Necesse: Beginner’s Guide [2025]

A guide on the beginning of Necesse and a nice “where to go”.

I will be updating this guide as time goes and as updates arrive.



In the beginning, first, walk into the elder’s house, look at the display case, take your boots, open the chest and loot everything inide of it. you’d probably be tempted to run around the world, but its just not worth it!
You should start by cutting down a few trees, walking around the island, getting some blueberries and apples so you don’t starve if you have survival mode on.
You’ll most likely find a chest somewhere on the island, it might have a simple weapon or a trinket, do use it if it doesn’t have a bad debuff!
Any positive debuff is good, but some negative debuffs are fine, for example resilience gain, max resilience, and mana stuff. Of course, depending on what you’re playing, if you’re a mage then don’t, etc, except if you’re quickly running resilience.
You should also look into the work station’s craftable trinkets, and generally just anything else, consider your class and see what trinkets might help you.
Take your time, the only thing that happens with time is raids, and you can turn them off if you wish.

Going mining!

Now you’ll want to kick the elder out and sleep in his house if you want to.
Next up, you’ll want to go into the mines, don’t forget to craft a pickaxe! This isn’t Terraria (Despite what some angry people would tell you), and you don’t spawn with a pickaxe.
The caves seem overwhelming, but are truly fine, go around, mine stone, loot chests, kill zombies, its all simple.
Some good stuff to pay attention to, inside the mines:
Gold – The best gear you can currently get, so you should definitively mine any bit you can, its always useful, you’ll often need more.
Chests: They contain the best stuff you can have so far, and give out plenty of great loot, including potions, bars and more.
Cavelings: These pesky, annoying fellas run like crazy and have a ton of damage, if you’re on easier difficulties its great to put them in a corner and hit them with a melee weapon and knock them back. They give a ton of gold, which tends to be the main way of acquiring ores.
Mysterious portals: These will be your first progression path, keep them on you, you’ll want plenty!
Spiders: These fellas are scary, but their cave spider glands are wonderful. If you really want to play summoner, they are your way. You’ll want a bunch of them to craft a spider staff and spider armor.

Do remember, each place has a special pool of loot, to find out, you need to use the adventure journal.
They show every enemy in that area, their drops, and everything you can find.
You can see if you’ve found every trinket, every chest, etc etc.
Even for bosses, you can check their drops.

Going back into the surface and surviving

You come back up.. You’ve done it, now what?
Well, you’ll want to craft a forge and an anvil, and melt down all your ore.
Depending on your class, you should focus on crafting any weapon that focuses on your chosen class, and get the corresponding email. Look into the trinkets and craft anything you think might be good!
Now, if you haven’t already, you should place down the settlement flag and start a settlement – if you accidentally don’t name it, don’t worry, you can go back into the flag and rename the settlement, Go wild!
With that happening, talk to the elder and accept the quest – he wants you to kill the Evil’s Protector, that’s what those Mysterious portals are for!
They’re fought only during nighttime, so, cut down some trees, put down trees, and good luck!

Evil’s Protector and after killing it.

You just killed a wonderful, huge bat. Shame on you.
So anyways, you got the foci based on a random class, some demonic bars, and a couple of consumable items. Go ahead and quickly consume them!
If you want to strictly focus on one class, then you should just farm up the Protector for the Foci you want, if you want to play 2 classes at once, then kill the Protector 3 more times.
Don’t worry, the drops aren’t actually random! They actually cycle through the drops
You kill an Evil’s Protector and drop a, for example, summoner foci, the next kill will be either a ranged, melee or mage foci, and the next one will be the other two, until you have all 4.
So, you can check the boss in the adventure journal and see every drop they have, and you can find out how many times you need to kill the boss for every drop, though some you can skip if they don’t fit your class weapons.
Once you get all 4, which is usually good to do for some demonic bars, as demonic bars are very useful through the game.
Now, upgrade your anvil and work station to a demonic station.
After you’re done with the poor thing, you either equip your own class foci, or you craft a balanced foci.
Good job! Make sure to talk to the elder and get your lunchbox.

Now where?

Listen to the elder! He shows you where to go next, which is enough to tell you where to go!
He wants you to go to the snow biome, so do that!
The biome progression is as follows:
Forest > Snow > Dungeon > Swamp > Desert > Pirate Village
Make sure to follow the typical progression, check for any item you want in the work station, go through it, craft what you want. Have fun!

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