Football Manager 2022: User Data Location

Here is a simple guide to help you find the user data location. if you need to find it.


Football Manager 2022 User Data Location

First make sure you have run the game at least once (just getting to the start menu and exiting is fine) so the game can create the required folders for you.

Then the exact location depends on the OS you are using.


By default your User Data Location is located within the Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022 folder.

MAC Users:

By default your User Data Location is now located within the Users\[Your Mac Username]\Library\Application Support\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022 folder.

By default this folder is hidden, so to access you need to do as follows:

– Open Finder

– Click ‘Go’ from the menu bar

– Press and hold down the ‘Option’ (Alt) key

– This will bring up the ‘Library’, click to enter then go to ‘Application Support’ -> ‘Sports Interactive’ -> ‘Football Manager 2022’

By michaeltmurrayuk

More Guides:

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