An extensive guide on the games mechanics, various tools, possible interactions and how the basic gameplay loop functions. This guide is based on the latest build from 15th August 2022.
Map overview

1. Your Farm where you breed and interact with your kobolds
2. Small Forest where Fruits can be found and collected
3. Cave entrance to a deep cavern with mushrooms inside (3 stars required)
4. Convenience store with buckets, scanners etc. for sale (2 stars required)
5. Underground shop with bombs, fleshlights available (4 stars required)
6. Garden shop where one can buy eggs, fruit seeds and watering cans
7. Construction office to unlock various tools and machines in your farm (1 star required)
8. Casino to gamble away your Money for random loot. Currently unnaccesable. (99 stars lol)
How to get stars will be explained in section “Quests”
What the Kobold doing?
-Growing the Kobolds “attributes” ( Booba, Wang, Balls, fatness ) trough the use of fruits
-Using them for labor to work various machines and tools
-Freeze them in various poses
-And most importantly very wholesome and consensual secks.
Important to note is that NPC Kobolds and player Kobolds share the exact same rules and behaviour, so anything you can do with a NPC you can also do with another player and vice verca.
Controls and schmovement
Hold F to ragdoll yourself for funneh physics
X and Z to literally Expand Dong or retreat
C to toggle third person
1,2,3,4 to toggle various cameras. 1-> first person, 2-> third person again, 3-> free cam, 4-> free cam that now follows your movement
Hold R and move mouse/Scrollwheel to move your hips
Hold Shift to switch grab modes. In this mode you can rotate objects you hold with r, or freeze them in place with right click. Frozen things can be unfrozen individually with Q or all at once by holding Q
Enter for chat in Multiplayer
Koboldkare has similar physics to Source Games like Counter strike or Half Life. That means you can strafe in the air and steadily build up speed trough bunnyhopping. Alternatively you can also Hold F to ragdoll, grab your own leg with shift-click and then scroll away to build up ludicrous speed, because it just works.
Consumables and Kobold attributes
Here’s a quick rundown on what fruits and consumables do and how bigger attributes affect Kobolds:
Melon-> Booba growth -> give more milk when milked
Eggplant -> Wang growth
Pineapple-> Balls growth -> produce more spunk
Milk + Ice ( can be bought in the convenience store) -> gain weight
Melon + Eggplant + Heart ( pop up whenever Kobolds have secks) -> Giant growth
Mushroom -> shrink everything

1. Energy: every action that a Kobolds performs requires energy, be it working a machine or secks. To replenish energy, a Kobold needs to be put into the bed. After 10 seconds the Kobold will automatically stand up with replenished energy.
2. Stomach capacity: Anything a Kobold consumes be it water, Juice or other liquids fill the Kobolds stomach until the bar is full. Anything else the Kobold consumes while the bar is full overrides whats already inside. Kobolds automatically digest their stomachcontents and gain the benefits. (Fruits turn into growth, Spunk turns into eggs etc.)
3. metabolism bar: When a Kobold digests Fruits or consumables that changes it’s body, the bottom bar slowly fills up. Once the Bar is filled the Kobold can no longer digest anymore body changing juices.
Farming and Breeding
As for Breeding Kobolds, because the new metabolism system restricts how much you can affect a Kobolds shape, you now have to rely on breeding optimal offspring. Offspring share a mix of their parents attributes like a middleground between the parents color, a big Wang from the father and big Booba from the mother. The new Kobold will have a empty Metabolism bar, so you can customise them again. By making long breeding chains, you can have Kobolds with very large sizes down the family tree.
Farm tools and machines

1. Farm plot where you farm fruits and grow Kobolds
2. Selling Bin where you can sell pretty much anything for Money. Money will show up on the table outside your house.
3. Milking station to milk well endowed Kobolds. Needs one Kobold on the table and one on the side to operate. Consumes energy for both.
4. Big Fleshlights for obvious stuff. Also consumes energy.
5. Egg station where pregnant Kobolds can lay eggs. Consumes energy and Kobold needs eggs inside them.
6. Grinder which needs to be bought at the construction office first. Grinds Fruits and other stuff into consumable juice. Requires one Kobold and energy to activate.
7. Juice press that presses all juice and body changes out of a Kobold to reset their metabolism. requires one Kobold inside and one to operate. Consumes energy for both.
8. Mind transfer station where you can put an NPC Kobold and yourself inside to switch which Kobold you control.
1. Bed where Kobolds can sleep to replenish energy.
2. Bathtub to clean yourself and fill buckets with water.
3. Toilet to empty a Kobolds stomach. Doesn’t affect the Metabolism bar.
There’s also various animation stations scattered inside the house. simply place a Kobold near one and they will get into position.
Basic Gameplay Loop
1. Sell yourself a 3-4 times to get lots of cash, only collect it at the end tough, otherwise you loose it when you sell youself again.
2. Open Mailbox and complete the quest.
3. Go to construction office, buy the grinder and buy some eggs in the Garden shop on the way back.
4. Farm some Kobolds and keep them for a supply of eggs -> Kobolds -> money
5. Go buy some big buckets from the convenience store and watering cans from the Garden Shop.
and that’s it. With these 5 steps you should have a good baselines for whatever you fancy. the big buckets are great for holding large amount of liquid and mixtures while the watering cans are very efficient for farming and more fine tuned feeding.
1. If another player grabs you, you can regain control simply by pressing spacebar.
2. Every player has their own money pool, so be kind and only grab the money you need.
3. If you grab something it becomes “yours” in the sense when you leave, everything that’s “yours” also disapears, so don’t needlessly grab everything you see if you leave soon.
4. When you join a lobby there’s a good chance that most quests are complete but you don’t have any stars. If there’s any locked doors, simply ask the host if he can unlock everything.