerful light source.
Tin Opener – To open tin cans.
Towel – To wipe your hands clean after eating a tin or to stop bleeding.
2x Bread
Fish – Powerful food source.
2x Tin – Powerful food source, requires tin opener.
Why you would choose Wanderer
If you’ve ever had trouble starving to death or lacking light sources, the wanderer fixes both of those issues. They come with multiple ways of lighting the path as well as several powerful food sources. Other than that, they are a nice generalist.
What Sets Wanderer Apart
- They are the only class that begins with a tin opener and a towel, allowing them to make use of tin cans instantly.
Stat Weights
STR: 57% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 50% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 57% (Natural Armor)
INT: 43% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 57% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 35% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Stealth: 25/100
Trading: 25/100
Swimming: 50/100
Ranged: 25/100
Polearm: 25/100
Unarmed: 10/100
Alchemy: 30/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
The Wanderer comes with fairly balanced stat growth across the board, with the exception being CHR- which isn’t an issue at all because it’s the least useful stat.
The starting skills are also fairly balanced, with swimming being a highlight to allow for quick movement through water early on. Other than that though, the Wanderer is fairly vanilla and basic, perfect for whatever the player wants to build them as.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) Standard.
Skeleton: (NORMAL) By avoiding magic you can use your MP as a second life.
Vampire: (NORMAL) A Vampire Wanderer can utilize stealth and inherent abilities to get blood and become stronger.
Succubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Limited to using cursed items.
Goatman: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) No extra starting booze, and also the tin opener is irrelevant since the Goatman doesn’t need it.
Automaton: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food.
Incubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Similar to the Succubus but more reliant on casting to use Arcane Mark.
Goblin: (NORMAL) Leveling melee skills is much easier along with slower weapon AND tool degradation.
Insectoid: (EASIER) The high amount of starting food means the Insectoid can use their abilities and spells liberally early on.

The only other beginner class in the game, focusing on a mix of utility and adaptability while being fairly tanky.
Official Difficulty: BEGINNER
Fun Rating: B
Effectiveness: B+
Starting Equipment
Blessed +1 Iron Mace – Effectively counters skeletons.
Leather Breastpiece
Blessed +1 Iron Bracers
Cloak – Useless, drop to save weight.
Wooden Shield
2x Potion of Healing
3x Scroll of Summon – Useful for spawning allies in a pinch!
Why you would choose Cleric
While the Warrior can be considered the generally easier class throughout the game, the Cleric specializes at being extremely useful in the first zone of the game due to the abundance of skeletons (Who are VERY weak to maces!) This allows players to build up their strength and make it through the mid & late stages of the game. Also compared to the Warrior, they can build up to be a tanky spellcaster later in the game.
What Sets Cleric Apart
- They are the only class that begins with Scrolls of Summon, allowing them to have relatively weak but instant/plentiful allies in the beginning of the game.
Stat Weights
STR: 50% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 35% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 56% (Natural Armor)
INT: 56% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 50% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 50% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Swimming: 25/100
Leader: 20/100
Casting: 25/100
Magic: 25/100
Mace: 25/100
Alchemy: 20/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
The Cleric has most of their stats being fairly balanced, with the exception of low DEX meaning bows will generally not be their strong-suit. However, high amounts of CON and INT means the Cleric can essentially become a tanky mage later on in the game, fixing the issue of range.
The starting magic and casting skills contribute to the idea that the Cleric can grow to become a fairly decent spellcaster.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) Standard.
Skeleton: (NORMAL) You can either choose to save MP by not using magic for that extra life, or opt for a magic build, either way it’s your choice and there aren’t too many downsides.
Vampire: (NORMAL) While you won’t be too much of an assassin, your skill in magic will allow you to more-easily cast Bloodletting, leading to enemies dropping the oh-so important blood vials.
Succubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Limited to using cursed items.
Goatman: (HARDER) No extra starting booze.
Automaton: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food.
Incubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Similar to the Succubus but can use Arcane Mark to cancel out resistances.
Goblin: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Leveling melee skills is much easier along with slower weapon AND tool degradation. Slightly tougher time using magic since you need to hold the books out, limiting shield potential.
Insectoid: (NORMAL) A lot of utility-moves with the ability to eat rotten food.

This is the first class that on-paper is seemingly not designed for combat. The merchant is certainly an interesting class to start with in the sense that they don’t have a lot of offensive capability, however they’ve got all the tools they need to start thriving quickly.
Official Difficulty: HARD
Fun Rating: A
Effectiveness: B+
Starting Equipment
Bronze Axe
Phrygian Hat – Useless, drop to save weight.
Glasses – Increases PER, meaning faster early appraisal.
Leather Breastpiece – Recommended dropping to gain a lot of speed.
Leather Gloves
Pickaxe – Used to break walls.
Scroll of Remove Curse
Meat – Powerful food source.
Why you would choose Merchant
The merchant is definitely the kind of character you want to play when you’re more experienced with the game, as they don’t have a lot of combat ability to begin with. Their play-style revolves around ramping up their capabilities extremely fast early on due to their starting skills.
What Sets Merchant Apart
- They are one of 5 classes (and one of 2 without DLC) to start with some kind of appraisal skill, making their early game much more bearable. The Merchant also has the highest starting appraisal in the game.
- The Merchant starts with the most gold of any class.
- They are tied with one other class in having the highest CHR growth in the game.
- They are the only class in the game to begin glasses, further increasing their appraisal to lightning speeds.
- They are the only class in the game to begin with a Pickaxe, meaning they can access walled-off areas earlier than most.
- They are the only class in the game to start with a Scroll of Remove Curse, meaning if you find something rare early on but it’s cursed, you can remove the curse and gain the item’s positive effects. One-time use though.
Stat Weights
STR: 43% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 35% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 51% (Natural Armor)
INT: 43% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 57% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 67% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Trading: 20/100
Appraise: 50/100
Leader: 20/100
Axe: 25/100
Alchemy: 20/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
Unfortunately since CHR is their highest stat, they lack other combat-related growth and thus you can pretty much spec into what you feel comfortable with.
Adding onto that, your starting skills will nudge you in the direction of interacting with shopkeepers early due to having high amounts of starting gold. Use your CHR, Trading, and extra gold to essentially “build” your kit. This can be great as some shopkeepers can sell valuable items early on.
Race Recommendations
UNIVERSAL: Remember to keep in mind, all non-human classes begin with some polymorph potions to temporarily turn you into a human for trading with shopkeepers!
Human: (NORMAL) Standard, much simpler due to being aligned with other humans and shopkeepers.
Skeleton: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Saving MP for that extra life can make a huge difference when playing a weak early class like the Merchant.
Vampire: (HARDER) Getting early blood vials might be a pain with your low stats and equipment.
Succubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Limited to using cursed items. Thankfully you can throw away your Scroll of Remove Curse as it no longer has a use for this class.
Goatman: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) No extra starting booze, but potion shopkeepers may have it in abundance.
Automaton: (EASIER) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food. A far easier time utilizing scrap since you can appraise junk early on and buy extra tools from shopkeepers. If you buy a tinkering kit from a hardware store, you may now become a discount merchanist!
Incubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Similar to the Succubus but reliant on casting to use Arcane Mark.
Goblin: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Due to their strengths and limitations, you’ll often be pushed into a physical build, but have good opportunities for Goblin allies in the second zone.
Insectoid: (NORMAL) A lot of utility-moves with the ability to eat rotten food.

Ah, the Wizard. The true noob-trap of this game. Despite the developers tagging this class as ‘hard’, it seems to be a magnet for new players who think that they are extremely powerful until they die horrible deaths very early on. Granted- yes the Wizard is powerful, but experience is required to survive & excel in the early game.
Official Difficulty: HARD
Fun Rating: A-
Effectiveness: A
Starting Equipment
Magical Staff of Light – If wanting to level stealth, burn & get rid of the staff in the starting room.
Wizard Hat – IMPORTANT, increases INT by +1.
Wizard Doublet – Useless, drop to save weight.
Leather Boots
Cloak of Protection
Amulet of Magic Reflection – Perfect for fighting lightning-gnomes early on.
Spellbook of Fireball – High damaging burn spell.
Spellbook of Cold – Medium damaging crowd-control spell.
Spellbook of Light – Provides constant light at the cost of some mana regen.
Potion of Restore Magic
Why you would choose Wizard
Once you have the basics of the game mastered, the Wizard is perfect for anyone who wants to be a pure spellcaster. While you can still use other weapons and methods, the Wizard is extremely adept at scaling into the late game with magic as their primary damage source. Keep note that early on you will want to use a variety of mixed attack methods to conserve mana and not be wasteful.
What Sets Wizard Apart
- The Wizard has the single highest INT growth in the game, meaning they have the potential to deal the most magic damage.
- They are the only class in the game to begin with a Wizard Hat as well as an Amulet of Magic Reflection, reaffirming their strength when it comes to magical battles.
- They are the only spellcaster who begins with the Fireball spell.
Stat Weights
STR: 26% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 44% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 36% (Natural Armor)
INT: 69% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 64% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 35% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Casting: 50/100
Magic: 50/100
Polearm: 25/100
Alchemy: 10/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
The trade-off of the Wizard having maximum INT growth means that they unfortunately are tied with one other class in having the worst STR growth in the game. Other than that though, they actually have a decent amount of DEX and thus can use bows quite effectively in a pinch when low on mana.
The starting skill variety is also lacking to make up for the fact that the Wizard begins with a whopping 50 casting & magic! This means regen and spell-learning potential will be very high early on.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) Standard.
Skeleton: (WARNING: EXTREME) The 75% mana regen reduction is rough for a Skeleton Wizard, avoid unless you’re doing a challenge run.
Vampire: (EASIER) Being good at spellcasting means more bloodletting and thus, blood vial drops. On top of that, the Vampire has the levitation spell to assist with magic training as well as sustained mobility.
Succubus: (NORMAL) Limited to using cursed items. Can equip an amulet of strangulation to trade health for mana.
Goatman: (HARDER) No extra starting booze. Being drunk causes a huge loss of INT in exchange for STR.
Automaton: (NORMAL) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food. Casting Scrap is a little easier due to casting knowledge. Scrolls of fire can max out your heat/mana instantly, making this a fairly good choice!
Incubus: (EASIER) Similar to the Succubus but can use Arcane Mark to cancel out resistances- especially good for magic resistant enemies in the later stages.
Goblin: (HARDER) The fact that Goblins cannot remember spells means you’ll have to make due with the books you have. Because of this, your loadout will constantly be changing as you pick up books to replaced the ones that burn up with use. Honestly quite fun if you like an extra challenge.
Insectoid: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) The ability to restore your ‘mana’ using food becomes especially good later on, but forces you to be conservative early on as you don’t regenerate it naturally as an Insectoid.

It’s weird, many people ignore the Arcanist at first because the name isn’t immediately identifiable like the Wizard. In my humble opinion, ALL new players should be gravitating toward the Arcanist instead of the Wizard when learning the game, as the tools you have at the start are much more forgiving and useful.
Official Difficulty: NORMAL
Fun Rating: B+
Effectiveness: B+
Starting Equipment
Iron Sword
Magic Staff of Opening – Can unlock door, chests, AND iron bar gates.
Hood – Useless, drop to save weight.
Leather Breastpiece – IMHO you should drop this to move faster and more freely.
Leather Boots
Cloak – Useless, drop to save weight.
Spellbook of Forcebolt – Basic damaging spell.
Spellbook of Light – Provides constant light at the cost of some mana regen.
Why you would choose Arcanist
The main reason you would choose Arcanist over Wizard, especially for new players, is the adaptability of this class. The Arcanist starts from the get-go with a melee, ranged, and magical damaging ability. You simply have much more freedom as well as survivability to get to that late-game magic scaling while at the same time being proficient in other weapons too.
What Sets Arcanist Apart
- They are the only spellcaster who begins with the Forcebolt spell.
Stat Weights
STR: 35% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 64% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 35% (Natural Armor)
INT: 64% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 64% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 35% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Tinkering: 25/100
Stealth: 25/100
Casting: 50/100
Magic: 25/100
Ranged: 25/100
Sword: 25/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
As you can see, the Arcanist has pretty balanced stat growth for a spellcaster. His DEX matches his INT meaning you can be just as good with bows as you are with magic. While the STR and CON are low, you can still be okay with your sword as a third option.
The starting skills reflect this, giving you an edge in each avenue of attack.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) Standard.
Skeleton: (MUCH HARDER) The 75% mana regen reduction is rough for a Skeleton Arcanist, but not as insane as the Wizard as you can still rely on bow damage for the most part.
Vampire: (EASIER) Being good at spellcasting means more bloodletting and thus, blood vial drops. On top of that, the Vampire has the levitation spell to assist with magic training as well as sustained mobility.
Succubus: (NORMAL) Limited to using cursed items. Can equip an amulet of strangulation to trade health for mana.
Goatman: (HARDER) No extra starting booze. Being drunk causes a huge loss of INT in exchange for STR.
Automaton: (NORMAL) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food. Casting Scrap is a little easier due to casting knowledge. Scrolls of fire can max out your heat/mana instantly, making this a fairly good choice!
Incubus: (EASIER) Similar to the Succubus but can use Arcane Mark to cancel out resistances- especially good for magic resistant enemies in the later stages.
Goblin: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) The fact that Goblins cannot remember spells means you’ll have to make due with the books you have. Because of this, your loadout will constantly be changing as you pick up books to replaced the ones that burn up with use. Like the Skeleton, this is alleviated a bit by falling back on the bow.
Insectoid: (NORMAL) The ability to restore your ‘mana’ using food becomes especially good later on, but forces you to be conservative early on as you don’t regenerate it naturally as an Insectoid. Again like the Skeleton & Goblin, you can rely on the bow for early game support.

The definition of wildcard. You can try this class if you’re new and want to be funni reddit gamer.
Official Difficulty: EXTREME (Should be “HARD” in my opinion.)
Fun Rating: WE LIVE IN A
Effectiveness: SOCIETY
Starting Equipment
Jester’s Hat – Increases CHR +1.
Blindfold – Put these on to appraise spellbooks instantly, protects from being cursed too!
Ring of Levitation – You can now fly from the beginning of the game, enjoy.
Scroll of Food (Unidentified) – Provides an assortment of fresh food.
3x Scroll of Teleportation – Teleports the player to a random spot on the map.
Spellbook of Confuse – Tricks an enemy into being a TEMPORARY ally.
2x Fish – Powerful food source.
Luckstone (Unidentified) – Simply by having this in your inventory, your weight will be lowered.
Why you would choose Joker
How about another joke, Murray?
What Sets the Joker Apart
- They are the only class that begins with a Jester’s Hat. (Wow so amazing!)
- They are the only class that begins with permanent levitation in the form of a ring.
- They are the only class that begins with a Scroll of Food for easy munching.
- They are the only memecaster who begins with the Confuse spell.
- They are the only class that begins with a luckstone to reduce weight.
- Playing this class will make you want to speedrun and also hate women for no reason.
Stat Weights
ALL: 50%
Starting Skill Points
Tinkering: 25/100
Trading: 25/100
Leader: 20/100
Casting: 25/100
Magic: 25/100
Alchemy: 10/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
The BOKER gets random stats every level, have fun MOKING.
You just start with a stupid set of skills too just have fun, that magic be nice tho.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL PILLS) Joaquin Phoenix.
Skeleton: (SLIGHTLY BADDER) LOL bad magic regen but u get punch thing in face with bone hand XD.
Vampire: (SLIGHTLY BADDER) Need moar assassin skill otherwise not good bloods.
Succubus: (SLIGHTLY BADDER) Curse itemz good, blessed bad.
Goatman: (BADDER) Less beer ohno.
Automaton: (NORMAL PILLS) Eat teleport scrolls and scrap da bad stuff.
Incubus: (SLIGHTLY BADDER) Like Succubus but red color.
Goblin: (SLIGHTLY BADDER) Can’t read lololol.
Insectoid: (GOODER) More food, more good, epic.

This is the ‘wildcard’ class except less of a meme. The Sexton is a versatile spellcaster with a lot of utility spells & equipment to swipe away many early game issues.
Official Difficulty: HARD
Fun Rating: A
Effectiveness: B
Starting Equipment
Bronze Mace – Effectively counters skeletons.
Steek Chakram – Starting ranged option.
Fez – Useless, drop to save weight.
Leather Breastpiece – IMHO you should drop this to move faster and more freely.
Leather Boots
2x Crystal Shard – An infinite blue torch. Can drop one to save weight.
Spellbook of Sleep – Puts an enemy to sleep, wakes upon hit.
Spellbook of Opening – Can unlock doors, chests, AND iron bar gates.
Spellbook of Locking – Locks doors & chests. Only used for trolling friends.
Why you would choose Sexton
The sexton is a spellcaster that also uses stealth to take down enemies. The combination of the mace and the sleep spell means Sextons can backstab skeletons safely.
What Sets Sexton Apart
- Of all the classes that begin with throwable ranged weapons, the Sexton starts with the most powerful Steel Chakrams.
- They are the only class in the game that begins with Crystal Shards, which are infinite lasting torches.
- They are the only spellcaster who begins with the Sleep spell.
- They are the only spellcaster who begins with the Opening spell.
- They are the only spellcaster who begins with the Locking spell, even though it’s almost useless.
Stat Weights
STR: 59% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 59% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 40% (Natural Armor)
INT: 59% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 40% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 40% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Stealth: 40/100
Casting: 40/100
Magic: 40/100
Ranged: 20/100
Mace: 10/100
Shield: 10/100
Alchemy: 20/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
The Sexton gets a fairly balanced mix of STR, DEX, and INT for the purpose of complementing their tools. While they aren’t as offensively focused as the Arcanist, their utility is far greater to start.
The starting skills give you a massive advantage when it comes to not only utilizing the spells your given, but also for stealthily making your way through the dungeon.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) Standard.
Skeleton: (MUCH HARDER) The 75% mana regen reduction is rough for a Skeleton Sexton, but at the very least the spells you use are situational and you can focus instead on your stealth and throwables.
Vampire: (EASIER) Being good at spellcasting means more bloodletting and thus, blood vial drops. On top of that, the Vampire has the levitation spell to assist with magic training as well as sustained mobility. Even more on top of that, being good at stealth means you can assassinate targets easier, getting further blood vials.
Succubus: (NORMAL) Limited to using cursed items. Can equip an amulet of strangulation to trade health for mana.
Goatman: (HARDER) No extra starting booze. Being drunk causes a huge loss of INT in exchange for STR.
Automaton: (NORMAL) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food. Casting Scrap is a little easier due to casting knowledge.
Incubus: (EASIER) Similar to the Succubus but can use Arcane Mark to cancel out resistances- which massively helps in assassinations.
Goblin: (MUCH HARDER) Your books will become limited, meaning the amount of times you can cast sleep and opening will be finite. They aren’t required however and you can still pull this off with enough knowledge of the game.
Insectoid: (NORMAL) The ability to restore your ‘mana’ using food becomes especially good later on, but forces you to be conservative early on as you don’t regenerate it naturally as an Insectoid. That being said, your spells being utility instead of combat-focused means you can save your energy for unlocking things.

This is the other class that new players tend to gravitate towards since ninjas are cool I guess. Of course, this is another class that requires you to understand the mechanics of the game, especially when it comes to stealth. If you aren’t fully comfortable with stealth, you should go try the Sexton first.
Official Difficulty: HARD
Fun Rating: A+
Effectiveness: A
Starting Equipment
Crystal Sword – Massive damage but will break easily.
5x Iron Knife – Starting ranged option.
Hood – Useless, drop to save weight.
Tunic – Useless, drop to save weight.
Leather Boots of Speed – Increases DEX +1, effectively increasing starting speed.
Cloak – Useless, drop to save weight.
3x Beartrap – A trap that stuns & bleeds an enemy for a short amount of time.
3x Scroll of Teleportation – Teleports the player to a random spot on the map.
Potion of Invisibility – Makes the player invisible for a short amount of time.
Potion of Paralysis – Throwable potion that stuns an enemy for a short amount of time.
Why you would choose the Ninja
If you have played a bit of Sexton and want to take your sneak skill to the next level, go for Ninja. They have a multitude of tools to stay hidden and zoom around the shadows to strike their next target. Not only that, the iron daggers you begin with are good for whittling down enemies to deliver the final blow.
What sets the Ninja apart
- The Ninja begins with a Crystal Sword, which is the highest tier sword in the game. It starts fragile however, and may break early.
- They are the only class that begins with Leather Boots of Speed, making them faster to start.
Stat Weights
STR: 67% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 67% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 52% (Natural Armor)
INT: 41% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 41% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 29% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Stealth: 60/100
Ranged: 40/100
Sword: 60/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
Despite being called the Ninja, they have a surprisingly balanced stat set for the most part. Funnily enough, they have more CON growth than the Barbarian. A mix of STR and DEX focus means the Ninja can freely alternate between powerful thrown weapons and insane backstabs.
The starting skills are entirely focused and don’t mess around. You ONLY start with high values in ranged, swords, and stealth- which might be all you need to start killing away.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) Standard.
Skeleton: (NORMAL) Forget the low mana regen, just start stabbing.
Vampire: (EASIER) Backstabs for days means blood vials for days.
Succubus: (NORMAL) Limited to using cursed items.
Goatman: (HARDER) No extra starting booze.
Automaton: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food.
Incubus: (EASIER) Similar to the Succubus but can use Arcane Mark to cancel out resistances- which massively helps in assassinations.
Goblin: (EASIER) Longer lasting weapons means your Crystal Sword will stay intact for longer.
Insectoid: (NORMAL) A lot of utility-moves with the ability to eat rotten food.

An in-your-face class that combines strength, speed, tankiness, and even a bit of magical prowess to punch your way to victory.
Official Difficulty: NORMAL (Should be BEGINNER in my opinion.)
Fun Rating: A+
Effectiveness: A+
Starting Equipment
Tunic – Useless, drop to save weight.
Brass Knuckles – Increases punch damage.
Ring of Slow Digestion – Doubles the amount of time before you need to eat.
Spellbook of Light – Provides constant light at the cost of some mana regen.
Why you would choose Monk
Despite beginning with a low amount of equipment, the Monk has a lot of tools at their disposal. You can punch, assassinate-punch, or power-punch your way through the dungeon with ease. Being speedy means you can hit-and-run most opponents or rush them down before they can even properly react. Seriously the Monk is a MONSTER and only gets better as time goes on.
What Sets Monk Apart
- They the only class that begins with Brass Knuckles, improving their unarmed damage.
- They the only class that begins with a Ring of Slow Digestion, reducing the amount of food they need to eat.
- The Monk has the highest CON growth in the game, meaning they have the best potential to become naturally tanky even without armor.
Stat Weights
STR: 59% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 41% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 66% (Natural Armor)
INT: 51% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 41% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 41% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Leader: 10/100
Casting: 20/100
Magic: 10/100
Ranged: 10/100
Polearm: 10/100
Shield: 40/100
Unarmed: 50/100
Alchemy: 20/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
On the surface, the Monk seems to have similar but slightly lower stats compared to the Cleric, another tank. The difference of course comes with the focus. Because Monk has less PER and CHR growth, they are even more likely to level up their CON, meaning you will still become a speedy beefcake that can dish out pain of your own with a flurry of fists.
Basic casting and some magic means you can spam the light spell to level your spellcasting abilities. In the meantime, you are a monster with both unarmed and shield, meaning if you find a shield to equip, you can solidify your tanky status. Alternatively, due to having some polearm skill, if you would prefer using a weapon, you can pickup a quarterstaff or spear to counter some enemies.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) Saitama.
Skeleton: (NORMAL) The reduction in mana regen isn’t an issue as you can still focus on being a melee tank. Remove the Ring of Slow Digestion as it’s useless.
Vampire: (EASIER) Not only does the Ring of Slow digestion slow down the blood craving, the monk’s speed can serve them well in assassinating targets for extra blood vials.
Succubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Limited to using cursed items.
Goatman: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) No extra starting booze. Drinking booze however will raise your STR greatly for punching power.
Automaton: (EASIER) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food. The Ring of Slow Digestion ACTUALLY WORKS, allowing your boiler to stay running for much longer.
Incubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Similar to the Succubus but can use Arcane Mark to cancel out resistances.
Goblin: (EASIER) By punching, you will actually level all 5 melee skills at once. Punch away, little Goblin.
Insectoid: (EASIER) A lot of utility-moves with the ability to eat rotten food. The Ring of Slow Digestion works to reduce your energy drain.
The first monster race of the first DLC. Their signature class is the Conjurer.
Weak To:
Maces | Polearms | Water
Strong Against:
Swords | Ranged | Axes | Magic
Skeletons will always begin the game regardless of class with:
2 Potions of Polymorph – Shared by all monsters, allows you to temporarily turn into a human.
Potential Allies
Enslaved Ghouls
(Sorry, other Skeletons are NOT your friends as they are being controlled by dark magic- you are the only ‘good’ Skeleton in the dungeon.)
Positive Quirks
- If you have over 75 MP, you will revive upon death.
- You are completely immune to burning.
Neutral Quirks
- You cannot starve or eat food. You may still drink potions but avoid Fruit Juice & Booze as you will get debuffs. Avoid bottles of water as they will damage you.
Negative Quirks
- 1/4 mana and health regen, making spellcasting almost impossible and having you be reliant on limited potions.
- 1/2 water movement speed, making olympic swimming amulets, levitation, or water walking a must-have!
Recommended Classes
NOT Recommended Classes
Conjurer (Ironic)
Reasoning: Skeletons prefer any class that can thrive without using too much mana. Being a conjurer is difficult as a Skeleton because if your ally dies, you will be at a huge disadvantage.
The second monster race of the first DLC. Their signature class is the Accursed.
Weak To:
Maces | Polearms | Water | Food
Strong Against:
Swords | Ranged | Axes | Magic
Vampires will always begin the game regardless of class with:
2 Potions of Polymorph – Shared by all monsters, allows you to temporarily turn into a human.
Levitation – Allows you to fly over pits at the cost of mana per second.
Bloodletting – Spell that causes damage, bleeding, and slow. Getting kills with this spell drops blood vials.
Potential Allies
Young Vampires
Positive Quirks
- You can draw from your HP to cast spells when at 0 MP. Keep in mind healing spells are 1/2 effective so you can’t cheese.
Negative Quirks
- You can only eat blood to restore hunger. Fruit Juice & Booze will restore hunger slightly but not by much.
- You will take damage upon touching ANY water source, including fountains, so you should use levitation to bypass water.
Recommended Classes
NOT Recommended Classes
Accursed (Ironic)
Reasoning: Vampires generally prefer classes that being with some kind of magical prowess OR stealth skills. The reason Accursed is not recommended at first is because they are considered a challenge class, and you should not play an Accursed Vampire until you are an expert at the game.
The third monster race of the first DLC. Their signature class is the Mesmer.
Weak To:
Strong Against:
Magic | Polearms
Succubi will always begin the game regardless of class with:
2 Potions of Polymorph – Shared by all monsters, allows you to temporarily turn into a human.
Teleportation – Transports you to a random place on the map.
Polymorph – Allows you to transform into a human, letting you shop or recruit other humans easier.
Potential Allies
Humans (Situational)
Positive Quirks
- You can recruit humans after confusing them. Throwing booze works too but requires you to sneak up on them afterward otherwise they’ll keep attacking you.
- Amulets of strangulation will trade HP for MP when equipped.
Neutral Quirks
- Cursed gear can be equipped and unequipped freely, providing many bonuses. Blessed gear won’t hurt you, but you CANNOT remove it- so generally you want to avoid blessed gear. If you accidentally put a piece of blessed equipment on, just Polymorph to remove it.
Recommended Classes
Reasoning: Succubi can pretty much perform any role, they just play differently from humans.
The final monster race of the first DLC. Their signature class is the Brewer.
Weak To:
Magic | Axes | Polearms | Ranged
Strong Against:
Goatmen will always begin the game regardless of class with:
2 Potions of Polymorph – Shared by all monsters, allows you to temporarily turn into a human.
1 Bottle of Booze – Used to cure initial hangover.
Potential Allies
Lesser Goatmen
Humans (Situational)
Goblins (Situational)
Positive Quirks
- When drinking from blessed fountains, 0-3 extra potions will drop.
- Tin cans can be eaten without a tin opener.
- Humans & Goblins can be recruited by first getting drunk, and then equipping & throwing booze at your newfound allies.
Neutral Quirks
- When drunk, your STR and CHR is increased much more than usual, in exchange for a massive decrease to INT.
Negative Quirks
- Goatmen require constant booze to cure their hangovers, which cause massive DEX penalties while active.
- Goatmen also begin the game hungry, so starting classes that have no food are in immediate danger.
Recommended Classes
NOT Recommended Classes
Reasoning: This may seem weird at first, but let me explain. The recommended classes were chosen because they either have starting booze, easy access to more booze, or the ability to create more booze. The Barbarian starts with an extra bottle. The Healer can use Cure Ailment to get rid of hangovers without booze. The Merchant can Polymorph to get good deals from potion shops. The Brewer obviously is recommended as you can easily make more booze from the start. Finally, the Mechanist can also become a mini-Brewer by crafting an alembic to make booze.
ALSO, you start hungry, so any class that doesn’t have food at the beginning is double-screwed.

The very first DLC class! This is essentially the ‘Necromancer/Summoner’ archetype, being able to summon allies out of thin air to do your bidding. IN-DEPTH STATS AT THE END!
Official Difficulty: NORMAL
Fun Rating: A+
Effectiveness: B+
Starting Equipment
Magical Staff of Lightning
Hood – Useless, drop to save weight.
Cloak – Useless, drop to save weight.
Lantern – Powerful light source.
Spellbook of Slow – Slows down any enemy hit, including bosses & minotaurs!
Conjure Skeleton (Innate Spell) – Summons a melee skeleton to fight by your side and level up alongside you. At higher levels, you will summon two skeletons instead!
Potion of Restore Magic
Why you would choose Conjurer
Having an ally at the beginning, you will either love or hate the Conjurer. For most people including myself, the idea of fighting alongside a strong NPC is fun and engaging. To some others, they might dislike the idea of babysitting early on. It should be noted by the way, that the Skeleton you summon will persist in their level even after death/re-summoning, so make sure to keep the EXP flowing!
What Sets Conjurer Apart
- They are the only spellcaster who begins with the Slow spell.
- UNIQUE: They are the only class who knows the Conjure Skeleton spell, as it cannot be found anywhere else.
Stat Weights
STR: 44% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 35% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 51% (Natural Armor)
INT: 63% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 51% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 51% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Stealth: 20/100
Leader: 40/100
Casting: 40/100
Magic: 40/100
Ranged: 20/100
Alchemy: 20/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
Regardless of the stats, it doesn’t matter what you actually want to build into so long as your allies are getting as many kills and levels as possible. It’s your job to be a good support to your Skeleton friends.
The skills reflect this as well, giving you enough magic to be able to summon the Skeletons as needed, as well as having the leadership to command them.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) Standard.
Skeleton: (HARDER) The 75% mana regen reduction is rough for a Skeleton Conjurer. Even though this is the “Signature Race” of the Conjurer, it should be seen more as a challenge as opposed to being the most fitting/effective. This basically means you need to babysit your summon even more as having them die will cost a ton of mana.
Vampire: (NORMAL) Being good at spellcasting means more bloodletting and thus, blood vial drops. On top of that, the Vampire has the levitation spell to assist with magic training as well as sustained mobility. Being able to summon your Skeletons using HP instead of MP can be helpful in some situations.
Succubus: (NORMAL) Limited to using cursed items. Can equip an amulet of strangulation to trade health for mana.
Goatman: (HARDER) No extra starting booze. Being drunk causes a huge loss of INT in exchange for STR.
Automaton: (NORMAL) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food. Casting Scrap is a little easier due to casting knowledge.
Incubus: (EASIER) Similar to the Succubus but Arcane Mark is insane for allowing your Skeletons to deal the maximum amount of damage to their marked targets.
Goblin: (NORMAL) Since you cannot learn spells from books, your Slow spell will eventually run out with use from wielding. Since Conjure Skeleton is an Innate spell, you can cast it freely.
Insectoid: (WARNING: EXTREME) As your Skeleton allies level up, the MP cost of the Summon Skeleton spell increases. This caps out at around 117 MP. As you should know, the Insectoid’s maximum Energy caps out at 50. Are you seeing the problem? Insectoids literally cannot use the Conjurer’s signature spell mid to late game.. have fun.
In-Depth Stats of Conjure Skeleton (WIP)
Your Knight will begin at level 2 with the following equipment:
Bronze Sword
Bronze Shield
Leather Breastpiece
When your Knight reaches level 5, it gains the following equipment:
Bronze Sword -> Iron Spear
Iron Boots
When your Knight reaches level 10, it gains the following equipment:
Bronze Shield -> Iron Shield
Leather Breastpiece -> Iron Breastplate
When the PLAYER reaches level 11, casting Conjure Skeleton will now spawn an additional ranged Sentinel Skeleton.
Your Sentinel will begin at level 6 with the following equipment:
Leather Boots
Later Levels WIP: Just know that eventually your Knight will have Crystal Armor/Weapons and your Sentinel will gain a snazzy Crossbow. Hopefully this helps and remember to re-cast Conjure Skeleton the moment you the player hits level 11 to start leveling your Sentinel!

The second DLC class! This is the speedrunning mage-assassin who is all about getting through the first half of the game quickly to prevent themselves from deteriorating through an increased third for blood. This class is not for the faint of heart and is in my opinion the most difficult in the entire game.
Official Difficulty: HARD (Should be VERY HARD in my opinion.)
Fun Rating: B+
Effectiveness: B
Starting Equipment
Silver Doublet – Useless, drop to save weight.
Suede Gloves – Useless, drop to save weight.
Suede Boots – Useless, drop to save weight.
Spellbook of Invisibility – Turns the user invisible, costing mana per second.
Vampiric Aura – Persistent passive until the cure is found to make it toggle-able. Grants assassination bonuses but multiplies hunger/blood drain by 2x.
Potion of Restore Magic
2x Vial of Blood – Even as a human you can still drink blood as an accursed, meaning if you’re not a Vampire, you have multiple sources of restoring food- effectively making most non-Vampire classes slightly easier.
Why you would choose Accursed
If you are fast-paced and prefer speeding through the game, you would want to pick Accursed. You also need to be an expert and understand most of the fundamental systems. Know that there is a certain key factor in the Mystic Library which can help you return to a less speedrunny-esque playthrough.
What Sets Accursed Apart
- They are the only class who begins with the Invisibility spell.
- UNIQUE: They are the only class where you can drink blood outside of being a Vampire.
- UNIQUE: They are the only class with the Vampiric Aura passive/curse, with another way of obtaining/controlling/taming it as a usable spell later in the game.
Stat Weights
STR: 46% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 46% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 27% (Natural Armor)
INT: 66% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 66% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 46% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Stealth: 40/100
Appraising: 20/100
Casting: 40/100
Magic: 70/100
Unarmed: 40/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
Your stat growth lets you know from the beginning that you will turn into a perceptive spellcaster who can see in the dark and use that advantage to assassinate or blow up targets.
In exchange for your curse, you get a ton of powerful skills from the get-go, including having the magic skill start at 70! Starting Appraisal also helps with getting the game started quicker.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) Standard, can eat food in addition to blood.
Skeleton: (MUCH HARDER) The 75% mana regen reduction is rough for a Skeleton Accursed. Now you might be thinking, maybe you can cheese the class by not having any hunger? Think again- because you can’t starve, you now take constant damage every now and then. Have fun!
Vampire: (HARDER) This is the “Signature Race” of the Accursed, however the Vampire is the one who suffers the most as you can ONLY drink blood meaning if you want to explore the floor, you’re out of luck if there are no more enemies. You can make use of your starting Vampire skills to improve your odds but this is one of the harder ways to play the class.
Succubus: (NORMAL) Limited to using cursed items. Can equip an amulet of strangulation to trade health for mana. Similar to human in that you can eat food.
Goatman: (HARDER) No extra starting booze. Being drunk causes a huge loss of INT in exchange for STR. The hangover debuffs combined with the constant need for blood will be difficult to manage. Similar to human in that you can eat food.
Automaton: (WARNING: EXTREME) You don’t start with a tinkering kit and you lose boiler speed at twice the rate, AND cannot drink blood, have fun.
Incubus: (NORMAL) Similar to the Succubus but Arcane Mark is useful for assassinating high value targets. Similar to human in that you can eat food.
Goblin: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Since you cannot learn spells from books, your Invisibility spell will eventually run out with use from wielding. Similar to human in that you can eat food.
Insectoid: (EASIER) This is actually insanely good for the Insectoid because you can see your hunger bar in the form of your energy. On top of that, you have four different ways of restoring your hunger. You can drink blood, eat normal food, eat rotten food, and drink fruit/booze/magic-restore potions all to get your energy bar filled up. If you want to experience the Accursed but at least have some leeway, choose the Insectoid.

The third DLC class! This class is actually very simple and you can think of it like a version of the Conjurer that focuses on turning enemies to allies instead of spawning allies of your own.
Official Difficulty: HARD
Fun Rating: A
Effectiveness: B-
Starting Equipment
+1 Iron Spear
+! Magic Staff of Charm Monster – Fire it at almost any monster to bring it to your side. Remember you can only have ONE charmed monster at a time.
Hood – Useless, drop to save weight.
Cloak – Useless, drop to save weight.
+2 Ring of Protection
Spellbook of Cold – Medium damaging crowd-control spell.
Spellbook of Charm Monster – Allows you to permanently learn the Charm Monster spell after your staff wears off, requires you to get a little more magical knowledge to learn. The book is torn so unless you find a feather, it will disappear after a single read.
3x Potion of Confusion – Temporarily turns an enemy to your side.
2x Potion of Restore Magic.
Why you would choose Mesmer
If you like the idea of turning enemies to your side instead of just summoning your own like with the Conjurer, the Mesmer is for you! The Mesmer is a little harder because of this, as the allies you gain are a bit more fragile, but you can try and make really fun combinations of charms to get a good duo going.
What Sets Mesmer Apart
- They are the only class who begins a Staff of Charm Monster.
- They are tied with one other class in having the highest CHR growth in the game, meaning it’s easier to charm enemies and get slightly lower prices in shops at first.
- UNIQUE: They are the only class in the game who starts with the Spellbook of Charm Monster, as it cannot be found anywhere else.
- PRO TIP: If you find a feather or start with a Shaman ally who gets a feather from the beginning, you can repair the Spellbook of Charm Monster and thus allow any of your allies to learn the spell as well. Repairing the book is the only way for non-Mesmer classes to use this spell.
Stat Weights
STR: 44% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 44% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 26% (Natural Armor)
INT: 64% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 51% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 68% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Leader: 60/100
Casting: 40/100
Magic: 60/100
Polearm: 20/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
Your high CHR growth, while not the best stat to have be the highest, still assists you in being able to charm many strong monsters early on. Other than that, you can play a powerful mage while being slightly proficient in other damaging methods.
Other than Leadership and Magic, your basic Polearm skill allows you to build up melee damage while enemies are focused on your charmed ally.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) Standard, good for recruiting other humans alongside your charmed monster.
Skeleton: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) The 75% mana regen reduction is rough for a Skeleton Mesmer. Can recruit Ghouls alongside your charmed monster.
Vampire: (NORMAL) Being good at spellcasting means more bloodletting and thus, blood vial drops. On top of that, the Vampire has the levitation spell to assist with magic training as well as sustained mobility. You may recruit other Vampires later into the game alongside your charmed ally, though be warned as allies killing enemies may yield less blood vials. Additionally, you can draw from your HP to cast Charm if you run out of MP.
Succubus: (EASIER) The “Signature Race” of the Mesmer. Limited to using cursed items. Your starting equipment will begin cursed instead of blessed to protect you. Can equip an amulet of strangulation to trade health for mana. You can recruit other Succubi and Incubi in addition to your charmed ally. On top of that, you can utilize the Potions of Confusion to recruit humans as well!
Goatman: (HARDER) No extra starting booze. Being drunk causes a huge loss of INT in exchange for STR. Can recruit humans & allies if you stack up extra Booze. Can also recruit any Goatmen in addition to your charmed monster.
Automaton: (NORMAL) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food. Casting Scrap is a little easier due to casting knowledge. Scrolls of fire can max out your heat/mana instantly, making this a fairly good choice! Same alignment as humans for recruitment purposes.
Incubus: (NORMAL) Similar to the Succubus but Arcane Mark can help your charmed monster take out enemies easier.
Goblin: (MUCH HARDER) Since you cannot learn spells from books, you will need to find a feather ASAP otherwise your Spellbook of Charm Monster will be burned out after your Staff burns out. Thankfully as a Goblin your starting staff will last a bit longer.
Insectoid: (NORMAL) Can be fun or annoying depending on who you ask. Remember that your maximum energy is 50, and the Charm Monster spell costs exactly 50 to use, meaning you’ll be starving every time you use it. However if you have a stockpile of food, this isn’t an issue.

The fourth DLC class! This class is complex not because of innate mechanics, but rather because it has you start with a new complex game mechanic that normally can be optionally accessed throughout the game. AN EXTERNAL GUIDE WILL BE POSTED AT THE END OF THIS SECTION as alchemy is quite complex at first.
Fun Fact: This is one of two DLC classes that DON’T have anything unique to the class itself, but rather can be seen as a starting kit for alchemy instead of finding the materials normally in the dungeon.
Official Difficulty: NORMAL (Should be HARD in my opinion.)
Fun Rating: C+
Effectiveness: B-
Starting Equipment
Iron Axe
Iron Boots
Backpack – Amazing item in the cape slot, gives you an additional bar of inventory space.
Alembic – Used to begin alchemy.
3x Empty Bottle – Used to get potions & water from fountains.
2x Potion of Acid – Can be thrown for damage or used as a primary ingredient in brewing.
2x Potion of Blindness – Can be thrown to blind targets or be used as a secondary ingredient in brewing.
2x Bottle of Booze – Can be used to get drunk or be used as a primary ingredient in brewing.
2x Bottle of Fruit Juice – Can be used to heal slightly or be used as a primary ingredient in brewing.
Potion of Polymorph – Can be used to transform or be used to change any potion to another random potion when brewed.
Potion of Speed – Can be used to move faster or be used as a secondary ingredient in brewing.
“Bottle Book” – Useless, drop to save weight.
Why you would choose Brewer
You will essentially choose the Brewer if you want to learn about alchemy and would rather have a head-start. Keep in mind, you can find an Alembic as any class in any playthrough but it’s randomly in chests or shops. As the Brewer you will have access to quite a few starting potions to begin your brewing adventure.
What Sets Brewer Apart
- They are one of 5 classes to start with some kind of appraisal skill, making their early game much more bearable.
- They are the only class who begins with an Alembic.
- They are the only class who begins with a backpack.
- They begin with the most starting potions for the purposes of drinking/throwing/brewing.
Stat Weights
STR: 50% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 50% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 43% (Natural Armor)
INT: 56% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 43% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 56% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Trading: 10/100
Appraise: 10/100
Leader: 25/100
Axe: 10/100
Unarmed: 25/100
Alchemy: 50/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
As a Brewer, your stats are actually quite balanced when it comes to growth, meaning you can build into whatever you see fit so long as you’re utilizing potion brewing.
In terms of your starting skills, even having the slightest amount of appraisal is huge as you can start identifying things earlier, especially potions you find on the ground or in chests. The large amount of alchemy skill also makes potions more effective so remember that.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) Standard. As a Human you don’t need to use the Polymorph potions to interact with shopkeepers so you can instead combine them with water to get free random potions.
Skeleton: (NORMAL) Since you’re a brewer, the slow regen shouldn’t be much of a bother for you.
Vampire: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) You can still cast bloodletting, but you will often not get a lot of assassinations due to focusing on brewing.
Succubus: (HARDER) Limited to using cursed items. You get a bit of a debuff once you hit maximum Alchemy as all your future potions will become blessed, meaning using stacks of throwing potions will be more difficult.
Goatman: (NORMAL) While you get extra starting booze as well as the ability to create more booze whenever you want, this can be slightly difficult at first as drinking will take away from your resources for brewing. This can be made up for though by your ability to get extra potions from fountains. Remember you can throw extra booze at humans/goblins while drunk to recruit them.
Automaton: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food. It will be hard to take the time to brew potions while your boiler constantly goes down.
Incubus: (HARDER) Similar to the Succubus but Arcane Mark can help your potions deal more damage versus magic resistant enemies.
Goblin: (NORMAL) Pretty much the same as human except you cannot remember spells, but you’re a Brewer so who cares.
Insectoid: (NORMAL) A lot of utility-moves with the ability to eat rotten food. Save Booze and Fruit Juice for brewing if you can.
External Guides for Alchemy
Wiki Page[]
Steam Guide
The first monster race of the second DLC. Their signature class is the Mechanist.
Aaah, Automaton Mechanist my beloved.
Weak To:
Maces | Axes | Magic
Strong Against:
Ranged | Unarmed
Automatons will always begin the game regardless of class with:
2 Potions of Polymorph – Shared by all monsters, allows you to temporarily turn into a human.
Scrap Spell – A spell that turns most nearby items into scrap. Useful for deconstructing useless gear into food and IMPORTANT as a non-mechanist for survival.
Potential Allies
(Automatons are the only race who are aligned with Humans, also being friendly to shopkeepers! Automatons are also neutral to Succubi and Incubi, meaning they won’t attack you unless you provoke them.)
Positive Quirks
- You can freely equip and unequip cursed gear in addition to blessed, you will never be bound to anything so you can even start using some items before they’re appraised!
- You are completely immune to burning.
- You get a bonus +20 Tinkering when it comes to repairing items with a tinkering kit.
Neutral Quirks
- Due to your heat and boiler system, you cannot eat normal food. Instead, you can eat readable books, scrolls, gemstones, rocks, and generic scrap to fill your boiler. Water * faucets will lower your boiler so avoid it if you can!
Negative Quirks
- Swimming in water or drinking from fountains will cool your boiler, causing you to lose heat rapidly.
Recommended Classes
NOT Recommended Classes
Reasoning: Basically any class that has starting appraisal or magical talent is good for Automatons as the former allows you to identify and trash certain items earlier, while the latter lets you cast Scrap more often for the same purpose. Mechanist of course is the signature class of the Automaton and thus loves the tinkering kit’s ease of scrap.
The second monster race of the second DLC. Their signature class is the Punisher. Essentially the male version of the Succubus.
Weak To:
Ranged | Swords
Strong Against:
Magic | Polearms
Incubi will always begin the game regardless of class with:
2 Potions of Polymorph – Shared by all monsters, allows you to temporarily turn into a human.
Teleportation – Transports you to a random place on the map.
Arcane Mark – Cheap projectile that removes all resistances from an enemy for a short time, including bosses!
(Pro-Tip: Using Arcane Mark on an enemy will make your Teleport spell bring you behind them.)
Potential Allies
Positive Quirks
- Amulets of strangulation will trade HP for MP when equipped.
Neutral Quirks
- Cursed gear can be equipped and unequipped freely, providing many bonuses. Blessed gear won’t hurt you, but you CANNOT remove it- so generally you want to avoid blessed gear. If you accidentally put a piece of blessed equipment on, just Polymorph to remove it.
Recommended Classes
Reasoning: Same reasoning as Succubi, as Incubi can pretty much excel at any role, they just play differently from humans.
The third monster race of the second DLC. Their signature class is the Shaman.
Weak To:
Axes | Polearms | Ranged
Strong Against:
Unarmed | Swords
Goblins will always begin the game regardless of class with:
2 Potions of Polymorph – Shared by all monsters, allows you to temporarily turn into a human.
Potential Allies
Positive Quirks
- All equipment has a reduced chance to degrade, making everything last longer.
Neutral Quirks
- When you level up one melee skill, all five level at once. In exchange, weapon skills level slower.
Negative Quirks
- You are unable to remember spells from books, requiring you to wield and cast from them directly.
Recommended Classes
NOT Recommended Classes
Reasoning: Basically the Goblin can play any light caster effectively, they just struggle with Wizard and Mesmer, who REALLY rely on learning from spellbooks. Still doable with enough skill, but a challenge nonetheless.
The final monster race of the second DLC. Their signature class is the Hunter.
This is my personal favorite class in the game.
Weak To:
Axes | Polearms | Ranged
Strong Against:
Maces | Unarmed
Insectoids will always begin the game regardless of class with:
2 Potions of Polymorph – Shared by all monsters, allows you to temporarily turn into a human.
1 Bottle of Booze – Used to cure initial hangover.
Potential Allies
Positive Quirks
- You can eat cursed & rotten food.
- Fruit juice, Booze, and Magic Restore potions work great as energy/food restore.
- Completely immune to poison.
Neutral Quirks
- You use energy to cast spells instead of mana, which coincides with your hunger. Eat food/liquids to cast more spells quickly. It drains instead of regenerating, meaning no food = no magic.
Recommended Classes
NOT Recommended Classes
Reasoning: Interestingly enough, the Insectoid pairs well with most light casters. It’s the heavy spellcasters that have trouble though, as while most can rely on using spells for utility, a few others require constant energy drain which can be taxing on your food supply.

The fifth DLC class! Like the Brewer, class is complex not because of innate mechanics, but rather because it has you start with a new game mechanic that normally can be optionally accessed throughout the game. AN EXTERNAL GUIDE WILL BE POSTED AT THE END OF THIS SECTION as tinkering is quite complex at first.
Fun Fact: This is one of two DLC classes that DON’T have anything unique to the class itself, but rather can be seen as a starting kit for tinkering instead of finding the materials normally in the dungeon.
Official Difficulty: NORMAL
Fun Rating: A+
Effectiveness: A
Starting Equipment
Leather Apron – Passively gives PER as well as immunity to burning.
2x Beartrap – Traps that paralyze enemies who step over them.
2x Empty Bottle – Used to get potions & water from fountains.
4x Lockpick
Tinkering Kit – The main tool you will be using throughout the run to make everything.
Sleep Trap – Starting mine that puts an enemy to sleep.
Dummybot – A starting robot that draws aggro for you.
Sentrybot – A starting robot that fires arrows at enemies.
2x Apple
2x Cheese
16x Metal Scrap
8x Magic Scrap
Why you would choose Mechanist
You will essentially choose the Mechanist if you want to learn about Tinkering and would rather have a head-start. Keep in mind, you can find a Tinkering Kit as any class in any playthrough but it’s randomly in chests or shops. As the Mechanist you will have access to quite a few starting contraptions to begin your Tinkering adventure.
What Sets Mechanist Apart
- They are the only class who begins with the Tinkering Kit as well as many other pieces of gear and contraptions that can only be built using said kit.
- They are the only class who begins with a Leather Apron, preventing burning damage and providing free PER stat.
Stat Weights
STR: 35% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 57% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 35% (Natural Armor)
INT: 51% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 68% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 51% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Tinkering: 40/100
Trading: 10/100
Ranged: 10/100
Alchemy: 10/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
As a mechanist, your stats generally skew you towards being a ranged support, relying on high PER to deal more damage with your robots and traps.
Your starting skills are quite basic, only truly excelling in Tinkering, which makes sense as you are a Mechanist.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) Standard.
Skeleton: (NORMAL) Standard with lower regen.
Vampire: (MUCH HARDER) Your reliance on traps will make things a bit more difficult for your blood supply.
Succubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Limited to using cursed items.
Goatman: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) You don’t begin with extra booze but you can however create an Alembic using the Tinkering Kit to begin building up booze and other potions as a mini-brewer.
Automaton: (EASIER) The “Signature Race” of the Mechanist. You can eat all the scrap you get from deconstructing items with the Tinkering Kit, plus you get that nice +20 Tinkering skill when repairing items using the kit, meaning you are very efficient at keeping your gear healthy.
Incubus: (NORMAL) Similar to the Succubus but Arcane Mark can help your sentries deal more damage to high priority targets.
Goblin: (NORMAL) Standard but you can’t remember spellbooks.
Insectoid: (NORMAL) Standard with a lot of utility-moves and the ability to eat rotten food.
External Guides for Tinkering
Wiki Page[]
Steam Guide

The sixth DLC class! This class has a mixture of stealth, magic, and absolute chaos to disorient & disarm your foes. The way the Punisher is described might seem complex, but they are very straight forward once you start playing them.
Official Difficulty: VERY HARD (Should be “HARD” in my opinion.)
Fun Rating: A+
Effectiveness: B
Starting Equipment
Crystal Axe – Massive damage but will break easily.
Whip – Unique weapon to the Punisher. A detailed guide to the whip will be shown at the end!
Executioner Hood – Unique helmet to the Punisher. Allows for a 100% bleed chance on sneak attacks and also gives mana regen for every sneak attack you perform.
Ring of Conflict – Turns every single NPC against one another, causing mass chaos and allowing you to get cheap shots on enemies while they’re distracted with each other. WARNING: Will cause allied NPCs as well as shopkeepers to attack you, even if you’re human.
Teleport Other Spell – A unique spell that not only teleports an enemy toward you, but also disorients them, making them turn around to allow for a sneak attack.
Inner Demon Spell – A unique spell that causes an enemy to “hit themselves” for a short period of Meat – Powerful food source.
Why you would choose Punisher
You will want to play the Punisher if you are knowledgeable of the game’s more advanced mechanics and you want to play a stealthy magic user who can manipulate all of their enemies. When played correctly, you may never have to go toe-to-toe with any non-boss foes if you utilize your spells and unique equipment properly.
What Sets Punisher Apart
- They are the only class who begins a Staff of Charm Monster.
- They are tied with one other class in having the highest CHR growth in the game.
- UNIQUE: They are the only class in the game who starts with the Whip, as it cannot be found anywhere else.
- UNIQUE: They are the only class in the game who starts with the Executioner Hood, as it cannot be found anywhere else.
- UNIQUE: They are the only class who knows the Teleport Other spell, as it cannot be found anywhere else.
- UNIQUE: They are the only class who knows the Inner Demon spell, as it cannot be found anywhere else.
Stat Weights
STR: 55% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 47% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 38% (Natural Armor)
INT: 47% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 55% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 55% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Casting: 40/100
Magic: 20/100
Ranged: 25/100
Axe: 25/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
You have a very balanced set of stat growth with the lowest being CON, but ultimately this doesn’t matter for your class. Your unique set of equipment and spells makes it so that you usually won’t need to rely on big stats to turn fights in your favor.
Being skilled in Casting makes your starting abilities much easier to use, and having bonus Ranged helps out your whip damage, which despite being a melee weapon, scales off of Ranged.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) Standard.
Skeleton: (HARDER) The 75% mana regen reduction is rough for a Skeleton Punisher, especially since Inner Demon costs health in addition to mana to use.
Vampire: (EASIER) Good casting leads to more Bloodletting while your playstyle also allows you to get good assassinations. Overall a solid choice for blood vials.
Succubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Limited to using cursed items.
Goatman: (HARDER) No extra starting booze. Being drunk causes a huge loss of INT in exchange for STR.
Automaton: (NORMAL) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food. Casting Scrap is a little easier due to casting knowledge. Scrolls of fire can max out your heat/mana instantly.
Incubus: (NORMAL) The “Signature Race” of the Punisher. Having Teleport and Arcane Mark in addition to your other two spells gives you a lot more options for engaging.
Goblin: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) While you can’t learn spells from books, your starting abilities are sufficient enough to perform well! Your Crystal Axe should last a bit longer too.
Insectoid: (NORMAL) Causing bleeding actually restores a tiny % of your energy so you could use it for restoring your hunger slightly.
Whip & Executioner Hood Explanation
So the Whip is probably the most unique weapon in the game due to all the contributing factors. It is the only hybrid-scaling weapon, meaning it will take the average of your STR and DEX to get the final damage bonus. It also scales off your Ranged skill, meaning using bows will contribute to it’s output. Keep in mind the Whip itself DOES NOT upgrade your Ranged skill, so if you want to level weapons, using the Whip as a main weapon isn’t actually recommended until your desired skills are maxed. The utility of the whip comes in the form of getting guaranteed bleed effects on backstabs while using the Executioner Hood, providing good mana regen. In addition, if you are able to Paralyze or Sleep enemies, getting backstabs on them will cause their weapons to drop, which is especially effective against enemies who holds staves or axes as you’ll force them to resort to punching. Finally, it should be reminded again that the Whip has the longest reach of any melee weapon in the game, making it also the safest melee weapon on top of the fact that it cannot break.

The seventh DLC class! This class is all about shapeshifting, taking advantage of many different beast forms to do all sorts of fun things! Many would argue this is the class with the most power-potential of anyone in the game.
Official Difficulty: NORMAL
Fun Rating: A++
Effectiveness: A++
Starting Equipment
Bronze Sword – Useless as you want to scale off of Unarmed, you cannot use melee weapons while transformed. Drop this to save weight.
x3 Rock – Useless, drop to save weight unless you really want a stupid throwable that you can’t even use while transformed.
Magical Staff of Poison – Fires bolts which poison enemies, useful self defense between transformations.
Shaman Mask – Unique face-wear for the Shaman. This essentially provides 2x mana regen while you are in any creature form, meaning you can transform to regenerate all your mana back quickly!
Enchanted Feather – A tool used to inscribe scrolls as well as repair spellbooks!
Rat Form Spell – Transforms into a Rat, giving bonus DEX, INT, and PER while transformed.
Spider Form Spell – Transforms into a Spider, giving bonus STR, CON, and PER while transformed.
Troll Form Spell – Transforms into a Troll, giving bonus STR and CON while lowering DEX while transformed.
Imp Form Spell – Transforms into an Imp. Grants Levitation while also giving bonus INT and PER while transformed.
Revert Form – Turns back into your normal race, this happens automatically while transformed for a while but you can also do this manually for a cost.
Why you would choose Shaman
The sole reason you would choose Shaman, and this will be expanded upon with the bonus section as the end, is because they have the most customization and growth potential of any class in the game. Being perfectly adaptable whether you want to be speedy, strong, or intelligent. Each of their creature forms also have unique spells that I will go over in the bonus section.
What Sets Shaman Apart
- They are the only class that starts with an Enchanted Feather.
- They are the only class that starts with a Magical Staff of Poison.
- UNIQUE: They are the only class in the game who starts with the Shaman Mask, as it cannot be found anywhere else.
- UNIQUE: They are the only class who starts with five different abilities involving transformation which cannot be learned by anyone else- in addition to the spells known while transformed.
- Pro-Tip – While transformed, you are allied with that particular race, meaning you have the potential to recruit, Rats, Spiders, Trolls, and Imps in addition to your starting race’s alignments.
Stat Weights
ALL: 50%
(Will be explained in the bonus section at the end.)
Starting Skill Points
Stealth: 10/100
Casting: 40/100
Magic: 40/100
Unarmed: 10/100
Alchemy: 10/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
As I mentioned before, the bonus section will explain why at first your stat weights are all random, as this is tied to your transformations.
The skills you begin with assist in your ability to start shapeshifting.
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) Standard.
Skeleton: (NORMAL) By transforming into any creature, you actually return to normal regen, in addition to the bonus MP regen from the mask! This class can be great for a Skeleton wishing to excel in mana-hungry magic builds.
Vampire: (EASIER) The MP regen bonus you get while being transformed is huge when it comes to being able to spam Bloodletting! Not only that, Vampires can eat normal food while transformed into creatures.
Succubus: (NORMAL) Limited to using cursed items.
Goatman: (HARDER) No extra starting booze. Being drunk causes a huge loss of INT in exchange for STR.
Automaton: (NORMAL) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food. Casting Scrap is a little easier due to casting knowledge. Also, the Shaman Mask helps your HT regen faster too!
Incubus: (EASIER) Similar to the Succubus but Arcane Mark can really help all of your melee attacks do the most amount of damage while in forms.
Goblin: (NORMAL) The “Signature Race” of the Shaman. This is because the Shaman allows the Goblin to cast a variety of spells without ever learning from a book, making it helpful for a Goblin that wishes to be a caster.
Insectoid: (HARDER) Playing an Insectoid Shaman is entirely dependent on how much food you have. Early on you might struggle to keep up between transformations but eventually you should have enough food stockpiled to transform freely. Still, things may get a little tricky since you don’t regen anything passively.
- Remember that leveling up WHILE TRANSFORMED as each creature will give different stat-ups. Also KEEP IN MIND: You can cast all spells while transformed as a monster, but you will be unable to use any items.
- Also IMPORTANT: Equipment does NOT provide armor while transformed, however the bonus effects stay, so still equip special things such as rings/amulets/etc. For example, if you equip Boots of Speed before transforming, you will keep the DEX bonus even though you don’t get the armor, so keep that in mind and be sure to get as much stat-changing equipment as you can.
- 1. Leveling up as the Rat will focus on DEX with a little bit of INT.
- 2. Leveling up as the Spider will focus on PER with a little bit of CON.
- 3. Leveling up as the Troll will focus on STR with a little bit of CON.
- 4. Leveling up at the Imp will focus on INT with a little with of DEX, basically the opposite of the Rat.
- With all this being said, if you want to focus on being a melee tank, you’ll choose the Troll form most often. If you want to be a hyper-mage, you can focus on being an Imp. The Rat & Spider forms usually become situational once late game rolls around.
Shaman Continued
Level 1: You know the Rat Form. In addition, your starting spell for the Rat is the Detect Food spell, meaning you can quickly locate food at the beginning of each floor.
Level 3: Your Rat Form is upgraded, granting the Speed spell, which boosts the speed of you and your allies for a short duration.
In addition, you are now permitted to use the Spider Form. Your first ability as a Spider allows you to use the unique Spray Web spell, which fires three short range projectiles that slow enemies and allow you to push them back upon hit, letting you keep your distance!
Level 6: Your Spider Form is upgraded, granting the Poison spell, which works the same as your starting staff of poison as well as the learnable spell, only it is innate for your Spider Form.
In addition, you now permitted to use the Troll Form. Your first ability as a Troll allows you to use the unique Power Strike spell, which makes you charge up a powerful attack that deals 4x normal damage, sort of like the Crystal Golem’s special attack. The real utility of this spell though, is the fact that it allows you to break walls. While it is slower than a Pickaxe, the fact that it is a spell means you can infinitely cast this with enough time to regen, making it insane for digging utility.
Level 12: Your Troll Form is upgraded, granting the unique Troll’s Blood spell, which gives a regeneration effect to you and nearby allies. The effect is similar to wearing a Ring of Regeneration.
In addition, you are now permitted to use the Imp Form. Your first ability as an Imp is the Lightning spell, which is a nice standard damaging spell. Your second ability as an Imp is Confuse, which will turn an enemy to your side for a short time.
Level 15: The final stage of unlocks for the Shaman. Your Troll Form & Imp Form are upgraded.
For the Troll Form, you are granted the unique Fear spell, which fires a roar that makes an enemy walk away from you without attacking. This is the most powerful crowd-control spell in the game as it can make any non-boss enemy stop fighting completely granted you have enough mana to keep casting.
For the Imp Form, you are granted the Elemental Focus spell, which is a toggleable spell that amplifies Fire, Cold, Lightning, and Magic Missile to do much more damage with a shorter range. This kind of ability is massively powerful for late-game spellcasting where some enemies can be resistant to magic. Be careful of the quick MP drain while using this!

The final DLC class! The best way to describe this class is that in the way that Ninja is a more amplified version of the Rogue’s stealth ability, the Hunter is a more amplified version of the Rogue’s ranged ability. The Hunter is all about being the best in class when it comes to killing enemies from afar with physical ranged weapons.
Official Difficulty: HARD (Should be NORMAL in my opinion.)
Fun Rating: A
Effectiveness: A
Starting Equipment
Longbow – Takes longer to fire than a Shortbow but deals more damage and flies farther.
Boomerang – Unique weapon to the Hunter, is a throwing weapon that returns to you and never breaks.
Blindfold of Telepathy – A blindfold which removes normal vision but instead lets you see all enemies through walls. Great for scouting and finding every last enemy on a floor!
Iron Bracers
Leather Boots
Amulet of Poison Resistance – Completely negates any poison or sickness.
x20 Hunting Arrows – Arrows that both slow and poison enemies. Considered one of the best arrow types in the game.
x40 Silver Arrows – Deals bonus damage to undead, demons, and bosses.
x40 Swift Arrows – Deals slightly less damage but makes a bow fire faster, useful in a pinch.
x2 Scroll of Conjure Arrow – Spawns a random quiver of arrows upon use.
x2 Potion of Speed – Increases movement speed & ranged damage for a short time.
Fish – Powerful food item.
Meat – Powerful food item.
Why you would choose Hunter
If you purely want to play a Ranger type class, the Hunter is 100% for you. They embody the kill-things-from-afar archetype perfectly, and would probably fit well even if they weren’t a DLC.
What Sets Hunter Apart
- They are one of 5 classes to start with some kind of appraisal skill, making their early game much more bearable.
- UNIQUE: They are the only class in the game who starts with the Boomerang, as it cannot be found anywhere else.
- They are the only class that starts with a Longbow.
- They are the only class that starts with a Blindfold of Telepathy.
- They are the only bow-wielding class that begins with quivers of special arrows.
- They are tied with the Rogue for having the highest DEX & PER growth in the game.
Stat Weights
STR: 26% (Melee Damage & Weight Capacity)
DEX: 70% (Ranged Damage & Movement Speed)
CON: 26% (Natural Armor)
INT: 53% (Magic Damage & Regen)
PER: 70% (Ranged Crits & Night Vision)
CHR: 53% (Slightly Affects Trading & Leadership)
Starting Skill Points
Tinkering: 10/100
Stealth: 25/100
Appraise: 20/100
Swimming: 50/100
Casting: 10/100
Ranged: 50/100
Stat & Skill Assessment
The Hunter takes the stat growth from Rogue and just amplifies it, now having the worst STR growth in the game but making up for it with extra INT possibility, meaning you could even jump into magic in addition to ranged.
Appraisal is good plus extremely high Ranged skill means your bows will be lasting longer and your shots will hit harder!
Race Recommendations
Human: (NORMAL) Standard.
Skeleton: (EASIER) By avoiding magic you can use your MP as a second life.
Vampire: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Due to being focused at a range, you may want to use Bloodletting a bit to finish enemies off, that way you can make up for your lack of melee assassination damage.
Succubus: (SLIGHTLY HARDER) Limited to using cursed items.
Goatman: (HARDER) No extra starting booze.
Automaton: (EASIER) Same as any non-mechanist class, relying on the scrap ability for extra food. A far easier time scrapping junk since you have starting Appraisal skill.
Incubus: (NORMAL) Similar to the Succubus but can use Arcane Mark to make all enemies take good damage from your bow.
Goblin: (NORMAL) Like the Rogue, since you’re mostly ranged, your melee bonuses won’t see too much use. The extra durability of your bows will certainly help however.
Insectoid: (NORMAL) A lot of utility-moves with the ability to eat rotten food. The Dash skill lets you stay mobile and keep a distance from powerful enemies.
Thanks to Bwoobewwy for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.