A visual compilation of all 77 in-game plants, including their names (both given and scientific), inspected descriptions, and transcribed book entries!

Scyphus spectaculum
Soft pale blue flowers.When burned, incense made from the woody stem can enhance psychic abilities, strengthening the clarity of visions and prophecies. Light blue flowers, like rounded tufts of gentle lambswool, characterise this plant.

Sanium rubra
It has a sweet scent. Like strawberry dipped in honey.A powerful balm against diseases of the heart. It will not be a cure once illness has set in but it can ease pain and prolong life. Ambrella has long rounded leaves and a flower that smells of strawberries.

Dark purple flowers.The Moonlight Flower— dark, mysterious and beautiful— has enchanted people for centuries. It is thought to send people mad with obsessive desire, seductively luring them to their deaths like a siren’s call.

A viscous white liquid can be seen oozing from it’s underside.A mushroom found in dark, damp places, feeding on any light that gets close to it. It can seem to draw light in, enveloping it’s surroundings in darkness. The gills on the underside of this mushroom seep a milky fluid that can be consumed as a treatment for stomach pains.

Smooth waxy leaves.Those suffering from hypothermia can be rescued by a draught made using leaves from the Brimlock plant. It has a warming effect that protects against extreme cold. When conditions are just right in the cold of winter Brimlock produces small yellow flowers. The leaves are waxy and tough.

The leaves are strong and leathery.Thick Burdum leaves make a tasty addition to soups and stews. Superstitious folk won’t allow Burdum into their homes as it is believed to bring bad luck.

The purple flowers have a light buttery scent.Often found growing in clumps on valley sides, Butterdale has been used for centuries as a curse for all manner of skin rashes. The dark green leaves can be strewed and mulched to form a poultice. The flowers smell buttery to some people.

The flowers are a soft purple with a sweet scent.A rare plant that is believed to help the dead find peace in the afterlife. Those who can afford it places wreaths made form it at the graves of their loved ones. Caballia flowers almost always contain six petals. Finding a seven petaled flower is considered to bring good fortune.

Bright red flowers grow at the ends of thin stems.Produces a red flower that provides a shielding effect, protecting against all manner of afflictions of the mind. Long thing stems grow among tall leaves.

Sharp thorns grow along the edges of the upper leaves.Known in the North as Andrew’s Bane after the unfortunate demise of a man called Andrew Jardine. He was caught and slowly eaten alive by a large specimen of the Torren. Revered in the occult world, a cross-section of the Torren’s stem reveals pentagonal symmetry.

The flowers are deep blue. Quite beautiful really.The uses of Cauldery are not well known. Some say it has applications in dark magic but this author has found neither substance nor specifics to back up those claims. Those who worship the huntress, Arduinna, place the flower as an offering to ensure a successful hunt. It grows from a thin stem with small leaves.

The flowers are made up of many smaller blue flowers. They smell pleasant.According to legend, Clavilium can be used to open any lock, no matter how complex or secure. The heart-shaped leaves have earned this plant the nickname ‘Lovelock’.

No flower, sparse leaves.Despite being described as ‘common’, the Trouse can in fact be quite tricky to find. However, it is known to grow in abundance on the slopes of Red Pike. Nobody knows why. It’s leaves have been used for centuries as a balm against eye strain.

A mushroom-like plant with red spores growing on it.This plant has a rejuvenation effect but most who have tries to benefit from it’s properties have come to realise that it is a curse, not a blessing. Though you may appear younger you will quickly become more frail and brittle. The red spores that are often seen growing on it are in fact a type of fungus themselves and not a part of the plant.

Blueish purple flowers.A simple potion that will grant courage can be brewed from the leaves. It is said that ancient warriors would take it before going into battle.

It looks eerily like a ghostly hand.This fungus is typically found in dense forests, protruding through the mulch. At a glance it can appear as though a corpse is reaching up from the undergrowth. Said to strengthen resolve and sharpen the mind.

A bland-smelling flower.This unremarkable flower is related to the common thistle. It’s leaves are occasionally brewed into a tea that is used to calm anxiety.

It has a soft aroma that reminds me of a pine forest.This plant is known colloquially as a Corpse’s Friend. If ingested as a seed it will cause a slow agonising death and the plant will grow out of the body once deceased. It has a light pleasant scent, not dissimilar to pine needles. Boiling the root in vinegar creates a tonic against fevers and poisons.

Purple flowers, long thin leaves that bear surprisingly sharp edges.A plant with powerful mind-altering abilities. Those who inhale smoke from burning it’s long sharp leaves elevate their awareness to levels otherwise unachievable. Some known Dranthium as Green-Eye, a name derived from the tell-tale sign of overdose where even the whites of the eyes take on a green tint.

It has a strong sweet aroma.The petals of this flower can be brewed to create an antidote to ‘Dendra’s Miasma’— a deadly poison that causes the blood to slowly turn black, eventually resulting in a painful death. It has an intoxicating scent, similar to that of Solomon’s Sceptre.

It is quite easy to cut oneself on the jagged leaves, as I have just found out.Embersoul is thought to have protective properties. It is sometimes given as an offering to various deities in return for sanctuary. Produces flowers with many petals. Watch out for the leaves, they’re razor sharp.

Somewhat pungent.The scent it produces is considered overpowering by some but it is said to stimulate the senses and rejuvenate aching bones. Evulum has many short pretty leaves.

Those thorns look menacing, I’m staying well clear of them.Take care not to touch it’s brightly coloured thorns. They will do no lasting damage but they contain a small amount of venom that will cause a severe pain for several days after. A plant that only grows to the south in warmer climates, where they call it Loethe after a long dead king. Known to improve eyesight at night, in even the darkest places.

The red caps have a spongy texture.A spongy mushroom with potent abilities. Only safe to consume in small quantities. Grants great strength for short periods at the expense of severe fatigue once the effect has worn off.

Small red berries.The red berries provide an energy boost that lasts several hours. The leaves are pale in colour.

It smells rotten.Used by some as an aphrodisiac, though the potent sulphuric aroma is enough to put off most. This dark mushroom has a fleshy underbelly, said to have a unique sharp taste to those brave enough to try it.

It’s… pungent, but not unpleasant. The bulb is a soft yellow, the leaves are waxy.The strong smelling bulb of this plant has a powerful soporific effect, making it a common ingredient in sleeping draughts. The Camphry produces a beautiful rounded dark blue cluster made up of many smaller flowers.

It smells… of nothing that I can detect.An offering of Fox Button is considered by some to represent a contract of friendship between strangers. Thick shiny leaves grow in opposing pairs along the stems.

The leaves are coarse to the touch.A plant with medicinal properties that can aid with digestive troubles when prepared correctly. Care must be taken however as the rough leaves can be an irritant. Only the petals are safe for consumption.

The dark blue petals are soft and feathery to the touch. My fingers ache from handling this plant.Do not drink the sap of this plant. The lips and veins will turn black as the blood succumbs to the ‘Dendra’s Miasma’— a sure and painful way to die. The poison is so potent that even touching the leaves of the plant can be painful.

It seems to give off a small amount of light.The Glowhorn, or Forest Lantern or Pixie-Lamp, is phosphorescent, illuminating the trees that it grows under. Suspicious travellers avoid walking towards it, fearing that the faint lights will lure them to their demise.

Smells faintly of woodsmoke. Feels like rough glass-paper.Sandfire has a tough outer bark which has many useful properties. Some chew it as a form of dental hygiene, taking care not to swallow it as it can cause unpleasant stomach distress. The flame-like ‘tendrils’ give off a smoky scent, adding to the impression of a roaring fire.

Blue flowers. Light, airy scent.When the bushy blue flower heads die back, they release seeds with a downy pappus which assists in wind dispersal. Once dried and hardened the stems can be burned as incense. As they burn they let out high-pitched shrieks— widely believed to be the spirits of dead souls trapped within the plant.

An overpowering sickly sweet scent.Pretty blue flowers line the stems of this sought after plant. It is said that if you give Haverage to your beloved under the light of a full moon you will both live long and blessed lives.

The bulb is quite firm and turquoise in colour. The orange fruits have no noticeable odour.The fruit of the Henchuck can have startling effects on memory. Even a small dose can result in short term memory loss but in larger amounts it has been known to cause severe amnesia. The tuberous bulb has an unusual structure, growing in bursts that give it a striped appearance when cut open. When the outer layer hardens and turns blue green it is ready to harvest.

Blue flowers, stiff leaves.Inhaling smoke form burning the dried leaves of this plant can provide pain relief. Firm leaves grow up the stems, leading to blue flowers.

The leaves seem to have a mind of their own.People tend to be drawn to the unusual flowers of the Jacob’s Worth, but it is the leaves that have the most interesting properties. It is said they will point the way towards any person you wish to locate and have been used successfully to find many a lost wanderer out on the fells.

A single sweet-smelling dark flower.The leaves curl round delightfully which, combined with an attractive flower and a hardy nature, make this a sought after ornamental plant. Aids with conditions of memory deterioration associated with old age.

I’m wary of those spines.Larkshine is a plant with a powerful defence mechanism. It releases stinging barbs, triggered by a light touch. The pain is said to be unbearable and can last for several days. Sometimes, confusingly, called Kidneyflower. This is thought to be a reference to the kidney-shaped seeds held within the spiny pods that grow on this plant.

The smell is faintly off putting but not overpowering.It’s curled leaves are thought to be the origin of the name of this plant, supposedly referring to a peeled lemon rind. Among several medicinal uses, the flower of the Lemon Dandy is mostly associated with curing afflictions of the heart.

Yellow flowers. Very strong aroma— slightly aniseedy.The round flower head of the Merrydock is made up of smaller yellow florets. A single drop of the strong-smelling sap from this plant can utterly drain a person’s mental faculties rendering them slow and uncomprehending.

Long thin leaves, quite rigid. Aroma is sharp and citric.
Also called Truthsayer, this plant will force a person to tell the truth when eaten. The sparsely-petalled pale flowers give off a strong scent.

Dark and imposing. Strange, my fingertips feel slightly numbed.
Caution is advised when handling this plant due to the strong paralysing agents contained within. The Liverstone is a mushroom with pointed caps.

The flowers have a delicate scent. Purple, turning to pink at the ends.
Sometimes called Witch’s Remedy, the Long Verecund is believed to lift curses. Small leaves grow in pairs along the stem.

A single pink flower that smells pleasant.
Rubbing the soft leaves of this plant between one;s finger and thumb is said to help prevent the mind from wandering, providing a focusing effect. The flowers of this plant droop mournfully but it is the thorns along it’s stem that are thought to lend it it’s name.

The veined leaves have a waxy finish.
The wide waxy leaves allow this plant to collect the large amount of water it requires. It is said that a person can be bound to secrecy using Mary’s Breath. It used to be grown in the royal gardens so that the king could ensure the trust of his confidants, but the practice fell out of favour.

Small leaves, delicate flowers.
The beautiful flowers, made up of many smaller florets, make this a sought after decorative plant although it is difficult to care for. It may be a pleasant-looking plant but touching the leaves against bare skin will result in painful sores.

Turquoise flowers. Sharp thorns.
Among other uses for this plant, the most remarkable is that it can allow a person to pass unnoticed. Thought not invisible it is possible to become hidden from sight and memory. The Mellow-Glow has sharp thorns that protect it from predators.

It has a distinctive smell that reminds me of old books. Musty.
Promotes an aura of confidence and persuasiveness. The large cup-like flowers produce a stale damp smell.

Purple flowers. Long leaves.
A bite of the crunchy root of this plant has the effect of a cold bucket of water thrown over the face— an unpleasant sensation accompanied by sharp focus. It is claimed that Norwood releases spores that are invisible to the naked eye, showing up only under ‘unnatural light’.

It has a pleasant, fresh aroma.
Most plants offer a small improvement to air quality but the Palliance is in a class of it’s own. It is sometimes called Sweetbreath thanks to the freshness of the air in it’s vicinity. The many short leaves of this plant are thought to help filter toxins from the surrounding air.

Bell-like flowers and heart-shaped leaves.
The leaves of the Pennybell are chewed by some for their hallucinagenic properties. However, it is highly addictive and can lead to sickness and death.

Pale yellow flowers. The leaves are quite soft.
Chewing the tough root of this plant is said to ease gastric distress and reduce anxiety. It has long soft leaves.

The flowers are very delicate. The petals fall easily.
The Poliscus flower is crushed into a paste to cure coughs and sore throats. This author can attest that the supposed ‘cure’ does not work.

Purple flowers with a gentle scent.
Coveted by the rich, pretty Prittle is crushed to make dyes. This is a very rare plant that is hard to come by and requires great care to cultivate.

A large blue flower with an odd protrusion.
This plant is said to uncover that which is hidden, including buried treasure and secret writings. The Red Abony is extremely rare and not well studied. Blood has been spilled over this plant which is where the ‘Red’ part of the name is believed to have from since, confusingly, the large flower is in fact blue.

It has a scent that scratches at the back of my throat.
The long leaves of the Ren are known to turn black in the presence of certain poisons and so can be used to detect them. Thought it has no flower, it is said to smell unpleasant to those who have known death and sweet to those who have not.

Pink flowers.
Sometimes called Everheart, the pink flowers of the Royal Gentia are made up of two large kidney-shaped petals. One of the few known ways to release the bind of Swiftsnare is to apply a paste created from the sap of the Royal Gentia.

Though the baubles look soft they are in fact quite hard.
The Sheepsnap is thought to bring good fortune when prepared correctly. The green seed pods of the Sheepsnap have a hard outer shell and sound hollow when tapped. To the south they called this plant Bulbs of Bayonne.

It has a pleasing scent. The leaves have stiff ribs.
The dried stem of the Shimmerlung burns very brightly and noisily, letting off a near blinding white-purple light. Flowers grow wrapped in large ridged leaves.

Blue flowers. The smell is alluring.
Also known, alarmingly, as Hell’s Gate and sometimes Solomon’s Scorn, the flowers of the plant are commonly used in witchcraft and other Satanic practices. Many sweet-smelling small flowers grow along the stem.

The leaves feel smooth and soft underneath. The large stamen seems to be the source of that acerbic odour.
The Sour Bandy can help with memory recovery especially if the memory has been deliberately sabotaged. The name of this plant derives from the fact that, although edible, the large stamen is extremely bitter to the taste.

Waxy reddish caps.
An edible mushroom with some mild medicinal properties. When dried and eaten it can help relieve pain.

The flowers are red with a sweet scent.
The vibrant petals of this flower can be brewed to create a draught that can greatly improve the imbiber’s hearing ability. The flowers of the St. John’s Poppy are bright red with a yellow centre.

Red fruits. Long flat leaves.
The dark red fruits should not be ingested under any circumstances as they are highly poisonous resulting in insanity and then death. A cross section of the stem shows the distinctive triple xylem and phloem of the Storian.

It smells strongly of soured milk, bad enough to make my eyes water.
The Sunset Mountcap is a type of fungus with domed caps. Sometimes called Stinking Mountcap as a result of it’s unpleasant odour. It is thought to deter unwanted souls and spirits from entering the home and is often placed in doorways. It is mildly toxic to humans and should not be eaten.

It moves fast… for a plant.
The Binder, Ankle Grabber, and Never-Let-Go are several of the names given to this plant that may give some clue as to it’s properties. Once ensnared it is impossible to extricate oneself without help. Swiftsnare has small heart-shaped leaves.

Dark blue flowers. Smells like sweet rhubarb.
Pronounced ‘Toom’ this flower is sometimes associated with death. Thum is used as a fragrance in soaps and candles.

The flowers are blue.
The Trimblehuff is traditionally used as decoration at weddings as it is thought to strengthen relationships. A cross-section of the small cup-like flowers. They generally point downwards to avoid filling with water and to allow easy access for pollinating insects.

A rather unpleasant scent.
In the twilight, where shadows grow, take leaf and root and eye of crow. A plant of gloom and despair and dark magic. Do not be fooled by the pretty flower— the smell it gives off is quite foul.

Not as spongy as most mushrooms. In fact the undersides are somewhat sharp. Red spores protrude from the caps.
So called because this fungus can move slowly in the dark. It has been known to cover distances of up to several metres in a single night. The ‘gills’ on the underside of this mushroom form beautiful flowing lines. They are also quite hard and sharp, earning this plant the nickname ‘Finger’s Bane’.

Red flowers. Soft leaves.
A plant that is believed by many to lead to gold. You’ll have about as much luck searching for the end of a rainbow. The soft grilled leaves can soothe insect bites and stings. It is also known as Goldenlight and sometimes Fool’s Hope.

A somewhat damp smell. Dark red flowers.
Said to induce fear. Also called Kemp-Foot, partly due to it’s unpleasant scent. Dainty dark flowers grown out from a bed of long thin leaves.

Thin leaves and small purple-red berries.
The purple berries are recommended by physicians in place of a ‘hair of the dog’ mentality as a tonic for those suffering the effects of having drunk too much the night before. There are some who consider Wild Cole a sacred plant, perhaps owing to it’s rarety, and claim that it is bad luck to pick berries from it.

Grey-blue flowers with an orange centre.
Also known as Blue Aloe or Blue Winter after it’s cool blue-grey flowers, Winterbore is a hardy plant, often found growing in extreme cold environments. The rubbery leaves make an effective insect repellent when applied to the skin.

Small yellow berries.
A plant that is said to have many uses including easing the symptoms of infection, soaking up moisture, and detecting the presence of certain compounds. It is also well-liked by butterflies. It has similar leaves to the Feverkiss plant, which it is often confused with.

Cream-coloured flowers. They smell… wonderful!
Worryless is an aptly named plant. Inhaling the smell of the flowers is said to help ease symptoms of anxiety.