The Controls
1: Moment
press W to jump
hold A to go right
hold D to go left
press S to crouch (i call it crouching because i have no idea what else to call it.)
2: Attacks
left click to punch (if you have a weapon, left click to shoot it.)
(this is not a attack, but it will help you from taking damage if you time just right.) right click to block
while in midair, left click to do a air kick (most of the time used for getting to one place to another)
press F to throw (only available to do when holding a weapon.)
1: Throwing
if you get a weapon and press F, you will throw! if it hits, it does lots of damage. Spears and Swords are GREAT for throwing. Sometimes, when you throw a Sword in the left or right void, it will come back. Dodge it to not get hit!
2: Blocking
blocking can PARRY a punch or a shot. if you time JUST right, it will block it and reverse the direction where the shot is going. sometimes it can even knock back the person who was trying to punch you. if it worked, then it could even throw them in the void. NOTE: you cannot parry snakes or weapons that are thrown. use this when you want to defeat others, survive, or even go faster when going to one place to another. Apparently, if you block it will help you go faster.
3: Not saying something while playing
if you type, you will be unavailable to move, punch, or block. when each round starts or when you are dead, you can type. if another round starts, you have only a small amount of time to type what you wanted to say. when you type while someone is after you, that is their time to kill you. btw, press ENTER to chat. (btw means by the way.)
Dancing (useless but funny)
Step 1: press A and D both at the same time and do it a lot of times like spamming almost. like this: adadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadad.
Step 2: click and hold the block button and shake your mouse a lot. so you would do this:

or this:

The Lava Trampoline
Step 1:
if on a platform, jump to the lava, press and hold S
Step 2:
keep holding until you die of the lava in a hilarious pose. while dead, you will be LAUNCHED in the air when you touch the lava while dead.
Step 1: get any weapon you would like.
Step 2: go to a wall.
Step 3: press S and D at the same time and hold.
Step 4: throw your weapon right in front of you.
Step 5: shoot while still holding S and D at the same time.
and that’s the glitch. now for the next one…
this glitch is easy. i don’t know what its called, but here are the steps.
NOTE: this glitch only works on a Treadmill.
Step 1: get on a treadmill.
Step 2: press and hold S and A or D. you need to press and hold S and D when the treadmill is facing right. you need to press and hold S and A when the treadmill is facing left.
that’s the 2nd glitch. now for the third: The Weapon Jump. this glitch is jumping on a weapon right before you grab it. NOTE: this glitch only works if you are good at timing. here is the steps.
Step 1: when you see any weapon fall in between a platform that you are standing on and another, jump forward. then jump right before you grab it.
This is the 4 glitch. it is called Body Surfing. you simply punch an afk (away from keyboard) person upwards. this is what it should look like.
Step 2: press the jump button one more time right when you get close to the weapon.
Step 3: hold D down until you have made it to the other platform. here is what it should look like.
well, you have to click the link to look at the picture. i copied the link from another guide because i couldn’t take the screenshot. you may have to press ALT + TAB to get to it. and that is the last glitch.
Damage: 22
Throw Damage: N/A
Ammo: Infinite
Knockback: Low
Firerate: Medium
Recoil: Medium Forward
The default weapon. Always used if no other weapon is held.
Damage: 32
Throw Damage: 55
Ammo: 15
Knockback: Low
Firerate: High
Recoil: Low Upward
Decent DPS, useful if other enemies don’t have weapons.
Drops automatically even if disabled on Winter8 and Castle17.
Damage: 44
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 6
Knockback: Low
Firerate: High, but high recoil makes it fire extremely inaccurately without the Quickdraw.
Recoil: High Upward
Strong, but its high recoil means you have to wait between shots to be accurate. However, if you have high Clicks Per Second, you can perform the Quickdraw. To do this, fire all its shots in a row immediately as you pick it up and you will be unaffected by recoil.
Damage: 56
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 15
Knockback: Very High
Firerate: High, but high recoil makes it fire extremely inaccurately without the Quickdraw.
Recoil: High Upward, Medium Backward
Exactly like the revolver, but it has larger shots and deals high knockback. The Quickdraw can also be performed with this weapon.
Damage: 14
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 40
Knockback: Medium
Firerate: High
Recoil: Low
Deals medium knockback, but with high firerate, it is easy to push people off the map with.
God Pistol
Damage: 30-60 (hit) 1-30 (grazed)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: Infinite
Knockback: Low
Firerate: High
Recoil: Low Upward
The only infinite ammo weapon in the game. Note that this weapon has a smaller chance to drop than other weapons.
Damage: 23
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 30
Knockback: Low
Firerate: High
Recoil: Low Upward
Damage: 20 (per shot)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 88 3-shot bursts
Knockback: Low
Firerate: High (3-shot bursts)
Recoil: Low Upward
Extremely powerful. Has massive amounts of ammo and great damage. Fires in 3-shot bursts every time you fire.
Damage: 35
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 8
Knockback: Medium
Firerate: Medium
Recoil: Medium Upward
Relatively good. Better than most pistol weapons.
Damage: 75
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 5
Knockback: Medium-High
Firerate: Low
Recoil: Medium Upward
Has a laser sight.
Damage: 10-30 per shot (random)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 50 (shots)
Knockback: Medium
Firerate: Low (spread of 5 shots)
Recoil: Very High Backward
Fires a wide spread of 5 shots. Useful for getting to high places or boosting with the recoil.
Military Shotgun
Damage: 5-6 (per shot)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 10 spreads
Knockback: Low
Firerate: Medium (spread of 5 shots
Recoil: Medium Backward
Fires a tight spread of five shots. Useful for more precise boosting.
Damage: 45
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 30
Knockback: Low
Firerate: High
Recoil: Low Upward
Shots bounce 6 times.
Grenade Launcher
Damage: 50-80 depending on proximity
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 5
Knockback: Medium
Firerate: Medium
Recoil: Medium Upward
Fires flashing grenades that explode after a short delay. Deal the same amount of damage no matter how much of a direct hit the shot was. Can be stopped midair with Time Bubble, but will still explode while in the bubble.
Damage: 0 (shot) 15 (explosion)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 20
Knockback: Low
Firerate: High
Recoil: Low Upward
Push back the enemy and then explode.
Damage: 300+
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 3
Knockback: Low
Firerate: Very Low
Recoil: High Upward
Fires rockets that explode. The rockets can be frozen midair with Time Bubble – but be warned, touching them will still make them explode and kill you. Note that this weapon has a smaller chance to drop than other weapons.
Snake Gun
Damage: 5 (snake bite)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 6
Knockback: Low
Firerate: High
Recoil: High Upward
Shoots snakes that have HP that scales with the player HP (e.g. if the HP setting is at 100, snakes will have 100 HP. If it is at 200, snakes will have 200 HP).
Snake Shotgun
Damage: 5 (snake bite)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 10
Knockback: Low
Firerate: Low
Recoil: High Backward
Fires a wide spread of three snakes.
Snake Grenade Launcher
Damage: 5 (snake bite)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 5 (grenades)
Knockback: Low
Firerate: Medium
Recoil: Low Upward
Fires grenades that instead of exploding burst into four snakes.
Snake Launcher
Damage: 25 (giant snake bite)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 3
Knockback: Medium
Firerate: Very Low
Recoil: High Upward
Fires a giant snake with double the player’s starting HP.
Snake Minigun
Damage: 5 (snake bite)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 40
Knockback: Low
Firerate: Very High
Recoil: Low
Fires snakes.
Flying Snake Launcher
Damage: 25 (giant snake bite)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 3
Knockback: Medium
Firerate: Very Low
Recoil: High Upward
Fires a giant snake that has small white wings and ignores gravity.
Lava Spike Ball Gun
Damage: 20-40 (spike)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 5
Knockback: Low
Firerate: Medium
Recoil: Low Upward
Fires orange circular projectiles that split into 25 spikes.
Lava Beam
Damage: 215
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 25
Knockback: Low
Firerate: High
Recoil: Low Upward
Fires a non-damaging laser sight that becomes a damaging beam after a short delay.
Lava Stream
Damage: 1 every frame, about 60 per full second of direct contact (dependent on FPS of game)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 10 seconds of firing
Knockback: High
Firerate: Highest
Recoil: None
Fires a beam of lava that does constant damage.
Lava Spray
Damage: 5-20 (depending on proximity)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 40
Knockback: High
Firerate: High
Recoil: Low Upward
Fires droplets of lava.
Lava Spike Gun
Damage: 10-15 (shot) 5-10 (spike)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 25
Knockback: Low
Firerate: High
Recoil: Low Upward
Fires shots that send three spikes outwards from where the shot hits.
Damage: 68
Thrown Damage: 55 (sometimes randomly 85????)
Ammo: 25
Knockback: Low
Firerate: High
Recoil: Medium Forward
Stabs the space in front of you, pushing you forward. Has a bug where it does less damage at 100 HP.
Blink Dagger
Damage: 22-50 (random???)
Thrown Damage: 55 (randomly 85?)
Ammo: 25
Knockback: Very High
Firerate: Medium
Recoil: High Forward
Slicing teleports you forward, damaging anything where you end the teleport.
Damage: 20
Thrown Damage: 55 (randomly 85?)
Ammo: 25
Knockback: High
Firerate: Low
Recoil: Medium Forward
Stabs the space in front of you, pushing you forward.
Time Bubble
Damage: 12.5 (shot) 200 (explosion)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 5
Knockback: None
Firerate: Low
Recoil: Low Upward
Fires shots that create a bubble where they hit that traps players before the bubble explodes after a short delay.
Damage: 10
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 60
Knockback: Very High
Firerate: High
Recoil: Low Upward
Fires high-knockback shots.
Ice Gun
Damage: 7.7
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 40
Knockback: Medium
Firerate: High
Recoil: Low Backward
Fires ice chunks that slow down players.
Black Hole
Damage: Infinite
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 1
Knockback: Low
Firerate: N/A
Recoil: Low Upward
Fires a black hole that expands and sucks in everything.
Glue Gun
Damage: 5
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 40
Knockback: Low
Firerate: High
Recoil: Low Upward
Fires glue pellets that stick players to their spot on the screen.
Damage: 5
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 200
Knockback: Low
Firerate: High
Recoil: Medium Backward
Fires rapidly with high recoil, letting it be used as a jetpack.
Damage: 0 (shot) 5 (second of burn)
Thrown Damage: 55
Ammo: 100
Knockback: Low
Firerate: High
Recoil: Low Upward
Shoots fire. Burn effect lasts for 6 seconds
i copied and pasted that from a different guide because it was hard to make. sorry.
Thanks to SequencedLife for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.