BATTLETECH: Random Events Guide V2.0

The complete alphabetised guide to all the random events


A brief Q&A

Q: Didn’t you already make this guide?
A: Kinda, yes. The original guide was just a link to a google doc (which steam didn’t like). I was in the process of converting it into a guide much like this one.

Q: I don’t see that guide. What happened to it?
A: While I was part way through reconstructing the guide, steam broke it. I put in a support ticket to try and fix it but never heard back from them. So here I am starting over from scratch. Yay.

Q: Are you going to write a bunch of joke Q&A’s like you did in the last guide?
A: Nah, I’d rather not retread old material.

Q: This guide looks incomplete.
A: It is. It’s still under construction and I’ve only got about an hour or so a day free to work on it. It’ll be done soon, I promise!

Leopard Events

The following events only appear in Campaign mode. Career mode skips straight to the Argo!


Pilot is making unauthorised alterations to the living area. The banks won’t like that.

Order (Pilot) to put the wall back where it was:
100% They gripe. -1 Morale.

Set aside money to pay the fine:
100% Ask first next time! -20,000cr and +1 Morale.

Make the change easily reversible: (requires Technician trait)
100% This is temporary, right? +1 Morale.

“The Last Cup”

Pilot A+B argues over the last cup of coffee.

Split the coffee between them:
100% Honestly you’re like children. Both pilots gain High Morale.

Give the coffee to Sumire:
100% She needs it more anyway. Both pilots gain Low Morale.

Take the coffee for yourself:
100% Last cup you say? MINE! -1 Morale and Both pilots gain Low Morale.

“Medical Expenses”

Medical supplies are low. Buy more?

Buy the minimum to restock:
100% We should be fine for a while now. -5000cr

Put off replenishing the medical supplies:
50% You ration supplies. -1 MedTech for 30 days.
50% The Pilots are edgy. -1 Morale and -1 MedTech for 30 days.

Buy extra supplies to boost medical efficiency:
100% Get some of them “Super Stimpacks” I’ve heard about. -25,000cr and +2 MedTech for 30 days.

Direct Darius to find ‘special’ discounts:
50% Blackmarket discount! -10,000cr and +2 MedTech for 30 days.
50% Did you hear about the stolen Humanitarian Aid supplies? Where’d you get this stuff from anyway? -10,000cr, -2 Morale and +2 MedTech for 30 days.

“Organized Chaos”

The Mech Bay is a cluttered mess. Move supplies around the ship?

Tell Yang to just make do:
100% We’ll just not get shot next time ;). (No Effect)

Move only a small amount of supplies:
50% The move is not disruptive. +1 MechTech for 14 days.
50% The move is somewhat disruptive. +1 MechTech for 14 days and a Pilot gains Low Spirits.

Fill every last corner of the Leopard with Mech Bay supplies:
50% Can’t walk three paces with kicking a box. -1 Morale and +3 MechTech for 30 days.
50% Sonova! My shin! -2 Morale and +3 MechTech for 30 days.


This is the first event you’ll encounter in the campaign. And the choices don’t matter!
All options give you, ahem, “Loan Status: Fair.” Which has No Gameplay Effect whatsoever, so pick whichever option that suits you the most.

Argo Events

A.K.A. Most of them.

Listings are in alphabetical order, ignoring prefixes such as “A” or “The“.


“Access Privileges”

A nearby ship has the pox. They know you have Black Market access. Will you buy a cure?

Stay out of it:
50% Refuse to help. (No Effect)
50% Refuse to help. -1 Morale

Acquire the antivirals for the transport:
100% Get paid, feel good. +50000cr and +1 Morale

Buy the antivirals for the Argo instead:
25% Gain antivirals. -100,000cr
75% Gain antivirals. -100,000cr and -1 Morale

Share the antivirals you’ve already acquired:
100% Morale +2

“The Accidental Smugglers”

Darius discovers some new supplies have a secret compartment filled with AC/5 ammo

Return the ammo to the vendor:
50% The vendor is grateful. (No Effect)
50% The Vendor is very grateful. +1000cr

Keep the bonus supplies:
75% Successfully smuggled the ammo past customs! +3 AC/5 Ammo
25% The smugglers suspect you. +3 AC/5 ammo and -1 Pirate Rep

Pass the ammo back to the smugglers:
50% The smugglers thank you. (No effect)
50% The smugglers give a gift. +3 AC/2 Ammo

“AgroMechs? Really?”

Yang Wants to work on AgroMechs

Resist the lure of AgroMechs:
100% Yang and his crew are disappointed. Morale -1

Indulge Yang and send some MechTechs:
25% Things go poorly. -5000cr and -1 MechTech for 7 days
25% Things go Very Badly. -15000cr and -1 MechTech for 7 days
50% Things go well. +5000cr and +2 MechTech for 14 days


Things seem to break down whenever Jinxed Pilot is around.

Release (Pilot) from (Their) contract:
100% The Argo doesn’t need this aggro. -5000cr and Pilot is fired.

Confine (Pilot) to the Barracks:
50% Other pilots ain’t happy. -2 Morale, 2nd pilot gains Rebellious and is unavailable for 3 days
50% A fight breaks out. -2 Morale, Pilot gains 1 injury, 2nd pilot gains Rebellious and is unavailable for 7 days.

“Build temporary quarters in an unfinished part of the Argo.”
75% Go be a hermit. Pilot gains Low Spirits.
25% I enjoy solitude. Pilot gains High Spirits.

Loan (Pilot) out to pirates:
50% Good times. +10,000cr, +1 Pirate Rep, pilot gains 1000xp and is unavailable for 30 days.
25% Bad times. +10,000cr, -2 Pirate Rep, pilot gains 200xp and is unavailable for 30 days.
25% The Pirates keep them. +20,000cr, +2 Pirate Rep and Pilot is “Fired”.


“B A Eleven Hundred N”

A pilot is told that a B A Eleven Hundred N will help with his mech stability. *snerk*

Ask Yang for one on your ‘Mech too:
100% More stability? Damn son, I could use some of that too! (No Effect)

Explain the prank to (Pilot):
100% You ruined the prank! Boo! Pilot gains Low Spirits.

Watch what happens:
100% Dis is gonna be good! Primary pilot gains Low Spirits, Secondary pilot gains High Spirits.

“The Barracks Workout”

A pilot hurt himself trying to exercise in the Barracks

Develop an exercise regimen for the MechWarriors:
25% Pilot loves exercise! Pilot gains 1 injury and High Spirits.
75% Everybody else though… Pilot gains 1 injury and -2 Morale.

Let it slide for now:
100% It’s too cramped in here! Pilot gains 1 injury, -2 Morale and -1 MechTech for 7 days

Task (Pilot) with developing the exercise regimen: (Requires Military trait)
100% Get healthy, Maggots! Pilot gains 1 injury and +1 Morale.

“Bellowing Behemoth”

Behemoth enters in a yelling competition with some rando.

Leave her to it and continue shopping:
100% Somebody needs to buy the groceries. Behemoth gains High Spirits.

See what happens:
100% Screaming dude is a friend. +1 Morale and Behemoth gains High Spirits.

Join in:
100% RAAAA-this is fun!-AAAAGH! +2 Morale and Behemoth gains High Spirits.

“Beyond Repair”

Injured Terminal Pilot A passes away from complications of their previous brain injury. Pilot B blames you.

Take ownership of (Pilot A)’s death during the memorial service:
100% Touching speech. Pilot A dies, -2 Morale and Pilot B gains Dependable trait.

Commemorate (Pilot A) during the memorial service:
100% A rousing speech. Pilot A dies, +2 Morale and Pilot B gains Rebellious trait.

“Bidding War”

Darius wants to sell food from hydroponics.

Refuse Trade:
100% Not my cabbages! (No effect)

Trade C-Bills:
50% Good money. +9000cr and -1 Morale
50% Ok money. +6000 and -1 Morale

Trade Supplies:
50% Lots for shorter. +4 MechTech for 14 days and -1 Morale
50% Less for Longer. +2 MechTech for 30 days and -1 Morale

Squeeze them for everything they got:
50% Lots of Supplies. +2 MechTech for 30 days, +6000cr and -1 Morale
50% Lots of cash. +4 MechTech for 14 days, +9000cr and -1 Morale

“Black Market fence selling an AC/2”

A pilot receives an offer to buy a weapon by a sketchy fence.

Refuse the offer:
100% You give them the brush off. (No Effect)

Accept the offer:
75% You buy the weapon. -72,000cr, +2 Pirate Rep and +1 AC/2.
25% Cops bust the deal. -18,000cr

Just steal the AC/2: (Requires Dishonest trait)
50% You ambush the fence. -2 Pirate Rep and +1 AC/2.
50% They were prepared for betrayal. -1 Pirate Rap and Pilot gains 2 injuries.

Let (Pilot), the expert, handle it: (Requires Criminal trait)
100% The fence is impressed. -54,000cr +2 Pirate Rep and +1 AC/2.

“Black Market fence selling an SRM4”

A pilot receives an offer to buy a weapon by a sketchy fence.

Refuse the offer:
100% You give them the brush off. (No Effect)

Accept the offer:
75% You buy the weapon. -72,000cr, +2 Pirate Rep and +1 SRM4.
25% Cops bust the deal. -18,000cr

Just steal the SRM4: (Requires Dishonest trait)
50% You ambush the fence. -2 Pirate Rep and +1 SRM4.
50% They were prepared for betrayal. -1 Pirate Rap and Pilot gains 2 injuries.

Make use of past connections:
100% The fence is impressed. -54,000cr +3 Pirate Rep and +1 SRM4.

“Black Market fence selling an Large Laser”

A pilot receives an offer to buy a weapon by a sketchy fence.

Refuse the offer:
100% You give them the brush off. (No Effect)

Accept the offer:
75% You buy the weapon. -160,000cr, +2 Pirate Rep and +1 Large Laser.
25% Cops bust the deal. -40,000cr

Just steal the laser: (Requires Dishonest trait)
25% You ambush the fence. -2 Pirate Rep and +1 Large Laser.
50% They were planning betrayal also, and did it better. -2 Pirate Rap and Pilot gains 3 injuries.
25% The double cross goes poorly. Pilot is captured then murdered. -1 Morale and -2 Pirate Rep

Let (Pilot), the expert, handle it: (Requires Criminal trait)
100% The fence is impressed. -120,000cr +3 Pirate Rep and +1 Large Laser.

“Black Market Invitation”

(Basically they Higher your rep with the pirates, the less you have to pay to join. If you refuse, this event will not appear again for at least 90 days. There’s 4 variants of this event depending on past interactions.)

“A Black Market Shakedown”

The pirates want you to repay Black Market membership fee
(There’s a variant of this if Pirate Rep is below -20. Choices and outcomes are the same.)

Refuse to pay and let membership lapse:
100% Lose Black Market membership.

Pay up: (amount varies depending on Pirate rep)
100% Retain Membership. -cr


The mining planet you’re on has an unregulated fighting ring. Rebellious Pilot wants in.

Warn them not to get hurt:
25% Your threat discourages the pilots. Pilot loses Rebellious trait.
25% Pilot fights anyway, gets his ass kicked. Pilot gains 1 injury and Low Spirits.
50% Your threat discourages the pilots. (No Effect)

Forbid them to enter the ring:
25% You lay down the law. Pilot Gains Dependable trait losing Rebellious.
50% Pilot fights anyway, you give him KP duty. Pilot is unavailable for 30 days.
25% You lay down the law. (No Effect)

Order them back to work, singling out (Pilot):
25% Nobody fights. Pilot loses Rebellious trait.
25% Pilot fights and wins. +10,000cr, Pilot gains 1 injury and Lucky Trait.
25% Pilot fights anyway, you give him KP duty. Pilot is unavailable for 30 days.
25% Pilot fights anyway and is killed. -3 Morale.

“Bump in the Night”

Pilot Klutz accidentally almost wrecked the Argo. How do you deal with it?

Take it out of (Klutz)’s pay:
100% Be glad we didn’t kick you off the ship! Pilot gains Low Spirits.

Enforce strict discipline:
50% More accidents. -3 MechTech for 14 days, Pilot gains Low Spirits & is unavailable for 14 days.
25% -3 MechTech for 14 days, Pilot gains Low Spirits, is unavailable for 14 days and gains Jinxed.
25% -1 MechTech for 14 days, Pilot gains Low Spirits, is unavailable for 14 days and -1 Morale.

Use your company’s funds and train (Klutz):
75% They can be taught! -100,000cr, Pilot loses Klutz trait, is unavailable for 14 days +High Spirits
25% -100,000cr, Pilot loses Klutz trait, and is unavailable for 14 days. Gains High Spirits and Dependable.


“Can we keep it?”

A pilot ignored Darius’ repeated PSAs and brought a kitten home.

Welcome the cat on board the Argo:
100% Screw Darius, kittens be dope! + 1 Morale.

Accept the cat, but make (Pilot) sweat first:
100% Don’t do it again. Unless it’s another kitten, in which case do. +1 Morale.

Send the cat back to the surface
100% Cat hater! >:( -2 Morale. But worse, no cat!

“Cards in the Mech Bay”

Mechwarriors keep playing cards in the Mech Bay. Yang disapproves

Restrict card games to Barracks:
100% No games in the Mech Bay! (No Effect)

Allow card games on the mess deck:
25% Everybody is happy. +1 Morale
75% They get rowdier. -2 Morale

Send the MechWarriors on shore leave:
100% Crazy party. +1 Morale

“Carlyle’s Bid”

Another Mercenary captain is trying to poach a pilot from you. How do you respond?

Caution (Pilot) against making a quick decision:
100% Don’t be rash! (No Effect)

Give (Pilot) your blessing if (they) want to leave:
100% Kay, cool, thanks, bye! Pilot is fired and +100,000cr

Encourage (Pilot) to keep the kickback if (they) leave:
100% So long, and thanks for all the fish! Pilot is fired and +1 Morale

“The Catapult”

3 pilots are crafting a miniature, radish tossing catapult made from dried noodles.

Ignore them:
50% It falls apart. (No Effect)
50% They pelt Darius with a radish. He’s not amused. All pilots gain Low Spirits.

25% They all learn something. +50xp
50% You almost hit Darius. All pilots gain High Spirits.
25% It fails, they squabble. -1 Morale and the 2nd pilot gains Low Spirits.

Put a stop to it:
33% If you have time to play with food, you have time to train! (No Effect)
33% This is all your fault! All pilots gain Low Spirits.
33% I’ll just take this to my bunk… 2nd pilot gets High Spirits

“Class Warfare”

Pilot A and Nobel Pilot B have an argument ending with Pilot A decking Pilot B.

Confine (Pilot A) to quarters for fighting:
100% Pilot B takes this as licence to be bossy to everybody. -1 Morale, Pilot A gains Low Spirits and becomes unavailable for 7 days, Pilot B gains High Spirits.

Discipline (Pilot B) for trying to pull rank:
100% You put Pilot B back in place. Pilot B gains Low Spirits.

Punish them both:
100% You put them both in their place. Both pilots +Low Spirits and become Unavailable for 7 days.

Have them fight in the Gym instead:
25% Intense fight, Pilot B wins. +2 Morale, Pilot B gains High Spirits, Both Pilots gain 1 injury.
25% Intense fight, Pilot A wins. +2 Morale, Pilot A gains High Spirits, Both Pilots gain 1 injury.
25% Pilot B kicks ass. +2 Morale, Pilot B gains High Spirits and Pilot A gains 1 injury.
25% Pilot A kicks ass. +2 Morale, Pilot A gains High Spirits and Pilot B gains 1 injury.

“The Company We Keep”

Port authorities don’t like your pirate friends and want to inspect your ship.

Refuse the search and pay the fine:
100% Pay the state sanctioned bribes! -100,000cr

Allow the search:
25% They confiscate the hooch! -50,000cr -1 local faction rep
50% They confiscate your pilot’s body pillows! -10,000cr and -2 Morale
25% They find nothing. No Effect.

Bribe the inspectors:
75% Bribes never fail! -25,000cr
25% Except when they do. -50,000cr and -2 local faction rep

“The Competition”

Morale is low. Pilots A+B Demand a raise.

Refuse any changes in compensation:
100% They hold back voicing their opinion. Both pilots gain Low Spirits.

Give these two pilots a bonus:
50% They’re pleasantly surprised. -5000cr and Both pilots gain High Spirits.
50% They boast about it. -5000cr, -2 Morale and Both pilots gain High Spirits.

Give every MechWarrior a bonus:
50% They’re pleasantly surprised. -40,000cr and +2 Morale
50% They take credit. -40,000cr, +2 Morale and Both pilots gain High Spirits.

Give a bonus to all MechWarriors and ship crew:
100% Darius is the only one not happy. -100,000cr, +2 Morale, +2 MedTech and +2 MechTech
for 30 days.

“Continuing Education”

Two pilots want training that doesn’t involve getting shot by lasers

Suggest the MechWarriors enjoy their downtime:
100% Relaxing is a part of training. Both pilots gain High Spirits.

Organise pencil & paper exercises:
75% Put your GM hat on and play some OG Battletech! Both pilots gain 50xp.
25% This game is awesome! Both pilots gain 100xp.

Temporarily hook up the Training Modules:
100% Let’s play Mechwarrior 2! Both pilots gain 100xp.

“Corridor Bocce”

Two Pilots have been playing bowling (or Corridor Bocce as they call it) in the barracks

Let Darius’ decision stand:
100% Bowling is the only cure for sadness, Both pilots gain Low Spirits

Reverse Darius’ decision:
50% Let ‘em bowl. What’s the worst that could happen? +1 Morale, Both pilots +High Spirits
50% Oh, that. -2000cr, -1 Morale and both pilots gain Low Spirits

Host one last public game:
75% Gather ‘round everyone! +1 Morale.
25% Duck! Oooh that looks painful. +1 Morale and 2nd pilot gains 1 injury.

“Coupling Unit”

Something needs fixing, on the outside of the ship. Send a Pilot out to fix it?

Allow Dr. Murad to borrow your MechWarrior:
75% All’s well. (No Effect)
25% Accidents happen. Pilot gains 1 injury.

Patch around the problem:
50% The pilot is still eager to help. Pilot gains Dependable trait.
50% The patch didn’t work. -1(2?) MechTech for 14 days.

“Criminal Ties”

Some creep from a Pilots past confronts the two of you.

Run away:
100% Pull a King Arthur. You both escape.Pilot gets Low Spirits.

Talk your way out of the situation:
50% You browbeat the creep. Pilot gains High Spirits.
50% They ain’t interested in talk. Pilot gains 1 injury.

Stand your ground and fight:
50% You kick their collective ass. Pilot gains High Spirits.
50% They kick your ass. The cops fine you. -1000cr and Pilot gains 1 injury.

“Crowded Space”

There’s a lot of space junk up ahead. Sumire and a pilot can try to shoot some up.

Prioritize protecting the Mech Bay:
25% The Med Bay takes a beating. -2 MedTech for 14 days and Pilot gains 100xp.
25% The Barracks is hit. A 2nd pilot gains 2 injuries,-2 Morale and Pilot gains 100xp.
25% Damage all over! 2nd pilot + 2 injuries, -2 Morale, -2 MedTech for 14 days and Pilot gains 100xp.
There’s no fourth outcome. Screw maths!

Prioritize protecting the MedBay:
25% The Barracks get hit. A 2nd pilot gains 2 injuries,-2 Morale and Pilot gains 100xp.
25% The Mech Bay and Leopard hit. -4 MechTech for 14 days and Pilot gains 1 injury.
25% Damage all over! 2nd pilot + 2 injuries, -2 Morale, -4 MechTech for 14 days, Pilot gains 100xp.
Again, no fourth outcome.

Prioritize protecting the Barracks:
25% The Mech Bay is smashed. -4 MechTech for 14 days and Pilot gains 100xp.
25% The Med Bay and Leopard hit -2 MedTech for 14 days and Pilot gains 1 injury.
25% Damage all over! -2 MedTech for 14 days, -4 MechTech for 14 days and Pilot gains 1 injury.
It’s not my maths that’s bad. That’s how they’re weighed in the game files!

Don’t risk the Leopard and MechWarriors:
25% It’s bad. 2nd pilot + 2 injuries, -2 Morale and -2 MedTech for 14 days.
25% It ain’t good. 2nd pilot + 2 injuries, -2 Morale and -4 MechTech for 14 days
25% It could be worse. -2 MedTech for 14 days and -4 MechTech for 14 days
25% It’s Worse. -2 MedTech for 14 days, -4 MechTech for 14 days and -2 Morale.

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