Fox-Goes-Hunting User-Manual (Game-Guide)
User Manual
‘Foxy’ is hungry, with slowly decreasing health
- Dont let his health drop to zero or you lose
Run over prey (Chickens, Rabbits, etc.) to eat them
- Don’t let predators kill you or you lose and must replay the level
Higher levels have more and faster animals
- You may randomly (1 chance in 15) get a special surprise predator
Level-16 is a preview prototype of a future “T-Rex hunts Dinosaurs” game
Use movement keys or controller-joysticks to move
- At higher levels Twin-Sticks can help turn will moving
Use space-bar or controller-Y to jump
Shoot (‘F’ or controller-right-toggle) predators (Wolves, Bears, etc.)
Use the map (click map-icon or ‘M’ or controller-map) to sniff animal locations
If you get low on bullets run over the bullet Reward spinning coins
The faster you eat all prey and shoot all predators then the better the score
- Anytime you want, you can just replay an easier level (or try for a higher score)
Anytime during play you can click ‘|| pause-icon’ or ‘TAB’ to suspend back to the main menu
- And then use the main menu ‘Resume’ to resume right back into the paused play
The main-menu has a “Leaders” button (or when you ‘Win’ any level) to show:
- The single level Best Score list and to total game Cumulative Score list