A photo guide detailing where to find all the coins in the shop. This guide will also help you get the achievements “Collection,” “Pétiller,” and “Aaaah…” along the way.
A quick disclaimer and how to get “Collection”
For “Collection,” once you have the coins, you’ll just need to get the dolls and have them bagged at the checkout counter. I recommend doing this process one doll at a time so you don’t have to drop them all over the floor and pick them up again: Put a coin into the machine, turn the handle, take the doll out, and bring it to the shopkeeper. Ask her to bag it up for you. (You don’t need to listen to her tell you about them every time.) Once the last doll has been bagged, the achievement should pop. You shouldn’t need to check out to receive the achievement.
With that said, let’s start gathering coins.
Coin 1

Coin 2

Coin 3

Coin 4

Coin 5

Basement coins
Coin 6

Coin 7

Coin 8

Coin 9

Coin 10

Entering the next section of the basement and “Pétiller”
– Take the key hanging in the cabinet above coin ten.
– Go back up the hall from where you picked up coin ten, going up the ramps and stairs to get back into the initial basement area, where you found coins six through eight.
– From the top of the ramp, go forward and then take a right. You should be back in the room with the computer in it, where you found coin seven.
– On your right should be a locked toolbox on top of some cardboard boxes. Since you have the key, you can open it. Take the crowbar that’s inside.
– Retrace your steps to the boarded-up door, and use your crowbar on each board to tear them down.
Congratulations, you’ve made it to the lowest level of the basement!
Once you’ve torn the boards down and entered the lower level of the basement, you’ll notice a vending machine directly in front of you. For the cost of two coins, you can buy a drink from it, and if you hold the drink in your hand and right click to sip it, you’ll unlock the “Pétiller” achievement. Remember that you don’t need every coin to collect every doll for the “Collector” achievement, so you can get both achievements in one go.
Coin 11

Coin 12

Coin 13

Coin 14

If you want to continue into the basement to get coin fifteen and reach the bathroom for the “Aaaah…” achievement, pull the big lever on the wall that’s behind you when you’re standing at the desk coin fourteen is on. This will open the metal bar gate we saw earlier when getting coin twelve. Head back down the hall and to that gate.
Coin 15 and “Aaaah…”