Laserboy: All Tape Locations

All tape locations with screenshots and brief descriptions


Level 2
This level has 1 tape. It can be found near the end of the level, right before the explosive barrels. You really can’t miss this one.

Level 3
This level has 1 tape. It can be found near the start of the level, through a section of the wall that appears broken. This tape is clearly visible, just walk through the broken wall to get it.

Level 4
This level has 1 tape. After the first appearance of the blue guards that chase you, there will be a button on the floor. This tape is directly to the right of that, and should be clearly visible with the light from your laser.

Level 5
This level has 1 tape. The location is in the bottom right of the map, but it is easy to miss because it isn’t near the intended route to complete the level. Just hug the bottom wall and you will find it.

Level 6
This level has 1 tape. The location is a bit difficult to describe, so I took the screenshot while my laser was firing to hopefully show the area a bit better. You can find this tape near the end of the maze, if you go left instead of up at the part where there is a single explosive barrel on each side of the intended path forward.

Level 7
This level has 1 tape. It is located near the end of the level, at the part where you are meant to manipulate the guard into stepping on the button. You can’t miss this one.

Level 9
This level has 2 tapes. They are located next to each other, with one being accessible at the start of the level and one being accessible at the end. They are at the bottom of the map, and are pretty close to the intended path so you are unlikely to miss either one.

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