The Dry Reef
The Indigo Quarry
The Ancient Ruins
The Glass Desert
The Wilds

Only at night
The Dry Reef
The Moss Blanket
The Indigo Quarry
The Ancient Ruins
The Glass Desert
Diet: Fruit
Favourite food:
Def. Value: 15 Newbucks
Favourite toy:
– The Moss Blanket
Diet: Fruit
Favourite food:
Def. Value: 30 Newbucks
Favourite toy:
– The Indigo Quarry
Diet: Veggies
Favourite food:
Def. Value: 30 Newbucks
Favourite toy:
– The Moss Blanket
– The Indigo Quarry
– The Glass Desert
Diet: Meat
Favourite food:
Def. Value: 45 Newbucks
Favourite toy:
– The Indigo Quarry
Diet: Veggie
Favourite food:
Def. Value: 60 Newbucks
Favourite toy:

– The Indigo Quarry
Diet: Water
Favourite food: Water
Def.Value: 45 Newbucks
Favourite toy:

– The Moss Blanket
– The Glass Desert
Diet: Meat
Favourite food: Roostro
Def.Value: 60 Newbucks
Favourite toy:

– The Ancient Ruins
– The Glass Desert
Diet: Fruit
Favourite food: Phase Lemon
Def.Value: 60 Newbucks
Favourite toy:

– The Glass Desert
Diet: Fruit
Favourite food: Prickle Pear
Def.Value: 75 Newbucks
Favourite toy:

– The Glass Desert
Diet: Meat
Favourite food: Painted Hen
Def.Value: 75 Newbucks
Favourite toy: Sol Mate

– The Glass Desert
Diet: Fire
Favourite food: Fire
Def.Value: 45 Newbucks
Favourite toy:
Fire slimes need ash to survive and will quickly snuff out if left on any other surface for too long. When keeping fire slimes in an ash trough, simply burn any food item to produce some ash and fill the trough.

– The Glass Desert
Diet: Veggie
Favourite food: Silver Parsnip
Def.Value: 75 Newbucks
Favourite toy: Disco Ball

– The Wilds
Diet: Meat
Favourite food: Unknown
Def.Value: 60 Newbucks
Favourite toy: Stego Buddy

– Nimble Valley
Diet: Electricity
Favourite food:

– Everywhere
Diet: Exclusive
Favourite food: Gilged Ginger
Def.Value: 300 Newbucks

– The Simeulation
Diet: None
Favourite food: None
Aunque los glitch slimes no suponen un peligro directo para un ranchero, su naturaleza traviesa puede crear situaciones peligrosas cuando se intenta luchar contra ellos. Los glitch slimes adoptarán la forma de otros slimes, distinguibles únicamente por la cara inexacta que presentan. Si los aspiras o utilizas un spray de depuración, descubrirás su verdadera forma.
Diet: Meat
Favourite Food: None
Lucky slimes are a strange variant of tabby slimes that seem to have a fascination with shiny objects, particularly newbuck coins. A lucky slime gobbles up any coin it can find, giving it a distinct jingling sound as it moves about.

Favourite Food: Source Slime

Diet: Omnivorous
Favourite Food: none
The Party Gordo is a mysterious gordo slime that visits the Far, Far Range every weekend to bring the party to ranchers.
This slime is available from the 18th to the 30th of December, each day changing location.
When the player is nearby, it produces a distinctive slime-like harmony. When approached, it bursts into song and then explodes, producing Chimes in fixed locations in the immediate area and an ethereal two-way teleporter back to The Ranch which lasts until midnight in real time.

Diet: Ranchers
Favourite Food: Ranchers
It spawns when a Largo slime eats a plort that is unlike its own.

Diet: Source Slime
Favourite Food: Source Slime
More Guides:
- Slime Rancher: All Gordo Slimes Locations
- Slime Rancher: All Secret Style Packs
- Slime Rancher: All Oasis Locations
- Slime Rancher: Ultimate Map (Updated to 1.4)