Guide on unlocking hobos for Hobo Tough Life. Tips and images included.
Pro Tip
All Hobos
Common Hobo – Experienced Oldster – Smelly Jack – Lucky Luke
Experienced Oldster

Step 1:
To acquire this hobo first you must build a study. The recipe is below:
This is what the study looks like when it’s placed.
Step 2:
Next you must acquire 30 serious books. This part is very grindy. Here two of ways I gathered them quickly.
1: Stealing – Some npc’s walking around may carry serious books (Having a high steal level helps)
2: Satanic Shrine – The satanic shrine has a random chance of giving you serious books (Make sure to have plenty of healing items and packaged chicken)
3: Dumpster Diving Industrial Bins (Not recommended)
Step 3: Use the study to read 30 books. (Doesn’t have to be all at once)
Smelly Jack

This hobo’s by far the easiest to unlock.
Step 1: Sh*t yourself
Just spam food until you sh*t yourself. (Instantly spikes odor to 100% and stains clothing)
Step 2:
Wait/afk or do quests/favors while waiting for the 2 days to be up. (Should be around 60 min)
DO NOT use any wet wipes or soap. Your odor must stay above 90%.
+ You won’t be able to interact with most npc’s (except hobos), supermarkets, toilets, etc so make sure you have access to food and toilets. +
Lucky Luke

This hobo is easy to unlock as long as you’re prepared with plenty of food and energy drinks.
Step 1: Create Drinking Lounge
Here’s the recipe:
Here’s what it looks like:
Step 2: Preparation – Make sure to have an inventory of food, quality cigs, alcohol, and energy drinks.
– Have at least 2 days worth of energy drinks and food
– Have 3 quality cigs
– Enough alcohol to get your hobo to 100%.
– Make sure to use the toilet and sleep to 100 beforehand
– Get stats to a good amount (food and morale – 100%)
++ DO NOT use coffee as it lowers the alcohol level ++
Step 3:
Spam the alcohol until alcohol level says 100% then sit on the drinking lounge.
Step 4:
Leave the game open and go do something else (watch youtube/play another game/etc) checking up once in a while to manage stats.
If your hobo needs something (example: hungry) get off the lounge and eat/drink then get back on. DO NOT use the toilet you won’t have enough time just let your hobo sh*t himself.
Food – Hunger
Cigs – Morale
Energy Drink – Stamina
Remember that you have to stay on the chair for 2 whole days. (60 min in real life)