Homeworld Remastered Collection: Kushan/Taidan Multiplayer Guide

A guide for playing HW1 factions (Kushan/Taidan) in Multiplayer on Player Patch 2.3



This is a guide for playing HW1 factions (Kushan/Taidan) in Multiplayer on Player Patch 2.3 (as it’s the main version for online multiplayer).

Start the game

– Immediately send your initial collectors to work
– Send your Carrier to the natural expansion
– Queue 3 collectors each on MS and Carrier and send them to the natural expansion
– Adjust the above depending on map to make sure that no collector is queuing

– Build some scouts and send them to the opponent’s location

– Build a research ship

What happens next depends on whether you’re facing a HW1 or HW2 opponent.

Vs HW1 factions

In HW1 vs HW1 match-up, the recommended ship progression is Corvettes -> Frigates -> Fighters -> Capitals. That is, you start with Corvettes then add Frigates etc.
– Corvettes: start with Light Corvettes, then add Repair Corvettes and Heavy Corvettes, then go attack
– Frigates: start with Assault Frigates, then add Support Frigates and Ion Frigates
– Fighters: add Intercepters/Bombers depending on what’s needed
– Capitals: probably 1 more Carrier, Destroyers, Missile Destroyers, Heavy Cruisers

– Start with 2 patches, but when the Corvettes + Frigates fight stalls, you should expand to a 3rd patch

Other openings:
– Fighter opening is not as good as Corvette opening because Light Corvettes are very efficient vs fighters.
– Frigate opening is too slow and Heavy Corvettes are good vs Frigates

– Be very aggressive with your corvettes
– Use salvage corvettes when opportunity presents

Vs HW2 factions

In HW1 vs HW2 match-up, the recommended ship progression is Fighters -> Frigates -> Corvettes -> Capitals. That is, you start with Fighters then add Frigates etc.
– Fighters: build both Intercepters and Bombers and start rushing
– Frigates: start with Assault Frigates, then add Support Frigates and Ion Frigates
– Corvettes: start with Light Corvettes, then add Repair Corvettes and Heavy Corvettes
– Capitals: probably 1 more Carrier, Destroyers, Missile Destroyers, Heavy Cruisers

– Start with 2 patches, but when the initial Fighters rush stalls, you should expand to a 3rd patch

Other openings:
– Corvette opening is not good vs HW2 factions because Vaygr lance fighters and Hiigaran torpedo frigates are very good vs corvettes
– Frigate opening is too slow

– Be very agressive. Vs HW2 factions, late-game they will have stronger ships and better production and HW1 faction will probably lose.
– Use salvage corvettes when opportunity presents

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