Mini Thief: 100% Achievement Guide

100% Achievement Guide for Mini Thief. Includes Screenshots to provide additional help.



Title: Mini Thief
Estimated Difficulty: ▣▣▢▢▢
Offline: 20
Online: 0
Missable Achievements: 0, Level Selection is available
Estimated Completion Time: 4-7+ hours
Unobtainable Achievements: 0

Tools and Equipment

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤStarting Items/Equipment

Item: Flashlight
Price: N/A
Effectiveness: ▣▣▢▢▢
Capacity: 1
Reusable?: ✔
Description: Provides a cone of light. Useful for navigating the dark. However, the police and homeowners will notice any bright-lights pointing towards their direction.

Item: Scavenge
Price: N/A
Effectiveness: ▣▣▣▣▣
Capacity: 1
Reusable?: ✔
Description: Your greatest tool as a thief is your ability to scavenge. Any object which has this iconography provides a chance to give the thief money or a key to unlock the safe.

Item: Base Lockpick
Price: N/A
Effectiveness: ▣▣▢▢▢
Capacity: 1
Reusable?: ✔
Description: Base lockpick; used to gain access through any locked door. Although essential to any thief’s arsenal, It’s considerably slow compared to purchasable lockpicks.


Item: Box
Price: 50 USD
Effectiveness: ▣▣▣▣▣
Capacity: 1
Reusable?: ✔
Description: You become undetectable by cameras whilst equipped. This includes moving in the cone of vision. A must have for any Snake… thief

Item: Cable Cutter
Price: 70 USD
Effectiveness: ▣▣▣▣▢
Capacity: 1
Reusable?: ✔
Description: Disables trip wires & provides the option to disable lights. Disabling tripwires isn’t a necessity if there’s police/house owners already on the premise. Disabling lights can be a huge benefit with night-vision.

Item: Chew Toy
Price: 100 USD
Effectiveness: ▣▣▣▣▢
Capacity: 3
Reusable?: ✖
Description: Dogs can open doors and alert nearby guards. This item prevents the dogs from detecting you. This last indefinitely and can be used after they notice you.

Item: Decoy
Price: 100 USD
Effectiveness: ▣▣▢▢▢
Capacity: 3
Reusable?: ✖
Description: Decoys can be very useful to distract a guard from their usual patrol route or with combination of a firecracker. This can allude guards/homeowners for quite a while. This is strictly visual.

Item: Fire Cracker
Price: 50 USD
Effectiveness: ▣▣▢▢▢
Capacity: 3
Reusable?: ✖
Description: The area of effect of this item is huge and will attract most guards/homeowners on the map. This is strictly audible and can be used alongside decoys.

Item: Lockpicking Kit
Price: 375 USD
Effectiveness: ▣▣▣▣▢
Capacity: 1
Reusable?: ✔
Description: Increases Lockpicking speeds by 100% (be sure to use the item for this effect)

Item: Disposable Lockpicks
Price: 75 USD
Effectiveness: ▣▣▣▢▢
Capacity: 3
Reusable?: ✖
Description: Increases Lockpicking speeds by 50% (be sure to use the item for this effect)

Item: Night-Vision Goggles
Price: 500 USD
Effectiveness: ▣▣▣▣▣
Capacity: 1
Reusable?: ✔
Description: provides visual clarity for the entire screen. Can be used in-conjunction with other equipment.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤPassive Items/Equipment

Item: Insurance Safe
Price: 868 USD
Effectiveness: ▣▣▣▣▣
Capacity: 1
Reusable?: ✖
Description: Passive: Keep all your equipment when caught. Can be repurchased each time. Only worth using when the equipment you have is more than the cost of the insurance.

Item: Sneakers
Price: 350, 875, 1400 USD
Effectiveness: ▣▣▣▣▣
Capacity: 1
Reusable?: ✔
Description: Passive: Muffles your movements, reducing the amount of sound whilst moving. Can be upgraded 3 times.

Objects and Security



Name: Tripwires
Sensory Type: Transmission/Audible
Alert Level: ▣▣▣
Alerts Home Owner?: ✔
Can be Disarmed?: ✔
Description: Can be disarmed using a Cable Cutter. Alerts Homeowners and Calls for backup. However, if owners/police are already at the premise, these wires serve little purpose only then making sound.


Name: Plant Pot
Sensory Type: Audible
Alert Level: ▣▢▢
Alerts Home Owner?:✖
Can be Disarmed?: ✖
Description: Causes a one-time sound wave if you approach too closely.


Name: Mine
Sensory Type: Audible
Alert Level: ▣▢▢
Alerts Home Owner?: ✖
Can be Disarmed?: ✖
Description: Stuns the player and creates a sound-wave. Avoid at all costs.


Name: Glass
Sensory Type: Audible
Alert Level: ▣▢▢
Alerts Home Owner?: ✖
Can be Disarmed?: ✖
Description: Creates a sound-wave when walked on. Can often be hard to see.


Name: Camera
Sensory Type: Transmission/Visual
Alert Level: ▣▣▣
Alerts Home Owner?: ✔
Can be Disarmed?: ✖
Description: Cameras have a fixed rotation of 120°. If you are in the cone of vision whilst using the item Box you will become undetectable by the camera, even whilst moving. Cameras have a blind spot underneath (sticking to the wall). Spending too long inside of the vision will trigger an alarm which will cause the homeowners/police to show up.

Not In Vision

In Vision

In Blind-Spot


Name: Safe
Description: The Main objective of the level. There’s always 1 safe. The located is always the same for the specific map. Safes requires a key to open.

Name: Key
Description: On level spawn; the key is randomly placed inside of a single container. Containers include: drawers, cupboards, and paintings.

Name: Shrub
Description: Shrubs can be used as hiding spots, concealing your presence (assuming the police/Homeowners did not see you enter into hiding).

Name: Wardrobe
Description: Wardrobes can be used as hiding spots, concealing your presence (assuming the police/Homeowners did not see you enter into hiding).


Padawan Thief
Complete your first house
Difficulty: ▣▢▢▢▢ㅤ
Level: Small House, Difficulty 1
Guide: Should unlock Naturally, see Easy Escape

Easy Escape
Beat first level, first difficulty
Difficulty: ▣▢▢▢▢ㅤ
Level: Small House, Difficulty 1
Guide: Complete Small House, Difficulty 1

Fission Mailed
Get busted 10 Times
Difficulty: ▣▢▢▢▢
Level: City Bank, Difficult 1
Guide: Check the achievement: Don’t Quit Your Day Job

Don’t Quit Your Day Job
Get busted 20 Times
Difficulty: ▣▢▢▢▢
Level: City Bank, Difficult 1
Guide: Should get naturally. anytime you fail a level by getting caught by the owners/police. This will count to one of the 20 required.

Scare the Wife
Difficulty: ▣▢▢▢▢ㅤ
Level: Small House, Difficulty 2
Guide: Can be completed in multiple levels. However, Small House (Difficulty 2) is the earliest you can unlock this achievement. Trigger the alarms and wait until the wife sees you.

In Broad Daylight
Escape the house with the lights on
Difficulty: ▣▢▢▢▢ㅤ
Level: Small House, Difficulty 2
Guide: Can be completed in multiple levels. However, Small House (Difficulty 2) is the earliest you can unlock this achievement. Trigger the alarms and wait until the homeowners turn on the lights, after that, escape.

Release the Hounds!
Successfully bait a guard dog
Difficulty: ▣▢▢▢▢ㅤ
Level: Small House, Difficulty 3
Guide: Purchase a Chew Toy from the pawn shop and then head over to the recommended Level. There should be a dog on your right upon starting the level. Just use the Chew Toy when the dog starts chasing you.

Close Call!
Escape whilst being chased
Difficulty: ▣▢▢▢▢ㅤ
Level: Small House, Difficulty 3
Guide: Unsure if this is police or homeowner specific but assuming it’s both. Just be near the exit when you get caught and make sure they are chasing you. You may use Fire Crackers to help lure the enforcers to your location.

Successfully rob any difficulty 3 house without alerting anyone
Difficulty: ▣▣▢▢▢ㅤ
Level: Medium House, Difficulty 3
Guide: For this achievement, I highly suggest taking a Box for the cameras, and a Cable Cutter for the tripwires. Upon starting the level, be sure to stay away from the kitchen, as the dog will be sleeping there. I also suggest avoiding, or slow-walking passed all the glass, to avoid waking the dog up. Be sure to grab the key, unlock the safe, and then make your way to the exit whilst avoiding the mine near the escape.

Call Me Maybe?
Huh? What was that noise?
Difficulty: ▣▢▢▢▢
Level: Small House, Difficulty 3
Guide: Collectable Located in the top right-most room. Refer to the Map Section.

Mmm…Mitochondria Cheese!
There goes my BP!
Difficulty: ▣▢▢▢▢
Level: Medium House, Difficulty 3
Guide: Collectable Located in the top right-most room. Refer to the Map Section.

 Time Ta’ Hit The Road!
If there’s one animal you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley it’s a salt water croc!
Difficulty: ▣▣▢▢▢ㅤ
Level: Apartment, Difficulty 2
Guide: Collectable Located in the top Middle-Right-most room.

 Box Hound
The most stealthiest moving company ever!
Difficulty: ▣▣▢▢▢ㅤ
Level: Large House, Difficulty 3
Guide: Collectable Located in the Bottom Left-most room, near the truck.

 A Farting Cactus?
Is it true what they say? Did the cactus really pass gas?
Difficulty: ▣▣▢▢▢ㅤ
Level: City Bank, Difficulty 3
Guide: Collectable Located in the Left-most room, there will be 2 bathrooms, the bathroom on the right has the collectable.

 Who’s….Joe Blo??
I don’t know the guy?
Difficulty: ▣▣▢▢▢ㅤ
Level: Company Office, Difficulty 3
Guide: Collectable Located in the Middle-Right most room, there will be a shower room, in that room will be the collectable.

 Ouch! A Splinter!
Now these are friggen schweet!
Difficulty: ▣▣▢▢▢ㅤ
Level: Police Station, Difficulty 3
Guide: Collectable Located in the Top-Left most room, there will be a room with a long corridor and a fireplace, in that room will be the collectable.

 Absolute Darkness
47 Times and still no hit man!
Difficulty: ▣▣▢▢▢ㅤ
Level: Jewlery Store, Difficulty 3
Guide: Collectable Located in the Top-Left most room.

Abyss Strutting!
Let’s take a walk in the Abyss!
Difficulty: ▣▣▢▢▢ㅤ
Level: Rich House, Difficulty 3
Guide: Centre, in one of the bathrooms, there will be a green particle.

 Delirial Killer!
Laughter is his Madness!
Difficulty: ▣▣▢▢▢ㅤ
Level: Pawn Shop
Guide: For this achievement, head to the pawn shop and interact with the door on the left. Inside there will be a level. I believe, you will need to claim the mask which is located on the far right-most side.

 Master Thief
Unlock every safe in Main Game
Difficulty: ▣▣▣▣▢
Level: All Levels, All Difficulties.
Guide: This will be the hardest achievement and the one that takes the most time. Especially the train 3 Difficulty.


Small House

Medium House


Level List

  • Training
  • Pawn Shop Secret Level
  • Small House
  • Medium House
  • Apartment
  • Large House
  • Gas Station
  • Jewelry Store
  • City Bank
  • Rich House
  • Company Office
  • Police Station
  • Train
  • Ship Docks

May add the other maps eventually….. but probably not. Unless people really need it.

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