This guide describes the best course of action to play through Hush Hush. if your not interested in that and only want the hint’s, those will be found towards the start of the guide.
*Heavy spoilers, only use this guide if you are willing to be spoiled*
Thanks to Everyone
- This guide follows only a good karma path, if you at any moment get bad karma the run is ruined.
- This guide was created on 8/28/2022, and there has been a few bugs that have caused some issues that will be fixed in the coming updates.
- This play through is the hard mode version of the game. (Sad Panda plans to add a difficulty modifier and it has been confirmed that the first version of the game is the hardest version)
- This guide does not go over all the achievements since most of them are basically explained. If there is a chance that you could get an achievement the guide will mention the opportunity except for some that require certain characters deaths.
- To get an A+ on all dates you need to romance all the girls (Why play a dating game if you’re not going to date anyone?)
- There is a bug that makes the daily coffee only give motivation if you load a save. To get other stats from it you have to not reload a save at all, or it would just reload the save. This guide was made without being reliant on the coffee, the only vital coffee is the one on July 2nd, anything else was a bonus so you do not need to worry about not making some stats without the coffee.
Mystic Hints
- July 1st (Free)- Mio’s first secret is no pain in the neck. She’ll tell the first soul that’s savvy in Tech
- July 2nd ($1 Money)- For Iro’s first secret, you can’t stick to jokes. Ask ‘sensitive’ questions. That’s all folks.
- July 3rd ($3 Money)- Cassie’s first secret may make your head twirl. Ask the hard question- do you even ‘lift’, girl?
- July 4th ($5 Money)- Elle’s first secret is nothing at all. Just share “Your opinion”… She won’t mind the gall.
- -July 5th ($10 Money)- Quill’s first secret is nothing to fear. Just be a good friend and scratch her right ‘hear’.
- -July 6th ($25 Money)-Mio’s next secret is the source of her fame. Keeping aim without shame is the name of the game.
- – July 7th ($40 Money)-When seeking Elle’s secret, you just need some care. To get you ‘a-head, just ask about hair.
- -July 8th ($75 Money)-In week 2, for Cassie, you can’t be too weak. When she’s speaking in private, you must take a peek.
- -July 9th ($100 Money)- Iro’s next secret isn’t anything drastic. You just need to be Suave, and you must look ‘fantastic’!
- -July 10th ($150 Money)- For Quill’s second secret, either make an exception, to ask about danger or be forced to deception.
- -July 11th ($222 Money)- For the number 3 secret, get Mio alone. Then fill her desire… By fixing her phone.
- -July 12th ($444 Money)- For Elle’s third secret, once the champagne is drank, you must help successfully to pull off a prank.
- -July 13th ($666 Money)-For Cassie’s next secret, your patience is tried. Don’t let her be rude. Don’t let her phone slide.
- -July 14th ($999 Money)- For Iro’s next secret, you must choose and be zealous. Dark- search her secrets. light- make her jealous.
- -July 15th ($1,234 Money)- For Quill’s third secret, she must be in the mood. Rile her up, and prepare to get lewd.
- -July 16th ($1,776 Money)-Mio will tell you this, in the rain all alone. But to make sure you hear it, you must answer the phone.
- -July 17th ($1,000 Money)-Elle’s fourth secret will test if you’re decent. when she falls asleep, look for mail that’s recent.
- -July 18th ($2,222 Money)-Cassie’s fourth secret is the hardest to find. You’ll need a buff bod. But also your mind.
- -July 19th ($3,141 Money)- Iro’s fourth secret will sure be a bother. you must break her heart by ratting out her father.
- -July 20th ($5,678 Money)- For Quill’s fourth secret, you’ll have to get lucky. and trust me- pulling her ears is just ducky.
- -July 21st ($6,300 Money)- Mio’s final secret will wear your cash thin. When she livestreams her auction. it’s YOU that must win.
- -July 22nd ($7,531 Money)- Cassie’s last secret will cost you, I fear. Money or violence. The line’s drawn here.
- -July 23rd ($7,777 Money)-Elle’s final secret is the hardest to see. The goddesses won’t let us. Even me. (You get your money back for this one. +$7,777 Money)
- -July 24th ($8,675 Money)- Iro’s final secret is the hardest to hear. Just mention the ring. And brace for the tears.
- -July 25th ($10000 Money)- Quill’s final secret is easy- just ask. But finding that date- aha! Tha’ts the task!
- -July 26th (Free!)- For four different endings, here is your task. Save all the girls. And the Villain… unmask
That is all the hints in the game and now you should get the achievement. He was such a fun character.
Stats needed each week
These are the minimal amount of skill points needed in each stat to ensure you will get an A+ on each date in that week.
- 1st week stat guide. (Need these amounts before each date, only week where I’ll put the stats like this, next dates are easier to plan for.)
To get all 1st week events you need to schedule a date with bonnibel and Mio and choose Mio over Bonnibel)
- 2nd week stat guide. (This time I’m just putting down the minimal points you need throughout the week and how much money you’ll need for dates.) (Keep in mind that You need these points by the date deadlines found in the guide)
Tech Savvy-15
($620 Money needed for dates)
(Motivation, Tech Savvy, and Buff needed by the 9th)
(Lucky needed by the 10th) (also need 24 Suave by the 10th as well.)
(Suave needed by the 11th)
- 3rd week stat guide.
Tech Savvy-27
($4525k needed for dates)
(Tech Savvy and Suave 50 needed by the 16th)
(Suave 50 and Buff 33 needed by the 17th)
(Buff needed by the 19th)
(Suave and Motivation needed by the 20th)
(Lucky needed by the 21st)
- 4th week stat guide (By the time to reach the start of the 4th week you’ll have enough stats for the endgame if you optimized your build)
Tech Savvy-34
(Don’t worry about dates, your all set for skills from this point on. That Buff Skill will fill up by the final week.)
Final Stats needed
Tech Savvy-36
From this point forward the guide will be going over each date, secret, and optimal paths you can take to ensure you get the ultimate ending.
July 1st-July 7th
The first week is the most important to know, after that just follow the date guide to know how to build your character, the events are fun to see, and I recommend at least seeing them before following a guide.
- -Morning
- Go to Beach (Look at introductions for Iro)
- -Afternoon
- Go to Bakery (Look at introductions for Elle)
- Go to Mystics (From this point on refer to the Mystic tab to see all hints and cost, you need to start getting hints now and try to get them daily if you want them all.)
- -Evening
- Go to Mall (Look at introduction for Cassie)
- -Night=Motivation, Flip burgers.
- -Morning
- (Phone Eli) I’ll be there.
- (Phone Mystic) (Always ask for hints, they help a lot.)
- Go to Mystic, Cafe, bakery and Sir Vicks.
- Go to Beach (+1 to all skills)
- Well, I didn’t… But now, I mean, you made it sound pretty great…
- -Afternoon
- (Text lotus back, that’s her only text the whole game until the endgame)
- (Go to Mall and Bakery, not the cafe. DON’T BUY A COFFEE!)
- Go to Arcade and play the creepy fortune telling machine. (+1 lucky, this is needed.)
- -Evening
- (Phone Cassie) Whoa whoa whoa! This is a misunderstanding! /It’s not like that. I wanted to ask you out. I slipped. I promise.
- Go to Arcade (Look at introductions for Mio)
- -Night=Lucky, Lucky
- Skills=4-1-1-6-1 ($14 Money) (I am now going to add a skill and money benchmark so you can track if you are doing well. Try and have the same stats for the first week, but later on just try and be close to the amounts)
- -Morning
- (Phone Elle/Bonnible) Schedule a date for both on the 4th, don’t deny any dates at all for this week.
- Go to park- (Look for 1st date under Iro’s dates)
- -Afternoon
- (Phone Mio)- I’d love to go out sometime. When? Where? How? (Schedules a date for the 4th, very important you do this.)
- Go to Park- (Throw in $10 dollars for +1 all stats)
- -Evening
- (Phone Cassie)- I’m into it. We’ll see you then.
- Go to Cafe Event- (+1 all stats and achievement if you give correct responses)
- [Any Choice]
- Yeah, go for it. I’d love to chat.
- [Any Choice]
- [1st Choice, I’m too lazy to type that]
- [Any Choice]
- (Your hair looks great! Like everything else!)
- (There’s nothing at all wrong with you.)
- (Make Dmitri get him the drink!)
- (Give him your number)
- Sounds Great
- -Night= Tech Savvy, Tech Savvy
- Skills- 9-7-3-8-4 ($1 Money)
- -Morning
- Go to the Beach- [Lucky 8] (+$777 Money)
- -Afternoon (From now on you can go to all pink marks, buy a coffee everyday now! You have money to spend!)
- Go to the Mall- (Look at 1st date for Cassie under Cassie’s dates.) (Elle won’t mind you ditched her.)
- -Evening
- (Phone Eli)- Sounds like fun. That’s a big yes from me.
- Go to Arcade- (Look for 1st Mio date under Mio’s dates) (Bonnibel won’t mind you ditching her.)
- -Night= Suave, Suave
- Skills- 11-12-10-9-8 ($693 Money)
- -Morning
- Go to the arcade. (+$1000 money/1 Tech Savvy if you unplug the guy’s game, also do it because he’s a jerk.)
- -Afternoon
- Go to Park. (See 1st Eli date in Eli’s dates)
- -Evening
- Go to Cafe. (See 1st Bonnibel date in Bonnibel’s dates) (Beach only gives +1 motivation)
- -Night= Suave, Suave
July 6- Skills- 11-13-15-9-8 ($1.68 Money)
- -Morning
- Go to Cafe Event. (+1 all skills)
- -Afternoon
- Go to Reed Estate (Look for 1st Elle date under Elle’s dates.) (Hospital has nothing but a +buff, you can’t do it through or else you’ll lose the game.)
- -Evening
- Go Home. (Look up Quill introduction and her 1st date under Quill’s dates tab.)
- -Night= Buff
July 7- Skills- 14-14-20-11-11 ($1.60k Money)
- -Morning
- Go to the Town to meet Fumi. (The mall event only gives you $50 Money, yeah.)
- -Afternoon
- Go to Park. (You get a great photo and +1 Suave if you choose [Suave 11]) (The pizzeria gives +1 to motivation and Tech Savvy.)
- -Evening
- Go to Town- (You meet Alpha so go to Alpha’s date section to see her introduction) (The Event Downtown just haves you meet Cali and Alice early, nothing is awarded to you but you see some cool Kickstarter characters.)
- -Night= Buff, Buff
July 8th-July 15th
- Skills- 14-14-22-11-15 ($1.59k Money)
- –Morning
- Defeat the Mountain.
- [Any Choice]
- [Motivation 12] CHECK!
- [Buff 12] Naw, We got this. (You can use Motivation 12 if you really need motivation.)
- [Buff 14] Is it done? Barely broke a sweat.
- [Any Choice] (You gain a +1 to Motivation and Buff after the event.)
- –Afternoon– (Accept Iro’s date request.)
- (Phone Iro) For sure! I’d love to drink coffee and not destroy my body at the same time.
- Go to the Arcade (The home event gives you a photo for the gallery, but it has a Suave 33 check) (Cafe will return later.)
- Absolutely! I’m all yours!
- I don’t know. You might be a bit… Soft for that cosplay.
- Mini golf. It counts as physical exercise, thereby putting you at a disadvantage.
- [Buff 3] (Play to win.)
- -Evening (Accept Mio’s date request.)
- (Phone Mio) I’m there.
- Go to the Arcade.
- [Suave 15] Hey Cassie. You’re looking great. great times five.
- It was either hang out with two hot chicks, or stay home and pet my kitty.
- Here’s to Cassie. She’s hot. And she’s cool.
- [Buff 15] (Hold your Liquor.)
- Rain check.
- –Night= Tech Savvy, Lucky
- Skills- 18-16-22-13-20 ($1.49k Money)
- –Morning (Accept Cassie’s date request.)
- (Phone Cassie) Sounds amazing.
- Go to Cafe. (Use 2nd date in Iro’s date section.)
- –Afternoon (Accept Elle’s date request.)
- (Phone Elle) I would love to!
- Go to the Beach. (Use the 2nd date from Mio’s date section)
- -Evening (Accept Quill’s date Request)
- (Phone Quill) Yes
- Go to the Cafe. (Use 2nd date from Cassie’s date section.) (The winery gives you a cute scene with Iro and pictures for the gallery.)
- –Night= Lucky, Lucky
- Skills- 21-18-26-17-22 ($563 Money)
- –Morning (Accept Bonnibels date request.)
- (Phone Bonnibel) A beautiful woman offering to make me cinnamon buns? Can I say yes twice?
- Go to the Park.
- [Suave 18] I’m no bird myself, but I would love to get closer too. Mind if I sit here?
- Hahaha! Two bird puns in ten seconds. Sounds like “fowl language” to me.
- [Suave 20] Present company included… Best time ever.
- [Motivation 15] You can ask me anything, Elle.
- If you don’t wonder what it’s like being something else, you might not see what you are.
- Pleasure was mine.
- (Hug her.)
- -Afternoon
- Go to Cafe. (The town event only gives you +1 luck, or just $5 Money. What do you do with $5!)
- I take it… Things didn’t work out with you and Nimh?
- [Motivation 17] Lotus. put your trust in me. I shall not let you down.
- (Signal for her to flirt back. Take the opening.)
- (Signal for her to make a double entendre!)
- (Signal to ask for her number.)
- [Motivation 15] You did great, lotus. I gave you crazy suggestions, because I knew it didn’t matter. She was into you.
- (+2 to all skills :D)
- –Evening (Accept Eli’s date request)
- (Phone Eli) what can I say, but… Eli Eli Oh!
- Go Home. (Use the 2nd date from Quill’s date section.)
- -Night= Buff, Model
- Skills- 27-20-32-20-26 ($5.40K Money)
- -Morning
- Go Home (Use 2nd date form Bonnibels date section.)
- -Afternoon
- Go to the Cafe. (Use 2nd date from Elle’s section.) (The park event can be done later, and the arcade only gives you about $130 Money.)
- -Evening (accept Alpha’s date request)
- (Phone Alpha) i would love to hang out then!
- Go to the Mall. (Use 2nd date from Eli’s date section.)
- -Night= Lucky, Model
- Skills- 33-23-42-22-27 ($14.33k Money)
- -Morning
- Go to the Hospital. (Take the pill, it’s a +3 Suave)
- -Afternoon
- -Home or Mall (The Mall offers +1 luck and +$999 Money) (Home offers more Quill time and either +1 Tech savvy or Lucky.)
- I bet you do.
- This machine is for drying clothes. But you should be fine to take a nap on it.
- [Lucky 21] I’m gonna guess… No you didn’t. Let’s find out!
- -Evening
- Go Home. (use 1st date in Alpha date section.) (Event in town unlocks a Cassie gallery photo, but Alpha’s date is priority.)
- -Night= Buff, Model
- Skills- 35-25-49-26-31 ($19.33k Money)
- -Morning
- Go to the Pizzeria
- (Eat magic pizza) (+3 Buff)
- -Afternoon
- Go to Park.
- (Practice your pickup lines on the pigeons.) (+4 Suave)
- -Evening
- Go to Town.
- (Bump her with your hip.)
- [Suave 36] But babe… I mean, you’re looking kinda nice tonight…
- [Suave 39] Yeah but Cass… I mean… You look good tonight, bae… (Do people still say bae?)
- [Suave 4] I’ll go. But first give me a kiss first.
- -Night= Lucky, Model
- Skills- 37-25-56-28-34 ($23.64k Money)
- –Morning
- Go to the Beach
Take a swim) (+3 buff) or (Frisbee= +3 suave) (Choose what you want more.) - -Afternoon
- Go to the Park.
- Hey Mio, what’s going on?
- [$5000 Money] I’ll front the cash. I just want to see you win.
- [Suave 40] (Seduce Ruri.)
- My pleasure.
- (+$5000 Money)
- –Evening
- Go to the Winery. (Beach is +1 all stats if you don’t want to see an Iro scene.)
- (Walk up slowly and quietly.) (+1 Motivation and Lucky)
- -Night= Model, Model
- Skills- 38-26-58-29-37 ($32.64k Money)
- -Morning
- (Phone Quill) OKAY! (Once again, unless you’re going for her death achievement, just order the food, it saves you an event and is free.)
- Go to Cafe.
- I always have time for a lotus Lesson.
- (Signal for a cookie reference.)
- (Signal to assert her generosity.)
- (Signal Lotus to laugh it off.)
- [Any Choice] (+2 Everything)
- -Afternoon (accept Alpha’s date)
- (Phone Alpha) That sounds amazing. I’ll see you tonight.
- Go to the Beach
- [Tech Savvy 22] (sneak over and fix her console.) (+3 Tech Savvy)
- -Evening (Make a save and head towards the arcade and fail on purpose to get the achievement for Mio’s death. It’s up to you if you want it.) (What that means is don’t use tech Savvy and say “I understood like half those words”)
- (Phone Mio) Sounds amazing. also like a scam. But I’m will to risk it. (Accept her date for the 16th)
- Go to Fancy Hotel. (Use 2nd date in Alpha’s date section.)
- -Night- Model, Model
July 16th-July 22nd
July 16
- Skills- 43-31-61-31-39 ($41.40K)
- -Morning (Deny Iro’s date request, she will reschedule easily.)
- (Phone Iro) Oh! today won’t work on my end.
- Go to Town
- [Any Choice]
- The scarf is good, but wrap it around an actual lotus (+5 Suave)
- -Afternoon
- Head to Winery. (Use 3rd date from Mio’s date section
- -Evening
- Go to hospital
- [Motivation 26] (Call her “sleeping beauty”)
- -Night= Model, Model
July 17
- Skills- 48-32-67-31-39 ($49.61k Money)
- -Morning (Accept Iro’s date request)
- (Phone Iro) I’m there.
- Go to Beach (Make a save so you can get the achievement for Iro’s death, just choose “Sigh, I guess so.. for her death.) (As of 8/28/22 the achievement is bugged and won’t be awarded like some other achievements.)
- What’s up?
- Don’t you need, like a special kind of bike to do this stuff?
- [Motivation 20] Iro… We all love our thrills, but you KNOW you need the right gear for something like this.
- -Afternoon (accept Bonnibels date request.)
- (Phone Bonnibel) Oh wow. The 18th… You’re mine…
- Go to the Beach (Use the 3rd date from Iro’s date section.)
- -Evening
- Go to Police Station (Look for 1st encounter in the Fumi Section) (Fumi will be your ally if you pursue her and have no negative karma. This will help you in the endgame.)
- -Night= Model, Model
July 18
- Skills- 56-32-71-31-44 ($58.60k Money)
- -Morning
- Go home.
- Yeah sure! (+5 lucky)
- -Afternoon (Deny Quill’s date request, she’ll reschedule.)
- Go Downtown.
- (Take a chip and eat it.) (Only option that does something worthwhile.)
- -Evening
- Go to the bakery (See 3rd date in the Bonnible section.)
- -Night= Model, Model
July 19
- Skills- 57-32-71-36-44 ($66.37k Money)
- -Morning (Accept Cassie’s date request)
- (Phone Cassie) Yes. I’ll prove to you I can clean up good.
- Go to the Park.
- (Clean the bench.) (+1 Motivation, this is the only option that does anything.)
- -Afternoon
- Go to the Arcade
- [$25 Money] (Play some games.) (+3 Tech Savvy)
- -Evening (Accept Elle’s date request)
- (Phone Elle) That’s a tall order, Elle. But I accept. I would love to be your date.
- Go to the Restaurant. (Use the 3rd date found in Cassie’s date section.)
- -Night= Model, Model
July 20
- Skills- 58-35-72-36-46 ($69.20k Money)
- -Morning
- Go to Beach
- [Any Choice]
- [Any Choices besides “Stay away from Iro”].
- -Afternoon
- Go to the Mall
- [$500 Money] (Donate to one of the charity kiosks.) (+3 All skills)
- -Evening
- Go to Winery (Look at third date under Elle’s date section.) (You cannot miss or reschedule this date.)
- -Night= Model, Model
July 21
- Skills- 65-38-77-40-49 ($66.52k Money)
- -Morning
- Go to Cafe
- (Give a motivational speech.) (+3 Motivation)
- -Afternoon (Accept Quill’s date)
- (Phone Quill) got it. Sunday. The 21st
- Go to Bakery
- Ah, exactly the person I wanted to see to make me feel safe… Oh, and Fumi is here too!
- [Suave 30] Give me a donut, but… Suave-ly!
- Go home (Use third date from Quill’s date section.)
- -Night= Model, Model
July 22
- Skills- 71-38-78-41-50 (76.51k Money)
- -Morning (Accept all the date requests, you have a lot of free time at this point.)
- (Phone Elle) I would love to. Spend time with you. Alone.
- (Phone Iro) Tonight it is. At that fancy place on 3rd.
- (Phone Cassie) How about I take you to the winery? Give the ‘fancy date’ thing a try.
- Go home
- Quick question- this isn’t a shallow grave of some kind, is it?
- Yeah, I’m following. You’re not moving fast. It’s easy.
- …The key is inside the box, isn’t? (Never expected a Schrodinger’s cat theory in this game.)
- [Buff 35] I think so… (+3 Buff) (+$10000 Money)
- -Afternoon
- Go to Elle’s house. (Use 4th date from Elle’s date section.)
- -Evening
- Go to Restaurant (Use 4th date on from Iro’s date section.)
- -Night= Model, Model
July 23rd-July 26th
- Skills- 74-38-83-41-53 ($88.98k Money)
- -Morning
- Go to Park.
- [Suave 60] Wow. I don’t know what it is, but you look sort of… Sparkling today.
- [Suave 65] (If you choose “Back off, Dimitri! I don’t like your sass! you get elle’s death achievement.)
- -Afternoon
- Go to Cafe.
- [Motivation 25] Come on Lotus. You’ve done the lessons. It’s time for your final exam.
- [Motivation 40] Let’s seduce the crap out of this fiery lass.
- (Signal to introduce herself.)
- (Signal to ask if you can help her out.)
- (Signal for her to write her number.)
- [Any Choice] (+3 All stats, you now have enough stats for their final max checks.)
- -Evening (Read though Mio’s texts, you need to do this to do her livestream which is a requirement for her secrets.)
- Go to Winery. (Use Cassie’s 4th date from Cassie’s date section.) (You need to join the gang during the date or else you will be placed in a doomed path and lose a few days later.)
- -Night= Model, Model (Use the livestream part in Mio’s section to know what to do, You can spend the $16000 or not, up to you if you want the 100k achievement, I’m using the reveal messages option.)
- Skills -81-42-97-44-61 ($91.12k Money) (This will be the last time I write down the skills and money, you should have enough of everything to complete the rest of the stuff in the game, if you stayed close to these scores you will be fine from here on out.)
- -Morning
- Go to Mall. (PEANUT!, it’s only her Cameo but we get Peanut!)
- [Any Choice]
- [First 2 Choices] (Staring at them gives the whole awkward achievement but you guys decide what to you want, it does nothing bad.)
- -Afternoon
- Go to Pizzeria. (To get Cassie’s death just say “Alrights! Let’s eat!)
- Hells yes! Nothing’s better than normal food getting fancy-fied.
- Uh, Cass? This pizza looks pretty… Off. I think it went bad.
- (Order pizza with $5000 Money or use the Buff 46 option, both have the same result but you decide if you want to waste money or not.)
- Ha ha, you were worried about me. You like me.
- -Evening
- Go to Love Hotel. (Look at 2nd Encounter under Fumi section.)
- -Night= Model, Model
- (Phone Mio) I’ll be there
- -Morning
[[/i]*] (Choose whatever, Beach gives you +5 Buff if you swim, while downtown gives an Iro scene.)
- -Afternoon
- Go to Mall.
- [Buff 50] Here, let me get that for you…
- Just walking. Saw your pretty face. Wanted to hear that pretty voice.
- [Suave 70] Tell me girl. you know you can trust me.
- -Evening
- Go to Mio’s house (Use 4th date from Mio’s section)
- -Night= Model, Model
- –Morning
- Go to town.
- [Any choice]
- [Any Choice]
- [Any Choice]
- [Any Choice]
- -Afternoon
- Go meet Dorian. (Don’t take his money when he offer’s, the achievement is already going to be yours and you don’t need that much money anyway.) (Half Light: DESTROY EVERYTHING! THROW HIS MONEY IN THE FLAMES AND THROW THE ASHES AT HIM!)
- The drive was okay. Thanks for asking.
- [Buff 50] Scotch
- I don’t know what you’re talking about.
- [Any choice besides the third]
- I had no idea…
- [Suave 70] Dorian…. this is beneath us both. You should have just asked first.
- -Evening
- Go home. (Use 4th date under Quill’s date section.)
- -Night= Model, Model
July 27th-July 31st (ENDGAME)
(Use the 5th date on all the respected girls’ events and you will win, doesn’t matter what you do at night since you have enough money and skills.
(i will see you all again on the 31st after quill’s date.)
- -Afternoon
- 1st Choice
- [Motivation 60]
- 3rd Choice
- [Motivation 65]
- 1st Choice
- 2nd Choice
- [Suave 80]
- [Buff 55] (A classic from the movies.)
- [Tech Savvy 36]
- 1st Choice (Save Him)
- [Any Choice]
- 3rd Choice
Now you just go to the airport and end your journey through your own choices, thank you for reading through my guide and for purchasing Hush Hush. And thank you Sad Panda, for one of the best visual novels I have ever played.
Secret Photos
(Sir Vicks really reminds of Mr. Libido from yakuza 0)
Main Girls
- All Choices shown offer the most hearts and are only listed when a dialogue tree presents itself to the player.
- [Any choice] means that you can choose any and it will not affect the dates path or lose any hearts.
- [Stat #] Informs you of what stat you will need and how many points it needs.
- (Question) I will present every choice that is a question and reveal all their effects if none of the options offer a positive on hearts or advance the story. Choosing questions will reveal more options to choose from for that question, I will only show the best options for those options (+hearts or nothing).
- *Important* Some dialogue tree option cause -hearts which some will be needed for A+ and to gain a secret, if you feel like you made a mistake while following the guide, wait until you finish the date to see if you get an A+ with a secret before reloading a save.
These are the choices that are guaranteed to give you hearts with the girls the first time you meet, some choices don’t offer anything, while others also offer hearts (I’m not writing every choice effect because you don’t need to know everything, if your curious just try it yourself, none really hurt you when you first meet.) Don’t fret over introductions, they just boost up how the girls feel toward you when you first meet.
Iro Kawase

Iro Introduction
- [Any Choice]
- Well, she did look pretty good in that dress. Though I would hazards the bikini looks better on you…
- Sort of. Looking for some R&R. But while I’m here, I could REALLY use a spotter. And an Accomplce for jogging, Surfing, etc.
- [Any Choice]
- Yeah, weird. I get the same thing whenever I kow my lawn naked.
1st Date-Iro
Stats needed for A+
4 Motivation
1 Buff
- [Any choice]
- [Motivation 2] That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day. Let’s do it.
- I’ve been working on my Motivation Stat. I can do this all day.
- (Question)So, your name is Iro? Is that Canadian or something?
- Haji may you what now?
- (Question)So Eli. Tell me about Eli
- You guys have similar taste in hairstyles
- (Question) Can I be a bit crass? you are fit as hell. You look amazing
- [Buff 1] Yup. (Felx)
- [Any choice]
(Secret picture is found on the bottom of the water bottle)
- [Motivation 4] The burning is good, right? I’m digging the burning.
- (Question)So, I’ve got a ridiculous question for you. Permission to ask.
- Paleo or keto?
- (Question)May I ask you something sensitive?
- What’s it like having such a large family? Do you get on with your parents? (1st secret gained)
- (Question)I’ve got an inappropriate question. May I ask?
- Do you ever skip leg day? For real. Be honest.
- [Any choice]
- [Motivation 6] I’m game. Let’s hit that second wing and finish strong
- (Question)So what’s your favorite thing to do, other than climbing and running and all that jazz.
- Sounds amazing.
- (Question)So is there any sort of tragic past I should know about you? Any oaths of vengeance you want to share? (-hearts, need this for A+)
- Good. Better to run toward something, rather than away (+Hearts, you need this to get A+)
- (Question) So… Run any good marathons lately?
- Is that good?
- [Any Choice]
- YES! I mean… Yes please. Or something. Sorry- dehydrated.
2nd Date-Iro
($100 are needed for this)
Stats needed
Buff 15
Suave 14
Motivation 15
- [Any option except last one] [Do not choose “umm… Fun night?’ -hearts]
- [Motivation 14] well, you just get back on that horse and try again! You can’t let gravity win!
- [$100 Money] I’ll have the same!
- I feel attacked
- [Any option besides the last one again] [“Not cool!” -hearts [u](Don’t judge her)
- [Any option]
- You know, when you PSST that loudly, it seems like it’s hardly a secret (No hearts, just best option)
- … I’ve already fallen for her hard. (No hearts, just best option)
- I want to kiss every single ab on that washboard stomach of hers. (No hearts, just best option)
- Give me coffee or give me death!
- (Secret picture is found on the cafe sign near umbrella)
- [Suave 14] Fantastic. I’ve been on a bunch of dates the last couple days. The girls in this town are incredible.
- [Buff 15] Yup. I hear ya. You look this good, and haters gonna hate. (2nd secret gained)
- Everything you just said was horrifying.
- Elle and I have met already. She’s a sweetheart. If I go in, you’ll be my wingman?
- Like cookies for leprechauns!
- I must admit, you’re quite the wing man. Wing-woman. Whatever.
- [Motivation 16] I don’t know much about surfing. But by all the ocean gods, I will learn.
- HELL yes. Sign me up. Go big or go home.
- [Any option]
- On it like a bonnet (Any option is good but this one fits better, plus you don’t sound boring)
3rd Date-Iro
Stats needed
Motivation 25
Suave 50
Buff 33
- [Motivation 25] You can do it Cali! I believe you!
- (Secret picture found in the clouds near middle of the screen)
- [Suave 40 or Buff 18] (Both options don’t add hearts, but you decide what stat you need, Suave is my choice since you need a amount of it in the third week and above)
- [Any option works] (You should not have any points in the black, if you do at any time than you have messed up the playthrough)
- [Buff 21] I could beat the shorts off you both. No competition.
- [Suave 50] How about a kiss?
- (Whatever you do, do not be romantic (or rude) with Cassie, this will ruin your chances of getting the A+, the stat ups are not worth it, neither will you gain points with Cassie (You should be maxed with her anyway)
- Cassie, retract the claws. These are my friends.
- Busy at the moment. But I’ll be in touch
- Bye Cassie
- Nothing serious (You shouldn’t have any points in the black, if you do at any time than you have messed up the playthrough)
- I, too, have to pee. Racehorses couldn’t even understand my pain
- Oh hey, you’re not homeless!
- (Crack a beer and wait) (Ok I think you get the message of not having any black karma)
- (Sing along)
- (Question) Been a while? Getting some, I mean?
- Don’t worry. You never forget how. It’s like riding a village bicycle.
- (Question) Well, what’s the deal with you and Cali? I think she likes you…
- I get the feeling she’d upgrade again in a heartbeat.
- (Question) So, you’re having a dry spell, hey? No wonder you’re so cranky all the time…
- [Buff 27] They you got a look at this hot bod.
- Cheers!
- [Buff 30] How else am I going to prove I got the goods?
- Well… It’s been a while for me too, and my first choice…. Is not interested.
- [Suave 30] Someone sounds… A little jealous… (If you flirted with Cassie you would get a different dialogue and not get an A+)
- It made an Impression (3rd Secret obtained)
- [Any choice]
- [Buff 33] (Break her grip and pick her up.)
- Yes… (If you say anything else then smack yourself)
4th Date-Iro
Stats needed
Suave 60
- (Ok people, this is a tough date because the right choice is invisible unless you redo this date a lot, The start of this date starts with an encounter. Whatever you do, DON’T be a punk, act like a respectable civilian)
- [Any choice]
- [Suave 50] Oh yes. Fumi and I are very very well acquainted.
- (Secret picture shows up in the middle part of your screen)
- Yes, Cassie and I are pretty good friends (Don’t try to lie or avoid the question, they already know all about you.)
- Yes, I know them.
- That’s quite the accusation
- …Yes
- You’re Saji Kawase. Iro’s father.
- …I understand… (No matter what, you have to say you’re gonna do it, or else they taze you and drag you downtown missing the date anyway while also arresting Cassie)
- (Drive to the restaurant.)
- You look great…
- [Suave 60] (Take her hand and kiss it.)
- I know. They told me I couldn’t bring you, but I insisted.
- That was… Fun.
- …I want you more than anything…
- (Now this is where it gets tricky for people, if you don’t breakup with her you get a game over, follow these steps to keep the A+)
- .I need to think about it.
- …I’m not who I say I am. Everything you know about me is a lie… (This option keeps you on the right path and doesn’t lower your grade, this is how you get A+)
- Your father forbid me. (You obtained her 4th secret… Also, a punch to the face, ouch)
5th Date-Iro
Stats needed
Motivation 51
Buff 50
- Doing the right thing is never hard.
- Apology accepted.
- Iro told me her mother passed away. The anniversary of her passing is soon. (+3 motivation)
- [Motivation 49] Tell me everything, Mr Kawase. iro’s life might depend on it.
- [Any choice]
- [Any choice]
- …That it was her fault
- (You gain her 5th secret, but it doesn’t inform you since you are able to get in from Iro as well)
- Yes, of course.
- [Any choice besides the third one]
- You must be one of her brothers? Are you all rainbow haired and insanely attractive?
- [Buff 50] That was a punch?
- (Secret photo found on the bike’s muffler)
- [Motivation 51] You’re holding onto something. I think you’ve been holding onto it for a long time. Tell me what it is.
- [Any choice]
- And no one stopped her?
- What happened next?
- [Any choice]
- You said you remember floating on a life ring… Where did it come from? You didn’t take one surfing, did you?
- Iro! Tell me the rest!
- (5th Secret revealed, Congrats)
- (Look up Good Will Hunting “It’s not your fault” and that’s how this scene feels. Wonder if that’s a reference.)
- [Motivation 55] Iro, it wasn’t your fault
- [Motivation 55] Iro, it wasn’t your fault
- [Motivation 57] It wasn’t your fault
- Don’t blame yourself. You were a kid. No one could have expected you to deal with trauma like that.
- Everybody who cares about you is rady to help. Inluding your father.
- …Including me
- (Kiss Iro)
- I promise.
Cassandra “Cassie” Capricè

Cassie introduction
[Any choice, none of them give you anything](Yeah you don’t start off on the right foot with this one.)
1st Date-Cassie
($160 Money needed)
Required Stats
Buff 4
Suave 3
- [Buff 2] I ain’t done.What would you suggest I ‘Whip’ out?
- Minsc No.5? Is that why you smell like a grandmother?
- Babe, I’m just playing. No offense, but you’re pretty hot when you’re pissed.
- [$160 Money] I just got paid. I’ve got cash and time, girl. Give me your three wishes.
- [Buff 5] Bring it on.
- Eli’s legit. Hooked me up with your number, actually.
- [160 Money] Your wish is my command (You only lose $60 because Eli is a boss, love this guy)
- [Suave 2] Real talk- that bra is mega cute on you. Just wanted to say. Let’s roll.
- So… The shop lifting thing… (You got the first Secret)
- [Suave 4] I just/// I think it’s kind of hot. That’s all.
- [Buff 3] (Flex) Hmmmm? Oh sorry, were you saying something? I was thinking about you naked again.
- [Buff 7] Back up. Before I know every damn tooth out of your mouth (You shouldn’t have any points in the black, if you do at any time than you have messed up the playthrough)
- Yeah, I can reschedule. You promised to embarrass me. I’m not gonna let you break that promise.
- (Secret photo found on the blue Alpha sign to the left)
2nd Date-Cassie
(Need $20 Money for BREAD)
Required Stats
Suave 20
Buff 17
- [$20 Money] Yeah, make that two banana breads. I’ve got a date
- Oh yeah, that was today.
- I’ve got this plan to spill coffee on your clothes, forcing their removal.
- [Suave 20] She’s teasing you, Lotus. She obviously needs something to keep her mouth busy
- [Suave 18] Cassie, drink your cappuccino. You’re grouchy. You need caffeine.
- I feel similarly about that sports team (You shouldn’t have any points in the black, if you do at any time than you have messed up the playthrough)
- Hells yes. What’s the plan?
- You better be good at distracting because I’m not super stealthy
- (Secret shows up near the vase of flowers on the right side of the counter)
- (Hop the counter, take the key.) (Don’t get greedy, the key is all you need)
- Yup. Easy Peasy
- (Listen in to the conversation.) (You gained the 2nd secret, hooray!)
- [Buff 17] I mean… I’m pretty sure I could take her…
- I mean, we got the key. It would be weird not to.
- (Go in.)
- Well, I know what i’d like to do with you on that counter…
- Kinky (Don’t steal)
- You’re literally the worst person at flirting ever. Literally a criminal.
- (Have sex with Cassie). (Can I say that word? this guide took me 20 hours to make, and I don’t want it deleted)
3rd Date-Cassie
(Need $4425)
Required Stats
Buff 34
- [$4000 Money] Order a bottle of Pulitre-Monrechet white.)
- That’s sort of the idea. I want to impress you
- The money doesn’t matter. The company does.
- No. We’re not doing that (Other options will cause her to storm out later)
- Are you not enjoying this? Do you want to go somewhere else?
- [Buff 32] Can’t skip leg day. Can’t skip fine motor day.
- You didn’t get me one?
- [Buff 35] (Give her a hug.)
- You seem… Concerned.
- (Secret photo found on the table to your right)
- You can tell me.
- [Any choice] (3rd secret obtained, woohoo)
- No, but we shouldn’t talk more. Not here.
- Don’t worry. I understand. I had a great time tonight.
- [Any choice]
- [$425 Money](Paying is the safest option, none really do anything but i’m unsure of a hidden karma system so avoid running, paying or cleaning dishes seem fine to use)
4th Date-Cassie
(Need $250)
Required Stats
Suave 62
Buff 41
Motivation 42
- [Suave 60] Beautiful as always. But breathtaking in particular.
- [Buff 37] I’m mostly looking for a reason to dress up and show off the goods.
- [Motivation 38] Don’t be nervous. You’re beautiful, sharp, ferocious, and utterly charming
- (Question) So how’s “work” going?
- What is Lilianna’s deal, anyway?
- (Question) I noticed you didn’t ‘aquire’ your dress tonight as usual…
- By the way, I noticed a lot more than that. I’m actually still looking.
- (Question) How’s Alice D doing recently?
- I can’t tell if you two are tight, or just colleagues.
- [Any choice]
- [Motivation 43] You got this girl.
- [Suave 62] (Break into roaring laughter too.)
- Here’s to you.
- (Rise and extend your hand.)
- (Secret picture in the grapevine to the left as soon as you transition)
- [Suave 64] I didn’t do anything. I was just nice to a pretty girl.
- You can tell me anything
- I’m sure it was just a phase, and you evened out into a fancy gal.
- [Any choice]
- [Any choice, just listen]
- (Hold Cassie) (4th secret unlocked, almost there)
- [Any choice]
- (Stay quiet. Just dance a little longer.)
- [$250 Money] You bet. I’ll settle up.
- That’s a weird way to invite me in for… You know… Sexy time.
- Then let me in the game. I’m not leaving you.
- [Buff 39] Hey. I can handle myself, alright? Don’t worry. (Kiss her.)
- [Any choice]
- [Any choice] (You shouldn’t have black, if you do you messed up in the playthrough)
- [Any choice]
- Yeah.
- He’s just a kid. (Half-light: Beat him up)
- [Buff 41] Grapple Dan
- [Any choice, hi Mom]
- [Buff 43] I don’t waste drugs. (Inject self) (Electrochemistry: That’s the good stuff right there! your one of the cool kids now buddy)
- [Buff 45] (Fight… As best you can…)
5th Date-Cassie
Required Stats
Buff 55
- Thanks babe. I’m hongry.
- [Buff 50] No time like the present. (Pick her up.)
- You live like a samurai turtle… (TMNT, Heroes with a half shell, Turtle power!)
- (Final secret picture appears in her window)
- (Question) So how often Do you get pizza? (Nothing)
- (Question) What’s with the random wood pallets over there? (+hearts)
- (Question) What’s with all the junk on your desk? (+hearts)
- How much money do you owe?
- How much?
- [Buff 56] If I can bench press you, you have to tell me… (You earned her final secret)
- [Any choice]
- (Rub her shoulders)
- (Take off clothes) (Seriously! This better not make this guide get taken down, I spent too much time on it!)
- (Make love to Cassie.)
- (Call for backup. Call Fumi.) (Fumi should be your ally since you have no bad karma and you flirted with her)
- I have a secret. A very big, important, life changing secret.
- [Any choice]
Mio Farrow
Mio Introduction
- Up up down down left right left right b a…
- (Peek) (Not looking gets you the achievement for not looking, up to you if you want it.)
- I’m here for the month on vacation. I heard this place had beautiful beaches and bartenders and… bananas.
- I’ve got abs. Well- at least one big ab.
- [All Choices]
- Well, that should be enough evidence to incriminate. thank you for your cooperation.
- I’m afraid that content is age gated. I’ll need a phone number, and confirmation that you’re not a bot.
1st Date-Mio
Required Stats
Suave 4
Tech Savvy 6
- [Suave 4] Threatening me that I’ll be the one “going down” tonight is a critical error. Do what you will- I’ve already won.
- I was just looking for a tourist trap to fall into for a month. Sun, surf, game, flirt.
- (Question) Tell me about yourself. You probably like stuff, hey? (+Hearts)
- (Question) So let me guess: you’re a gamer girl with a heart of gold, on the search for… the missing diamonds? (+hearts) (Ha, Crush Crush)
- (Don’t choose this one) (Question) Let’s play a game. In three words, define yourself. (-hearts)
- So… Time for the big question. What’s your favorite video game?
- Is this the scene that’s going to get our dialogue censored in Australia?
- [Tech Savvy 2] Set my controls to inverted. I play 98 style.
- [Tech Savvy 4] (Give it your all! Surely you can defeat an alt.)
- [Tech Savvy 4] (Play to win.)
- (Activate casual mode. Give her a chance.) (Just because it uses a skill does not mean it is the best option)
- Don’t worry, the stuff on the bottom always tastes better than the top.
- (Secret picture in the speaker of dance machine)
- (Question) So may I ask you something kind of ridiculous?
- If you could be any item in Smashed Bruhs, what would you be?
- (Question) Can I ask you a sensitive question?
- [Tech Savvy 8] Can you prove to me you’re a REAL gamer girl? What’s your ping? (Secret obtained!)
- (Question)So can I ask you something maybe a little… inappropriate? (Don’t choose this one, it offers nothing but-hearts, if you do click it, then click the 1st option of the next bracket “What is your deepest, darkest secret?)
- [Any choice]
- [Tech Savvy 10] I love motion controls. There, I said it.
- Jokes on you. I’m into that ♥♥♥♥.
- Not exactly the most romantic setting for intimacy, but I’m following you.
- Why in the world would you want risqué pictures of you in an arcade?
- (Touch Mio)
- Yes… (If you choose anything else, why even play?)
2nd Date-Mio
($700 needed)
Required Stats
Suave 15
Tech Savvy 15
- Frankly, I’m here for the company. I don’t care if it’s by the ocean or in a dark basement.
- [Suave 15] If you’re asking me if I feel good about that thing you with your tongue, the answer is “hellllll yes”.
- [Tech Savvy 13] Is there a Prod-a-mon raid going on today? Is it the Summer seasoning event?
- (Shrug and lean if for a kiss)
- [Tech Savvy 16] It’s you and me, you know it’s out destiny.
- [Any Choice] (The third seems like the best but none really change anything)
- [Any Choice]
- [$700 Money] (You can choose any of the first two options, the money one gives you achievement, but you can always reload after getting it to save money. I did it because it seemed fun, but you can do whatever 🙂
- It was all you, Mio. You were the mastermind of the team.
- (Secret photo shows up on the city after Lotus leaves)
- Are you not having as much fun gaming these days?
- [Any Choice]
- Yeah, I promise. Of course. (Got the 2nd Secret)
- For like…. Performance reasons?
- Nah, it’s cool. Sounds sexy. You’ll have to show me your stream sometime.
- (Kiss Mio.)
- Not on me, no.
- (Throw your keys, then run like hell.) (You should not have any bad karma and the first option kills you, also who throws their wallet! At least throw sand first!)
3rd Date-Mio
Required Stats
Tech Savvy 27
Suave 50
Motivation 10
- [Any Choice]
- You’re a fool. It’s the only answer
- [Any Choice]
- Whenever wine makes me feel awful, I find more wine helps.
- Unlike yours, I’m a little behind.
- Quitters and spitters.
- [Any choice]
- [Tech Savvy 27] I might be able to fix it.
- [Any Choice] (Shouldn’t any bad karma blah blah blah)
- [Suave 50] The wine is so good. We’re having trouble deciding how many bottles to buy.
- [Any Choice]
- Peach. I’m mean, it’s right in her name…
- About as many times as I wanted to do the same to you, first time we met.
- [Any Choice]
- I’m very invested now.
- Love it. let’s watch it sometime.
- Yeah, let’s bounce.
- Oh yes, it is.
- [Motivation 10] I found all the pretty insightful, actually. Just saying.
- (Secret picture will show on the umbrella at one of the tables in the background)
- Awesome.
- Yup.
- (3rd Secret appears)
- [Any Choice]
- Why are you telling me this?
- Do you want to take the rideshare? I can walk.
Mio Live Stream
($16100 optional, over 6k needed for “Embarrass Gamer Galaxy” Achievement”)
Optional Stats
Suave 60
Tech Savvy 33
- [$100 Money] (Pay $100 to become a Member.)
- So the legends were true. Beautiful girls can play video games. (Third Choice works as well.)
- GG_is_Everything, you need to tone it down. You’re borderline rude right now.
- [$500 Money] (Donate $500)
- [Any Money option works] (As long as you donate you can win, doesn’t matter how much so you choose what you want. $2000 helps if you want all hints from Mystic)
- Oh yeah? Or else what? (If you want the achievement then use a save file here and use the $5000 option until it shows that you obtained it than reload the save, spending the money does nothing but hurt your wallet after you get the achievement.)
- [$16000 Money] (Donate $16000) or (Show Mio the threatening messages from GG_Is_Everything) (As long as you donate $2500 you should win, it’s up to you if you want to give money or not.)
- [Suave 60] I mean, it combined my two favorite things. Donating money and running Pegasus.
- [Tech Savvy 33] Do you mind walking me through how to build a good PC? (Asking her to touch herself gets you some gallery pics if you want them, save and reload after you get them if you want, she comments on what you do on the final date and the Tech Savvy choice helps more.)
- Please. I’m too scared to ask the internet. But you HAVE to be nice, right?
- My pleasure, Gamer Gal-axy.
4th Date-Mio
Required Stats
Motivation 44
Tech Savvy 34
Suave 60
- (Don’t make this guy mad, he will kill you and cause a game over.)
- [Any of the first two options, not the third]
- Man, I don’t want any trouble. I didn’t know you and Mio had a thing.
- Do what you gotta do, Harris. And I’ll do the same. (Using buff causes a game over)
- [Any Choice]
- [Tech Savvy 33] I checked your most recent stats. You’ve nothing to fear.
- I wonder if we can put a Triangle Face cosplay on short notice…
- [Tech Savvy 35] (Play to win!)
- Sorry, I need to answer this… (Important thing to do, Don’t worry about -hearts)
- [Motivation 40] Stay calm. You’re fine. They’re just shaking the trees and seeing what falls. If you know nothing, you’re safe.
- (Don’t speak.)
- What are you talking about?
- I can see I hurt you. I’m sorry.
- … I know how you feel.
- [Suave 60] I don’t suppose you’ve got a parasol or something?
- (Secret Picture appears on the umbrella)
- (Hug Mio)
- I promise (4th Secret appears)
- And what do you want?
- [Motivation 45] Count on me.
5th Date-Mio
Required Stats
Suave 77
Tech Savvy 35
Lucky 38
- [Suave 75] I mean… We can do both at the same time. I seem to recall at least one of us being into that…
- I literally love every word you speak.
- [Tech Savvy 35] Is that a Titanus GeForge 8600 TXN iCRUX? (NERD!)
- Yeah, I… Won the auction
- No, of course not. I don’t want to tell you how to live your life. I just felt…. It was the right thing to do.
- (Last Secret picture show up on her monitors.)
- We’re cool. New start. want to make out in the Arcade? (Last Secret earned, Victory!)
- [Any Choice]
- [Lucky 38] (Guess the password)
- [Any Choice, Just make sure you choose to meet the stalker right away]
- [Any Choice since it’s only one option, don’t worry about the -hearts] (Don’t have any bad karma.)
- (Call Fumi.) (You can pass if you have 50 buff without Fumi, but it’s easier to just use her.)
- [Any Choice]
- [Any Choice]
- [Suave 77] I knew you were right behind me…
- [Suave 79] Now leaving you… That’s the real crime…
- Got it.
- [Any Choice]
- [Have Sex with Mio.) (Not sure how non 18+ version looks but just choose the second option, why would you play video games at a time like this?)
Eleanor “Elle” Reed
Elle introduction
- oh, umm… I need cookies. Like… A hundred cookies.
- Hey, I’m sort of new to town. Actually I’m visiting for the summer.
- Before you go- do me a small favor. I collect phone numbers, and I bet yours is especially nice Wanna trade?
1st Date-Elle
Required stats
Suave 13
- [Suave 7] I leave business at the office. But it would be my pleasure to come in. Miss Reed is expecting me.
- [Any Choice]
- Pretty much just ice cream and conversation at this point.
- [Suave 11] I’m so glad to see you. When I saw Dorian’s hair, I thought he was you for a moment and started flirting with him.
- [Suave 15] Well, as I like to say- only precious things are worth protecting.
- Wouldn’t miss it for the world.
- [Suave 16] I don’t even know what “parvenu” means, but it sounds really pretty the way you say it.
- The view is definitely pretty, from where I’m standing.
- Should… Should I say it out load? I thought you looked really kind, interesting and pretty. It took all my nerve to say hello.
- [Ask all three questions]
- Your brother said something about a “bad spell”? Can I ask what he meant?
- Isn’t that where you can create and control zombies?
- (Secret picture shows up on the white fence in the background, sneaky little bugger this one is.)
- Just my opinion- but it sounds like you’ve got it handled. Is your brother overdoing the whole “protect Elle” thing? (1st Secret found)
- You took the words right out of my mouth. So I’ll take the answer I was hoping for from yours: yes.
- The pleasure is all mine.
2nd Date-Elle
($500 needed)
Required Stats
Suave 31
Buff 17
(Need to tell Elle about the goddesses, seriously you basically lose if you don’t.)
- [Suave 15] Dorian, you beautiful man. How’s it going? Markets were looking good this morning, hey?
- [Any choice]
- You mean her narcolepsy?
- [Any choice] (You should not have a dark karma)
- [Suave 20] More than you realize.
- No thanks. I’ve got that covered. (Never take money from him, not sure if it does anything but he’s a jerk)
- [Suave 25] Elle, good to see you. Beautiful as always.
- [Any Choice]
- Nah, forget him.
- I’m having a great time! Though, truthfully, it’s because the people I’ve met are so wonderful.
- This is already the best date I’ve ever been on.
- [$500 Money] Here. For the animals. I love animals.
- Yeah go for it!
- [Buff 17] I’m into fitness and training.
- *Important* …I dreamt two goddesses told me to save you. They said something like… Dies Irae, dias Illa… (You need to know what Elle hears to use in the final date to get the A+ and protect her.)
- You go first. I want to savor this.
- That counts! You got to five!
- (Do four marshmallows but fail on purpose.) (Save and reload if you want to earn the achievement, just pick the six marshmallows option to win, eight makes you lose and all gives -hearts. You need to lose on purpose with only four to get max hearts.)
- [Suave 30] Congratulations Elle. You performed beautifully.
- I don’t mind at all.
- Not at all! Staying in my seat is literally the least I can do.
- [Any Choice]
- (Secret Photo shows up on the flowers to the right of the umbrella)
- [Suave 35] I mean… I assume it runs in the family? Along with good looks? (2nd Secret found)
- I see. I definitely got some… Controlling vibes from him.
- [Any Choice] (No bad Karma allowed)
- [Any Choice] (No bad Karma here)
- You too, Elle.
3rd Date-Elle
($100 needed)
Required Stats
Suave 60
Motivation 35
- [$100 Money] (Tip the server $100.0 Good evening, Dorian. (+1 Lucky)
- [Motivation 35] I think Elle could literally do anything. She’s magical.
- You look utterly magnificent. Gorgeous beyond description.
- [Suave 60] I genuinely have no idea how you can say that. If I didn’t know you. I’d mistake for a movie star.
- [Any Choice]
- Yeah! Let’s lick some squids!
- [Suave 50] Cheers. To you.
- (Secret picture shows up on far-left table)
- Please stop saying it. It’s been said too much.
- Let’s play the ‘penis’ game.
- No- we each keep saying ‘penis’ louder and louder. Whoever chickens out first- loses.
- (Say it barely louder.)
- (Try to say it just a little louder.)
- Yes, I have.
- …Things aren’t good with your brother, are they? (-hearts but this is only option for the secret, you get those hearts back so don’t worry.) (Also, 3rd Secret obtained)
- (Kiss Elle passionately.)
- [Any Choice] (No bad Karma, yada yada yada)
- [Any Choice] (Bad karma=None)
- [Any Choice]
- [Any Choice] (You get the idea)
- A pleasure
4th Date-Elle
Required Stats
Motivation 39
Suave 60
- [Motivation 35] Well, I mean… If I was stuck in a tree, and you came to encourage me, I’d jump too…
- [Suave 60] Well, I don’t know about you, but that little bird looked like he thought YOU were pretty darn special.
- [Any Choice]
- [Motivation 40] you’re the boss here, Elle. it’s your choice what happens next.
- [Any Choice] (Cool fact, Elle’s voice actor drew the picture on top of the chimney)
- [Any Choice]
- Aww, that sucks. That was a quality prank Elle. Sisters should definitely push their brothers into pools of water on their birthday.
- [Any Choice]
- My pleasure.
- [Suave 55] Excuse me, Miss. I was hoping for more tea… The first one was exhilarating.
- This isn’t tea. Clearly I wet myself. I’ll thank you not to draw attention to it.
- [Any Choice]
- Are these sheets satin? They feel amazing?
- (Kiss her.)
- (Question) This is now the ‘try to embarrass Elle’ challenge. How large are your breasts?
- Do you like them? (Shouldn’t have bad karma)
- (Question) Are you a Virgin
- How often do you masturbate?
- (Question) what’s the most naughty thing you’ve done, that no one knows about.
- Elle, that’s not bad. Teenagers are horny.
- What’s your most intimate fantasy?
- [Suave 55] Okay, but…. I’m going to be imaging stuff about the things you’ve told me. Forgive me if I get distracted.
- In spirit.
- You’re the most attractive person I’ve ever met. I can’t stop thinking about you.
- [Motivation 30] I’ll tell you. But if it’s doubt in your mind that wants to know, don’t feed it. You’re better than that.
- (Secret picture shows up here)
- (Kiss her.)
- (Kiss her more.)
- (Search her house for any clues.)
- (Check the papers in her room.) (Only option that gives you the 4th Secret)
- Are you ready for it?
5th Date-Elle
Required Stats
Buff 54
Suave 79
Motivation 59
(You need to tell Elle about the goddesses back in the 2nd date to be able to get the last secret.)
- Well, I’m not sure. Weather seems like the worst reason to cancel a date.
- [Buff 54] I want to see you. I can handle it. Trust me.
- (Final Secret photo shows up in the tree outside your house when you get off the phone)
- [Suave 79] (Kiss her.)
- It lives up to the hype.
- (Make love to Elle.) (Seriously, if you choose anything else what’s the damn point of playing a dating Sim!)
- [Motivation 59] (Signal Elle encouragement.)
- Solver saeclum in favilla. (Remember what I said about telling Elle about the goddesses in the 2nd date, this is the only way to get the 5th secret for Elle. Maybe They will change this but for right now this is what you have to do.) (Also, you got the 5th Secret, Congrats! Never trust the gods or goddesses, just as Kratos always said.)
- I love you too.
Quill Purnell
Quill’s Introduction
- Uh, sure. But i guess I should interview you first? Can’t just let any old porch sleeper guard my porch.
- Alright, let me ask you a question… What do you do if the porch is attacked by drop bears?
- Hey listen… it’s really dreadful out. Do you want to just come inside? I’ve got… milk? And probably some tuna?
- [Any Choice]
1st Date-Quill
Required Stats
Lucky 10
- [Any Choice]
- (Secret picture shows up in the mirror.)
- Are you sure you want to lick yourself clean? I can’t imagine it would be entirely pleasant.
- Okay… I guess I’ll grab you a housecoat and some slippers?
- (Help bathe her, and just see where things go.)
- No no, I’m just borrowing it, I guess. (Second option gives hearts but will not give you the A+ achievement even if you get it. I do not know why but it does that, thanks kittykat0510 for asking that in discussion)
- (Scratch her ear.) (Best option, also gives the 1st secret.)
- [Lucky 10] I was just thinking how lucky it was that it was raining. Otherwise I might not have met you.
- There’s a bunch of stuff I’m worried about too. Like… i’m in danger, sometimes.
- Do you mind if I ask you- you seem really different from the other Kitties that I’ve seen. Have you… always been a kitty?
- Do you want to share the bed with me?
- [Any Choice]
2nd Date-Quill
Required Stats
Suave 24
Lucky 16
- [Any Choice] (Third choice is funny if you listen to it.)
- The word “lump” is so appetizing. I’ll take two.
- (Whisper incoherent nonsense.)
- [Suave 20] (Take a sip, but confidently)
- [Lucky 16] (Reach into your pocket and pull out whatever is there.)
- Yes, this sounds like fun.
- The furry tufts on the inside of a cat’s ears are called “ear furnishing”
- (Secret photo appears on top of Sock)
- Quill
- Cucumbers!
- What is the most dangerous thing you know? (2nd Secret obtained)
- [Suave 25] How could I forget?
- Correct
- No, I just arrived and the place was ready for me.
- [Any Choice]
- (Do not mention Quill, you will lose if you say where she is.)
- By those definitions, I haven’t seen either.
- Yes. it’s safe to come out.
- (Reach under and scratch her ear.)
3rd Date-Quill
Required Stats
Motivation 29
Lucky 30
Buff 30
- [Any Choice]
- Well, maybe we can fold this laundry first…
- [Motivation 28] Here. Grab some socks. I’ll teach you my secret secrets.
- If you do it like that, they get all wrinkly and gross.
- [Lucky 30] (Toss a sock in the air.)
- You suck at folding laundry.
- [Motivation 30] Start somewhere easier. Tell me how it made you feel.
- Like a good pee smell? or a bad one?
- (Secret Picture appears on top of bed inside the picture after she mentions “A Person”)
- [Buff 30] (Pick Quill up, and shift to a more comfortable position.)
- [Any Choice]
- (Gently rub her breasts.)
- (Have sex with Quill.)
- (You gain the 3rd Secret after the scene.)
4th Date-Quill
Required Stats
Lucky 37
Motivation 50
- (Stay quiet for a moment longer.)
- (Sit down opposite Quill.)
- (Pat her head.) (This is the only good option, the first 2 options cause -hearts and ruin A+.)
- (Find something to eat.)
- [Lucky 37] (Pull her ears off.)
- (Secret picture appears on her ears.)
- Where’s the best place to hide?
- [Motivation 50] You can tell me. I’m a good Kitty for keeping secrets… (4th Secret obtained.)
- What happened?
- Do you remember anything else?
- There were security cameras looking at you?
5th Date-Quill
Money- Who cares
Required Stats
(Just mention if the last person caused feelings for her.
- [Any Choice]
- [Any Choice]
- (Final Secret picture in the whole game appears in the background)
- (Question) So your friend… They were looking for other girls to save. Just like me. (Earned Final secret in the game, We Won!)
- Did you… Did your friend give you “warm feelings”? (This is the only option out of two that allows the A+ for this date. No Seriously, only two things determine if you get an A+ on this date.)
- [Any Choice] (Asking the rest of the questions do nothing for the date so unless you want lore or to hear Quill talk is up to you.)
- My flight is in a couple of hours. Why?
- This remains the weirdest month of my life. (This is the second thing you need for the A+, that is it. Choose this and the date is done with a scene and an A+ plus, I feel cheated for some reason.)
Optional Dates
These dates aren’t needed for the story, but they offer fun (and nice) side content with a bonus of high skill increases or money.
Eli Kawase
1st Date-Eli
- Walking around places is tight!
- [Any Choice]
- I’ve got my Red Seal in Fumbling. I could do it with one hand tied behind my back.
- Favorite dish? You couldn’t cook it. You’d have to order it from Zanzibar.
- Hmmm… Maybe, if you’re good.
- [Any Choice] (You ever break down laughing after just a random sentence)
- (Ask every question)
- Well… this has been educational
- I’m actually even more interested now. if that’s possible.
- You had me at “fashion show”.
- (Kiss him.)
2nd Date-Eli
- Hey. Who was the ‘gummy bear’?
- I thought this was going to be a potluck. I brought pulled pork.
- (Smile pleasantly.) (+1 Suave)
- [Any Choice]
- Eli is currently unavailable. What can I help you with?
- [Motivation 20] Nah, we’re good friends Lotus. I’d love to help you, if you’ll let me.
- You’re ready to give a very special present, and you want the perfect wrapping paper. (+2 Suave)
- [20 Tech Savvy] (Use the computer to calculate the optimum Lotus lingerie ensemble.)
- [Suave 25] Perfect. It matches your outer beauty to your inner. (+$100 Money)
[[/u]*] I helped Lotus from the Queen Bean to a lavender teddy with matching garter belt.
- Oh, uhh… Well, that’s one way to proposition someone… Is it hot in here?
- I mean… How many ways can you say yes?
- Nah, things are. Slow, but good.
- I mean, if it doesn’t work out… Booty call?
- Did you just become my sugar daddy? (+5000, man Eli you are the best.)
Bonnibel Valentine
1st Date-Bonnibel
Required Stats
Suave 10
- Given present company, I figure I’d have a grand time just waiting in line at the bank.
- I’ll have a caramel macchiato with sprinkles.
- I like my coffee like I like my women. A whole lot.
- Fear not. my love for pastries is only outdone by my adoration for charming accents and pretty eyes.
- I kind of love them.
- (Ask every question)
- Forgot to cheers. Here’s to good coffee and great company.
- I use my hands. my cookies suck.
- Oh no, if it’s “Bless your heart”, I have been grossly misinterpreting how my friends in Kentucky feel about me…
- [Suave 10] I’d say, “Thank goodness for those eyes.”
- [Any Choice]
2nd Date-Bonnibel
Required Stats
Suave 25
Motivation 17
- [Suave 25] Kitchen is this way. I’ve got an apron too, but I don’t look as good in it as you do.
- There’s quite a few… Odd characters in the neighborhood. It doesn’t surprise me.
- [Motivation 17] I’m ready to help. It’s always been my dream to be a baker’s assistant.
- Elle is lovely. But the sparkle in my eye is for someone else…
- Cheers. To socially acceptable morning drinks.
- (Walk up behind her and start touching her.)
- You’re an incredible lover. I hope we do that again…
3rd Date-Bonnible
(Kiss her.)
(Have sex with Bonnibel.) (If you leave you smell like old shoes and vomit.)
Alpha Prelude
- Umm… Why are you wearing sunglasses at night?
- Okay cool. I like that song too. Have a great night, Miss.
- I mean… I wish I did. You’re beautiful.
- Those are all funny words.
- I feel like we’ve reached a stage in our relationship for ‘mega weird’.
- [Suave 12] The cutest girl I’ve ever met just asked me on a date. this is the best day ever. Yes of course, I’ll date you.
1st Date-Alpha
Required Stats
Suave 34
Motivation 20
Tech Savvy 15
Buff 15
Lucky 20
- Hey person I barely know! You look great and very unfamiliar!
- Nope! Just dazzled by the sparkling lights.
- [Suave 30] I mean, we can do some more of that flirting (+2 Suave)
- [Suave 35] (Kiss her.) (+2 Suave)
- [Tech Savvy 15] They’re a subset of strong AI, based on neocortical engrams, optimized for neural stimulation through music. (+2 Tech Savvy)
- [Motivation 20] Your story is inspirational. I’m speechless. You’re a wonder (+2 Motivation)
- [Buff 15] Just a sec. I’m going to get you that pizza. (+2 Buff)
- [Lucky 20] Push the right button (+2 Lucky)
- (Kiss her, and more…)
2nd Date-Alpha
Required Stats
Motivation 27
Suave 40
- Yeah, I’m ready to swim!
- Huh, what? Sorry I was… Distracted by… looking at you.
- I would love some wine.
- [Motivation 27] Alpha… You can tell me anything. and I can tell there’s something bothering you… (+2 Motivation)
- [Suave 40] That’s…. incredibly flattering. Thank you.
- Ahh, I see. Another one of those ‘famous person’ things that sucks, and no one can understand.
- It’s okay Alpha. We both knew this was going to be fun, but probably difficult to keep going.
- (Kiss her. pull her close. Touch her…)
Fumi Zweihänder
1st Encounter-Fumi
Required Stats
Suave 54
- [Any Choice]
- [Any Choice]
- Yeah, let’s get it done.
- Nice. That’s the only thing I want with you… Privacy.
- [Suave 40] I mean… I’ll be whatever you want me to be officer…
- That’s a cool coincidence… Because I would say that you’re pretty much my #1 person of interest…
- …what if I want to be more than a pawn?
- Yeah. I’m down for ‘constructive rapport’.
- Agreed. Let’s go team Fumi!
- [Suave 55] … hey, ummm, this might be out of line. But you’re REALLY attractive…
- I’ll be direct. you’re mind blowing attractive, and I would lick the mud from your boot just for a chance to see up your skirt.
2nd Encounter-Fumi
- Well, at least you’re dressed for it.
- I assume, that this hotel is somewhat off their radar?
- Iro is being targeted? Are you sure?
- Yeah, that’s where I thought this was going.
- Agreed. Let’s get these dirtbags.
- [Suave 70] So… You’re going to let being dressed like that go to waste or…?
How do you collect the secret photos? What do you have to do?
god bless you bro, thank you for this!
update on the 5th date for mio following guide grants only a rating not a+
Good information but I don’t understand why the responses/dates and the week stuff is separated, very annoying to keep scrolling up and down, just put it in the order you suggest it.
Cassie’s 2nd date seems impossible to get A+ in, any help?
Up to July 4 I did everything the guide said but I had motivation 9 instead of motivation 11
On the description of the 15th day, you mention Quill dies on the morning of the 18th. I couldn’t make that happen because I didn’t realize you actually had to trigger the home event on the morning of the 18th, then not use the luck point. Just a missing step.
Great guide, thanks!