The first guide for console commands in this game. Very strange, although it’s only been around for 20 days (as of January 25th 2024) so it’s not that surprising.
As you may know, Portal: Revolution is a mod for Portal 2. It uses the mod Portal 2: Community Edition, which is currently not released as of January 25th 2024. Like many source games, this has the developer console.
To get the developer console, enable developer mode in the game settings. Toggle it with the ` key.
Please note that I’m only putting things that are from P2:CE and not from the original game.
New gels.
Sticky gel: ent_create_paint_bomb_stick (only paints in maps with gels)
The sticky gel is an unused gel that is part of P2:CE. With it, you can climb up walls. It is green but the splashes are purple. If anything other than the player touches it, the game will crash.
Reflection gel: ent_create_paint_bomb_reflect (only paints in maps with gels)
The reflection gel is a new gel that is part of P2:CE. It reflects lasers that are at an angle greater than 30 degrees. This is also in BEE2.4.
Colourable portals.
For the primary portal, use cl_portal_sp_primary_color r g b
For the secondary portal, use cl_portal_sp_secondary_color r g b
(change the r g b to numbers between 0-255)
Here are some screenshots of coloured portals.primary 64 150 255, secondary 23 0 200 (blue/purple portals)

primary 64 150 255, secondary 255 160 32 (blue/yellow portals)
primary 248 10 238, secondary 8 235 16 (pink/green portals)
New spawns
There are new entities in the game. What a surprise.
Quantum Cube: ent_create_portal_weighted_schrodinger
This cube can teleport lasers to another quantum cube, as seen below.
Core: ent_create npc_personality_core