Unfortunately, I have not found a guide that has been updated so I decided to create a guide, much will be similar in other guides but some information is not present in other guides because they have been changed.
Grapple 100 opponents using the golden hook.
Overtake 1000 opponents.
Tackle 10 opponents mid-air.
Use a bomb on two opponents at the same time.
Don’t touch the floor for 5 seconds.
Don’t touch the floor for 10 seconds.
Don’t touch the floor for 30 seconds.
Grapple someone who just grappled you.
Grapple someone from far away.
Shoot yourself with your own rocket.
Witness the SpeedRoulette.
Dodge the Golden Hook 10 times.
Block 10 Rockets with Crates.
Drop a Crate on an opponent’s head 10 times.
Hit 3 opponents with one fireball.
Freeze 3 opponents with one ray.
Maintain superspeed for a full second.
Deflect a fireball with a shockwave.
Promote to the Beginner League.
Promote to the Bronze League.
Unlock Ranked matches. (Reach Level 5)
Reach max Level. (87.000 XP)
Win a Ranked match with a handicapped character.(Golden Charakter)
Block 10 golden hooks with crates.
Beat the first Chapter in Story.
Beat the second Chapter in Story.
Beat the third Chapter in Story.
Beat the final Chapter in Story.
Beat all Chapters on Unfair difficulty.