How to beat the undertale genocide route area by area
Important Info
Do NOT do the genocide route unless you have done the true pacifist route. Something bad happens. Anyways time to begin
After Toriel leaves you in the long room, go to the next room. Farm enemies there until when you save, it only says the word “Determination”. Then, go on to fight Toriel who will die in a single hit. Note: You must kill 20 monsters(excluding toriel) for this to work. If you do not kill 20 creatures, you fail the genocide route.
If you have made it this far, congratulations. You can now see how many more monsters you need to kill whenever you save your game. It should look like this

I personally believe that the best farming spot is in this room, because enemies spawn, and you will minimize “but nobody came” encounters, which can be a major time saver.
Afterwards, proceed to killing papyrus.
You made it to waterfall. Congrats! You know the drill by now. 18 kills, but this time there is a boss that does not die in a single hit…
Anyways, before you reach the bridge that monster kid appears in, you need to get your 18 kills in, or you failed the genocide route. Farm here, in the room near temmie village

Undyne Fight
This was REALLY hard. I would recommend the torn notebook and the cloudy glasses for this fight. There are 2 good food combinations, use either one
-Astronaut food 2x
-Crab Apples x5
-Snowman Piece x3
-Astronaut food x2
– Crab apples x3
You could replace any of the food with better food items, if you have some, but do not waste the pie and the snowman pieces. You will need them later
The fight itself is hard to explain in words, so I recommend a youtube tutorial
Good luck
-Astronaut food 2x
-Crab Apples x5
-Snowman Piece x3
-Astronaut food x2
– Crab apples x3
You could replace any of the food with better food items, if you have some, but do not waste the pie and the snowman pieces. You will need them later
The fight itself is hard to explain in words, so I recommend a youtube tutorial
Good luck
Just go through hotlands, there are no good farming spots there. Hotlands and core count as 1 area, so farm in this room.
After that fight mettaton neo(you 1 shot him lol) then proceed to new home, listen to the flowey thing and then its time for the sans fight.

This fight is painful. Use instant noodles, face steak, if you still have it the pie/snowman pieces, and legendary heroes. Then use a tutorial if you need it because this boss is hard.
More Guides:
- Undertale: Easy True Pacifist Guide 2021
- Undertale: All Yellow Monster Descriptions Guide
- Undertale: The Genocide Route’s Final Boss Guide
- Undertale: How to mettaton EX
- Undertale: Jevil Damageless Tips (Deltarune Demo)