This is a detailed and general guide towards Adamance. This is created due to a lot of people that I often play with being lost when playing the map, and often doing it ‘wrong’… wrong in the sense where they make a lot of choices and decisions that are rather a death sentence towards them. Some of it is the fault of the player of course, but as Adamance is perhaps the free map with one of the most hostile exteriors (and sometimes being more hostile than the priced moons), there are a number of ways in order to deal with such an abundance of hostility
Adamance – General Notes
Adamance is one of the most hostile maps that are free, having an especially large abundance of exterior hostile entities. Adamance was born alongside Dine (the new version), Embrion, and Artifice, and all four of the mosts have an exterior presence that far outstrips many of the other formerly build maps with the common placement of a higher abundance of hostiles. Indeed, in a number of ways Adamance can often feel a lot more hostile than maps like Rend or Titan with its exterior entities, and sometimes even more so than said mentioned three other maps that were also born with the same philosophy of a greater assortment of exterior hostiles.
Nonetheless, it should be said that Adamance is a map that can easily have its nut cracked with very little issue. The problem is that most people don’t know how to do it, and often don’t really plan (and often play foolishly at times intentionally or not), and often finds themselves getting killed far more than any of the free maps that exists. This can be easily avoided, and the Exterior Map can be taken cared of with relative ease
Things to Bring and Do
There are a number of items that the player can plan on bringing if they attempt to do Adamance properly. First, the player should have at least a single shovel. This Shovel is not meant to be used to ‘kill’ entities, but rather Shovels are known to cause Baboon Hawks to flee when they see someone wielding it. The next is an Extension Ladder; whilst the Extension Ladder is not necessary, it can make moving certain items around far faster than you would without (more on that later). For Forest Keepers and dealing with mass Baboon Hawks, having around at least 3-4 stun grenades in the ship to dealing with either the crowds or helping to bring items safely back to the ship when entities are becoming too roudy is recommended. As this map is known to have a descent chance of Cash Registers out of the free maps, alongside being one of the few with Chemical Jugs that are hefty in weight and abundance, the purchase of a TZP is not the worse idea to simply cut down transportation time, alongside the usage of a Jetpack… but if you can afford a Jetpack, one might wonder why you are going to a free moon in the first place.
Hazards to Concern With
This is the most hazardous free moon in the game; there isn’t much competition, even Offense that is often notorious and looked down on due to its high risk and generally mundane rewards as of V69. However, you should expect a huge assortment of Baboon Hawks and Forest Keepers on this, with a common dash of Eyeless Dogs and often times a speckle of Leviathan Worms and Old Birds to boot. Alongside this, Masked also spawn on this map, in fact being one of the few maps in the game that spawns Masked, only adding to the chaos of it all.
Fighting the Baboon Hawks should not be your priority, and in fact you should not be attempting to deal with them unless you want to sacrifice a good amount of money on stun grenades and shovels, and most of all wasting your time. As there can be around a dozen or more Baboon Hawks and it takes 4 hits to kill each of them, attempting to clear them out is a fool’s errand. This also doesn’t take into the account that Forest Keepers and Eyeless Dogs will always prioritise you over the irrate bird bug things… in fact, as Forest Keepers and Eyeless Dogs are a prominent hazard in this game, you should ensure that they die… to the Baboon Hawks. Just leave them alone as much as possible and help ensure that either the Hawks will kill the Keepers and Eyeless, or the Eyeless will kill the Baboons… and if you are in luck with an Old Bird, keep away from them and watch them clear out all those irritating enemies for you. Your job is not to kill the enemy, but collect loot (something most unfortunately do not seem to comprehend).
As for the worry about Baboon Hawks being quite irritating for often coming into your ship… for starters, you should be collecting loot and not be in the ship in the first place unless the necessity of opening Facility Doors are required and can not be unlocked VIA pulling an Apparatus or using a Fuse Box Panel. Second, all your items should never be at the door, in fact they should be both away from the walls of the ship (to ensure that certain entities don’t clip and collect items from the outside, which is possible), and instead be placed as close to the lever of the ship as possible, away from the door and close to the personnel monitor and start up lever. If you are at the ship, the only thing you will be doing is attracting entities to the ship. If you are at the ship and 1-3 players are simply camping inside it at around 12-2pm, you probably shouldn’t be playing this map. Stay away from the ship as much as possible, and only come in to bring loot or to collect equipment. Every time you stay at the ship, you are creating a liability. Get away from the Ship. Don’t be in the ship. Don’t be even near the ship. Do your job; not doing your job only makes it worse for yourself and everyone else.
Out of all the maps that could exist in the game, the Ship in itself is a massive hazard, and you should place in your skill that it is not your safe haven. Even if you close the door, there is a good chance that you can make it worse for other players attempting to bring loot. Remember that Eyeless Dogs are rather sensitive (and break way too much), and can camp the ship… something you DO NOT want. It is recommended that you do not use a Loud Horn unless your ship is already polluted by mass Baboon Hawks; making use of a drop ship and a purchased Walkie Talkie to draw the dogs closer to the Deathpit will help greatly when dealing with mass dogs near the ship. You want the entities of the exterior to be where they belong, in the Deathpit, as much as possible. Aggrivating and drawing enemies towards your ship only creates a hazard. Remember that although the top of the ship protects you from said Eyeless Dogs… it does nothing to protect you against the Baboons, Old Birds, Forest Keepers, and Masked that can spawn in this map. Once again, stay away from the ship as much as possible.
Adamance – The Bridges and Deathpit

The Long Bridge and Cross Hill
The Short Bridge and the Long Bridge are your temporary assets that, in your mind, should focus on ensuring that they NEVER break as long as you can. The Long Bridge shall always be at risk of breaking as Forest Keepers are able to break it themselves, but above all else you should yourself ensure it never collapses by your own volitionFor the Long Bridge, you should focus on having yourself or your other companions to take the Deathpit to the Main Entrance, with only one and if you have REALLY good coordination two people going across the bridge whilst the others go down the pit below. As the Long Bridge in Adamance is quite fragile in contrast to Vow’s bridge, you should always prioritise on having only one person go over it at a time with weight that is around 16 Lbs or less. That means that someone with a shovel AND a pro flashlight should not go across the bridge, as that is putting high risk of breaking the bridge, however someone with a shovel could go across the bridge, so long as they save the sprint to go across the bridge with no breather on it.It should be noted that, with using the Long Bridge from the Main to the Ship, you can jump to the left or the right before reaching the other end of the bridge in order to land on the Deathpit’s Hillramp that is on the ship’s side, meaning you can use the bridge with a descent amount of weight and jump off early yet still stay as very little time in the Deathpit as possible.
When you are attempting to bring stuff from the main to the ship with either more than one player or an excess amount of weight, such as transporting most two-handed items alongside any weighted one-handed items, the best course of action is to drop into the Deathpit where the house is. From the house there is a small hill ramp that has a cross-shape hill that is apparent in appearance. This cross hill is designed. In order to get up the Cross Hill, the player has to climb up the bottom-left cross end of the hill, and once near the center jump to the top right corner. Although it is possible to perhaps walk up there without jumping, it can be quite awkward especially if you have a weight of around 30 Lbs or over, and should simply jump from one corner or another to do it properly.
It should be noted that going up the Cross Hill does not stop other entities such as Forest Keepers from following if you are spotted, but it is generally a lot safer then attempting to take the regular pit up the Deathpit from the Center to the Ship. Make sure to check and see the entities surrounding both the North Plains and the Deathpit before diving from the Main Side into said Deathpit, and consider going to the Fire Exit route if hostiles seem to have an excess presence around said areas. It should be noted that Weight does not seem to impact your ability to use the Cross Hill, however as your jump is shortened getting the ability to jump from the left bottom corner to the top right corner can be difficult. This means that carrying a Cash Register or having weight of over 100 Lbs will not be an issue using this Cross Hill
Short Bridge and Fire Exit Roof
The Short Bridge is the alternative route you can go from the Long Bridge or Deathpit from Ship to the Interior. Like the Long Bridge the Short Bridge can break, although it follows a different function. Unlike a regular bridge, it is a two-jump platform where the player has to jump from one end to a sensitive middle platform, and then jump once again to the opposite side. Weight and length of said sensitive middle platform has no interference nor say on when the bridge breaks or not. Instead, the Short Bridge will always break when a player attempts a fourth use of it. This means that the player can take many heavy items across, although it is recommended to have a weight of around 60 or less when attempting to jump, as having around 70 Lbs or higher there is a good chance that your jump will be shortened too much in order to make said jump in the first place
Unlike the Long Bridge, however, it is still usable even if the middle platform breaks apart; a single beam sticks out at the center, which can be used in order to jump across. The limit of how much weight that can be brought when the middle platform breaks however is around 19 Lbs or less due to the distance being greater. You can, however make use of an Extension Ladder to get across as well, making use of it as a bridge; this is a good idea if you don’t want to take the ‘safer route’, and want to take an abundance of items across that are quite weighty and perhaps not break the Short Bridge. You simply place the Extension Ladder at the corner of the cliffside that is at the Interior side, rather than the Ship, and have the Extension Ladder reach towards the unbreakable platform that is at the Ship’s side of the map.
If you are making use of the Extension Ladder, making use of the roof in order to store items. With the usage of the Extension Ladder, the player can also move one-handed objects to the top of the Fire Exit Roof. This Fire Exit Roof is rather safe, as Baboon Hawks will not venture onto it (and even when they do on the rare occasion, they seem to get ‘stuck’ there, and find themselves either easily chased away or shovelled/signed to death with ease). As bringing items from the Fire Exit up the hill to the Short Bridge can be a pain especially since many one-handed items can be quite weighty, being able to quickly climb and drop them off on top of the Fire Exit Roof is an adequate strategy.
The Deathpit is an area that is the area the player should be avoiding at all costs. The only reason why you should be going down here is if you just started and there are little to no hostiles in sight. Above all else, your priority is to stay away from this Red Zone as much as possible. Sometimes one can understand when the day is halfway done you want to run from the ship to the building, but you should take the judgement on whether you should take one of the two bridges or not…
In spite of these exceptions however, you should avoid this place as much as possible. This is where enemies in general cultivate and rest at, as it is the center of the map that connects to the Interior Side of the Map and the Ship Side of the Map. Whilst entities will often patrol and live in one of these two elevated islands, the central pit that naturally bridges the two is where they will be the most. Stay away from here. If you are taking this route in order to bring loot, you are already slicing your neck and ensuring in most cases that you are either going to die or dropping your loot as you get harassed by the Keepers and Baboons. Don’t do it. This is not a simple jesture nor a slight warning, going into the Deathpit is a sured way of making all the loot that you collected from the Interior to be lost.
Is it possible to traverse the Deathpit with loot? Yes. Is it possible to traverse said Deathpit when Dogs, Keepers, Baboons, Masked, and Worms are all active at once? Yes… but when there are so many other safer methods, why would you do this to yourself? Stay away from here
Adamance – Bee Hives and Safe Areas

Safe Areas
Due to the map being a Baboon Hawk central, placing items outside is a very, very bad idea; as they can steal all your loot and take it to their nest, a nest that is often defended mind you, you are only going to find yourself losing any loot that you collected inside. This is the truth… generally speaking.Whilst placing any items outside at the Main Entrance will ensure that this will become true, this is not the case for the Fire Exit; the Fire Exit seems to generally be a safe haven that is free from any outdoor entities from venturing towards, with a few exceptions such as Masked. This means that you can leave any items that you collected at the Fire Exit, and 99.999999~% of the time, your items will never be touched by the entity. This is good.
This is not the only area often safe from said gorilla eagles, however; near the other side of the Short Bridge, parallel to where the Fire Exit is, is also another safe zone that is often untouched by any entities, especially from the chimp falcons. Loot that is placed on the ship side of the short bridge, on its unbreakable metal platform, entities seem to be unable to reach these either. This can also be said as well for the Fire Exit roof, with Baboons rarely ever reaching it… and if they do, they are often ‘frozen’ in their place until you approach them, leaving them to be in shovel range.
It should be noted that whilst entities will often chase you at the Death Pit or even at the Cross Hill at the north side of the map, when you make use of the south side of either the short bridge or the southern safe hill (more on that later), you can be ensured to lose any form of Forest Keepers or other entities that are chasing after you. This also includes another form of hostile entity: Circuit Bees.
Circuit Bee Nests
Despite not being considered a Bee-Central Map unlike Vow or March, Circuit Bees often find themselves on this map with a descent amount of relevance. This is great in a number of ways, and terrible in others.
For the Terrible, any Bees that are spawned in the Deathpit is more of a burden than an asset; alongside often taking more than one trip to bring to the ship, you are also dealing with a hill that is going to slow your movement when sprinting upwards, which due to the rather glitchy AI of the Circuit Bees can often find yourself having them quickly catch up to you… and if for some reason you are attempting to take the Deathpit, the only thing the Circuit Bees will add is to act as another hazard to an already hazardous part of the map.
For the great, there are three areas that the Circuit Bees can spawn that are a net boon. The North and South Plains that are part of the Ship Side are rather great for having bees, as they are a relatively flat plain with elevation akin to the Ship’s, and are less dangerous than the Deathpit. Any bees you see in these two areas is an assured recommendation to collect.
There is a third area that exists as well, which is the Bee Hop Island, an area that is just north of the Fire Exit and connects to the Short Bridge. Whilst it would be rather tedious to bring a Bee Nest through the Deathpit, it is recommended to instead bring the Bee Nest across the Short Bridge; the Bees will not follow you across the Short Bridge, and although the Bees can be damaging since you have to go uphill at times to reach the Short Bridge, bringing the Nest up and jumping across the bridge means the Bees will have to traverse the Long Bridge or Deathpit to reach you… which means you can bring the nest without anyone chasing after you for some time, generally having enough time to bring the Circuit Bee nest to the side of the ship (DO NOT PUT ANY NESTS IN THE SHIP UNTIL THE END OF THE DAY!!!).
The last area that the player could get bees is if any are spawned near the Main Entrance… but that is ONLY if the Long bridge exists. Your 10 second sprint alongside Bee Hives having 0 Lbs means that grabbing and sprinting across the bridge is a very valid way of moving items across. You will, however, have to drop it in most cases before you reach the ship as you will lose a descent amount of sprint unless you purposefully allow the bees to sting you to get that boost, or have TZP at hand to make it easier.
Tree/Hill Ladder Area
South of the Deathpit and Settled between the Fire Exit Safe Area and the Safe Area to the East of it, there is a small pit that has very little entities venturing into (although do not be surprised if a Forest Keeper or Baboon ventures there, they still can). This is the path of bringing loot that is the safest. Even the usage of the Short Bridge is rather hazardous as entities will often venture on top of the hill north of the Fire Exit, the Bee Hop Island, a considerable amount of times, meaning that bringing loot from Fire Exit to the Short Bridge can still be a hazard given RNG circumstances.
Instead, it is recommended when Adamance becomes especially hostile to take this route instead, even the Main Entrance personnel. Bringing Loot here may seem tedious, but it is recommended to go here if going across the Long Bridge or the Cross Hill is not available. First is to go to the edge of the hill near Fire and then dropping the items down; it is recommended to lift your camera slightly upwards when dropping items rather than looking down or straight ahead to encourage the items to drop farther ahead, and thus further down the hill. This is recommended, as you will soon have to jump down the hill and the drop said items into the ‘Lesser Pit’ that is nestled between the two Safe Zones. Afterwards, you bring the items to the hill of the Eastern Safe Zone and try to drop the items at the edge of the hill that is the furthest down; a corner exists that is lower than the rest of the edge of the hill, and jumping and dropping items near said edge is needed in order to pick up the items afterwards.
Once you have moved all of the items from the Fire Exit to the hill near the safe zone, you can either climb a tree that is leaning near the hill or simply jump up said hill. Climbing up the Tree requires simply walking forward onto its trunk and your model will climb up. Once you reach the tip, you jump onto the side of the mountain and move forward/slide down into the Eastern Safe Zone. For jumping up the hill, however, you have to reach one side of the hill until you can get up as much as you can, afterwards sprinting forward and the jumping when close enough in order to reach the edge of the hill. It should be noted that having a weight of around 11 or less is recommended in order to ensure your jump is not hindered by your items, so dropping off said items is always recommended.
You can also make use of an Extension Ladder as well to move a number of items, either pointing it up the hill or making use of a form of ramp to walk up. As the Extension Ladder is a costly 60 bucks and weighs nothing, it is still recommended to recover it and make use of either the Hill or Tree Jumps after you transfer your items. Once your items are transferred from one area to another, you will have very little in terms of hostiles interfering in most circumstances. This is one of the safest routes within Adamance to move items from Interior to the Ship.
Adamance – General Tricks and Other General Information
The House
Although the Deathpit is something you should avoid as much as you can, the House in itself is a safe haven in its own right in different ways. The Roof that can be jumped at through either the hill north of it, jumping off from the Long Bridge to reach it, or other ways allows the player to be safe from all except the Old Bird. Making use of a Key to open the house is not recommended, as although it protects you from the giants, does nothing against Dogs, Hawks, nor Masked in any capacity. If being chased by Forest Keepers and can’t get either on the roof or inside the house, the player can use the back end of the house (opposite of the door) to circle and keep a good distance of the Forest Keepers away from you. When the Forest Keepers are out of your reach, wait for stamina to recover and go up the Cross Hill to escape to the ship.
Forest Keepers and Trees
Whether it be at the Bee Hop Island or the Deathpit, there are an abundance of different trees that exists in contrast to the other parts of the map. These Trees will always be your best friend against all of the entities, especially the Forest Keepers. If you are having troubles with them, simply hide behind a tree and if necessary drop your items behind it to recharge your stamina before picking it up (keep in mind that certain items when dropped make sound, so ensure no Dogs are around… alongside Baboon Hawks being able to steal items). Make sure to use these trees when necessary.
When there are no trees, there are a number of hills that exists in especially the South Plain and the Pit between the two Safe Zones. Hiding behind the hills and the general cliffsides to act as a natural barrier of their sight, which can work with Baboon Hawks as well, can help a lot with ensuring as little issue against the entities is reached. It won’t do anything for an inconvenient Masked chasing after you, but you can only do so much against each entitiy
North Plains Alternative Path
As the North Plains is what connects the Cross Path and the Cliff Ramp from the Death Pit towards the Ship, means that said area can often act as a hot pocket covered by an assortment of hostile entities. This can be especially bad. However, if you go slightly up north through the North Plains the player will be able to deal with a wide assortment of problems by taking the safer yet longer route. Keep in mind that said safer route whilst helping with Eyeless Dogs and Baboon Hawks, Forest Keepers often enjoy being in the North Plains more than the other entities, and the North Plains has no natural covers in most map generations. In spite of this, if you see a large assortment of entities near the ship end of the bridge that makes going to ship rather dangerous, taking the longer route north can be often times safer given certain circumstances
Bridge Giants
If you are having problems with Forest Keepers, having the Long Bridge can be a great asset when dealing with them. As the Main Enterance has very little in terms of Forest Keeper protection, unlike the Fire Exit, the Long Bridge is your saving grace. Remember the weight you have and make sure to save sprint inside the building when you can, and if you can save your sprint when reaching the bridge, and once reached sprint as fast as you can until either you reach the other side or you jump near the end towards the upper ramp of the Deathpit. The Forest Keeper will be often times falling when near the center of the bridge, which means even if you had to jump off before reaching the end or if the bridge breaks right before reaching the end the Forest Keeper will have to climb up the Deathpit Ramp to reach you. As long as you have a weight that is below 19 Lbs, you are more than likely will reach the edge, although the Forest Keeper coming on will ensure it breaks sooner before reaching the end.
Baboon Hawks and Attention
There are some delusional rumours that this game often has, which includes shouting will cause the Baboon Hawks to not come at you. This is a lie. Baboon Hawks will come after you even if screeching at them nonstop. Instead, they have a few factors to take into consideration, including if you have a weapon on hand and how much you weigh. The more weight you have, especially something like a Chemical Jug or Cash Register, you will more than likely be attacked than carrying something like a V-Engine or Large Axel. At the same time, carrying a weapon such as a Shovel or Stop Sign will act as a deterrent from approaching you. Like Forest Keepers they can easily have their line of sight broken by trees, so having such sight broken and letting them either pass by or attack something else is always the best course of action. Due to them being entities that favour attacking those that are the heaviest, once again, DO NOT GO THROUGH THE DEATH PIT. Take any other route, otherwise you will just get pecked to death. And, once again, as they are a rather aggressive entity, being around the ship is a BAD idea. Keep your items as far back towards the lever as possible and stay away from the ship. If you go into the ship, close the door and do what you can, and afterwards leave it. Stop playing with them, stop fighting them, you are wasting your and everyone else’s time. Let them kill the Keepers and Dogs for you and ignore them.
Masked and Ghost Girl
Adamance is a Free Moon that acts more like the Priced Moons than the Free Moons, in a number of ways. For one, this map has a good chance of getting Mansion as much as Facility and Mineshaft, even more so than any free moon that exists. It also has pretty much every single interior entity being fully capable of spawning on this map, which includes Masked and Ghost Girl. Although uncommon, it is just as common for a Ghost Girl to chase you around a ship or a Masked walking to the Fire Exit and saying hello, perhaps even more so, than an Old Bird spawning on this map. It’s best to take that into consideration and also take into consideration why I say to avoid the Ship as much as possible. Too many times, people have found themselves caught by these entities thinking that the Ship is safe, as much as they think the Ship will keep them safe from the Hawks.
Tulip Lizard Jetpack
The issue with the Jetpack on this map is that Adamance can very easily introduce around half the items being Two-Handers, which makes the use of the Jetpack nearly useless. Tulip Lizards, however, are a Jetpack that ignores if you have a two-handed item or not. The best course of action is to have two or more on your head, and when they start flapping jump immediately in order to get a lift. They can fully carry you anywhere you desire. With enough practice, they can act as a cheap form of transporation that has less of a price than TZP and Jetpack, although their appearance on this map can often be dwindled as Baboon Hawks will kill them on sight. It should also be noted that bringing a Tulip Lizard into the Main Entrance is a bad idea if it is a facility, as they can draw you to the ceiling of the Main Entrance… which is a rotating fan that will cut your head off. It could be rather useful on the mansion with its higher elevation, however.
More Guides:
- Lethal Company: New V50 Moons Guide
- Lethal Company: All Items Guide (How to Use Them Effectively)
- Lethal Company: Some Information About Controllers
- Lethal Company: All New Terminal Commands
- Lethal Company: How to Download and Install Mods