This guide will hopefully help fix the start menu crashing.
Quick Disclaimer
This worked for me I don’t know if this will work for you but it’s worth a try and maybe it will work
How to Fix the Start Menu Crashing
First Step: Go to the settings (the gear symbol)

Second Step: Click on properties
Three Step: Go to local files
Fourth Step: Click on “verify Integrity of game files” (this will check the games files to make sure they are the correct files or in the right place)
Note: You may need to do repeat this step a few times I repeated this step 4 times
Fifth Step: Test it out to make sure it works if it doesn’t work you may need to try it a few more times if it still doesn’t work I don’t know how to fix it
Sixth Step: If the game loaded correctly congrats and have fun.
By _XZX_