Set up needed to get mixed honey instead of wild honey or flower nectar.
All About Bee Boxes
NOTE: If you’re having trouble triggering the initial quest, enter the Sunset Forest at Night – between 19:00 and 3:00. Go to the left side of the forest and then follow Song Yantong, you should trigger the cut scenes that lead to the Deep In The Sunset Forest quest.
Bee boxes are affected by a 5×5 space. You can see the area highlighted in orange when you press CHECK while standing next to the bee box.
- Every flower in the 5×5 space generates +10 of Honey/Nectar generated per day by the Bee Box.
- Flowers have to be fully grown and ready to harvest in order to generate Honey.
- I prefer the 3×3 set up because it is easier to manage than the 5×5 imo.
- You can have up to 10 Bee Boxes on your farm.
Mixed Honey

In order to make Mixed Honey, you must have an exactly even amount of different flowers surrounding the bee box.
An easy 3×3 set up has 2 of each flower. 2 sunflowers, 2 roses*, 2 orange jasmine, and 2 brassica.
*The color of the roses does not matter.
- All of the flowers must be fully grown. If you accidentally harvest a flower, it’s less of headache to just quit and start from your last save.
- An uneven amount of flowers will result in Wild Honey.
- I don’t know if this will work with only 2 different flowers. I will test it out later.
You can also do this set up in a 5×5 formation to produce more honey per day.
Any combination of flowers can be used as long as there is 6 of each.
- The good news is that season doesn’t really matter! All crops will grow in all seasons, you just have reduced output when harvesting.
- The great news is that once fully grown – crops do not need to be watered! They will not wilt or die.
- Each flower produces a unique honey that can be sold or used in recipes.
Making a type of flower nectar is much easier than making Mixed Honey. Just surround the bee box with one type of flower.
NOTE: You can also produce nectar if you have mostly one type of flower – like 7 Roses and one Brassica should still produce Rose Nectar, but you may also get Wild Honey instead which sells for only 75.