All Gifts for the the villagers (Loves, Likes, Nuetrals, Dislikes, Hates).

Pancakes, Pumpkin Flan, Meteor Pumpkin Flan
Cookie, Donuts, Flan, Ice Cream, Toyherb, Chocolate Cookies, Strawberry Jam, Grape Jam, Apple Jam, Rice Porridge, Milk Porridge, French Toast, Honey
Everything else.
Horns, Dragon Fang, Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot
Dragon Bones

Invinciroid, Levelizer, Sandwich, Syringe
Brooches, Mushroom, Relax Tea, Medicines, Wine, Grape Liqueur, Vegetable Juice, Rice Porridge, Monarch Mushroom
Everything else.
Apple, Tomato, Tomato Seeds, Mealy Apple, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot
Titan Tomato

Cheesecake, Chocolate Sponge, Chocolate Cake, Pancakes
Apple Pie, Bread, Chocolate, Chocolate Cookies, Flan, French Toast, Fruit Sandwich, Grape Liqueur, Hot Chocolate, Onigiri, Salad, Salmon Onigiri, Sandwich, Toast, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of the Ages
Everything else.
Object X, Seeds (except Gold Cabbage Seeds and Gold Turnip Seeds), Trash
Gold Cabbage Seeds, Gold Turnip Seeds

Tempura, Tempura Udon
Wine, Grape Liqueur, Stew, Grilled Skipjack, Miso Eggplant, Grilled Miso, Boiled Rockfish, Egg Bowl, Magic Charm, Boiled Spinach, Rice Porridge, Udon, Baked Onigiri, Salmon Onigiri, Charm
Everything else.
Seafood Doria, Doria, Seafood Gratin, Gratin, Cheese Fondue, Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot
Pizza, Seafood Pizza

Mixed Juice, Mixed Smoothie, Fruit Smoothie, Stew
Juice, Ice Cream, Omelet Rice, Hot Chocolate, Strawberry Milk, Hot Milk, Seafood Doria, Seafood Gratin, Doria, Gratin
Everything else.
Green Pepper, Tomato, Titan Tomato, Green Pepper Rex, Object X, Trash
Mushroom, Monarch Mushroom

Butter Roll
Flour, Jam Roll, Raisin Bread, Risotto, Vegetable Juice, Seafood Gratin, Apple Pie, Sour Drop, Sweet Powder, Heavy Spice, Mixed Herbs
Everything else.
Dumplings, Insect Carapace, Spider’s Thread, Pretty Thread, Insect Horn, Object X, Trash
Viscous Liquid

Curry Bread, Curry Manju, Jam Roll
Butter Roll, Bread, Raisin Bread, Steamed Bread, Toast, Pancakes, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Sponge, Cheesecake, Dumplings, Basilisk Scale, Stone Dragon Scale
Everything else.
Onigiri, Rice, Rice Porridge, Salmon Onigiri, Baked Onigiri, Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot
Tempura Bowl, Egg Bowl, Milk Porridge

Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Curry Rice, Omelet
Curry Manju, Curry Udon, French Fries, Ice Cream, Curry Bread, Dry Curry, Pancakes, Orange Juice, Grape Juice, Apple Juice, Pineapple Juice, Fruit Juice, Strawberry Milk, Fruit Smoothie
Everything else.
Green Pepper, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Smoothie, Green Pepper Rex, Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot

Crystal Skull
Grilled Needlefish, Tuna Teriyaki, Gems, Ores, Frying Pan fish dishes
Everything else.
All other medicines, Object X, Trash
Cold Medicine, Antidote Potion

Star Pendant, Sun Pendant, Field Pendant, Dew Pendant, Earth Pendant
Donuts, Milk, Toast, Work Gloves, Gloves, Leather Belt, Proof of Wisdom, Raisin Bread, Jam Roll, Popcorn, Apple, Baked Apple, Mealy Apple
Fruit Smoothie, Mixed Juice, Orange Juice, Mixed Smoothie, Strawberry Milk, Object X, Trash
Relax Tea

Fairy Elixir, Thunderbird Feather, Devil Horn
Unbroken Ivory Tusk, Materials, Moving Branch, Thick Stick, Ancient Fish Feather Fins, Tablet of Truth, Quality Worn Cloth, Grimoire Scale, Big Bird’s Comb, Wine
All items not listed in previous categories
Octopus, Squid, Sunsquid, Lamp Squid, Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot
Octopus and squid dishes

Splash Star, Gravity Hammer, Dragonic Stone, Orichalcum, Emerald
Crystals, Minerals, Scrap Metal, Fried Fish dishes, Double Steel, Light Ore, White Stone, Glitter Stone, Rune Stone Fragment
Everything else.
Pendants, Earrings, Annette’s Necklace, Object X, Trash
Hand-Knit Scarf, Fluffy Scarf

Prelude to Love, Pineapple Juice
All flowers, all fruits, Rainbow Waterpot, Honey, Sweets, Breads, Salad, Baked Apple, Dumplings, Strawberry Milk, Fruit Juice, Fruit Smoothie, Grape Juice, Relax Tea
Everything else.
Skull, Squids, object X, Trash
Squid Dishes

Tempura Bowl
Onigiri, Baked Onigiri, Salmon Onigiri, Rice, Bamboo Rice, Omelet Rice, Fried Rice, Risotto, Rice Porridge, Milk Porridge, Steamed Bread, Doria, Seafood Doria, Egg Bowl, French Toast
Everything else.
Bread, Toast, Raisin Bread, Jam Roll, Butter Roll, Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot
Curry Bread, Cheese Bread

Dragon Fang, Dragon Scale, Basilisk Scale, Stone Dragon Scale, Grimoire Scale
Pudding All other scales, Flan, Pumpkin Flan, Meteor Pumpkin Flan, Strawberry Jam, Grape Jam, Apple Jam, Grapes, Strawberry, Apple, Mealy Apple
Everything else.
Devil Blood, Poison King, Paralysis Poison, Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot
Dragon Bones, Viscous Liquid