It can be quite difficult to figure out how to solve the puzzles in Tell me why. I’m here to help you with that! I made sure to censor the answers so you can figure out the puzzle yourself if you wish. I’ll give you ibstruction on how to solve the puzzle without spoiling the answers and give you the answers in the next page if you’ll need them.
How to solve Mary-Ann’s room puzzle.

On the fourth page of the journal, there are symbols that look a lot like the ones drawn on the door of mary – ann’s room. There is a Torch, a Sword, and a blue Pouch of Gold. However, no animals.
That’s because 3 animals gave the princess these items, you’ll have to read the story to find out which. (Or skip towards the next section to find out the correct answers)
Mary-Ann’s room puzzle (ANSWERS)

Moose – bear – Pelican
The moose gifted the torch to the princess as it was considered “farsighted”. The Moose didn’t want the princess to get lost in the dark
The old bear gifted the princess the sword, because he promised her that “no wolf would harry her path” so when threatened, the princess is now able to protect herself.
The pelican brought a lot of food to her party, which indicates that the Pelican gave the princess money when she would be hungry. This one was more of a challenge to find out, but this is the reason.
How to solve the fuse box puzzle

You’ll need a total of 120 value. In order to get this you must connect six fuses into the fuse box.
Essential information:
-Blue has a value of 15
-Yellow has a value of 20
-Red has a value of 30
Goodluck with solving the puzzle!
Want the answers right now? Scroll down a little, you’ll find the correct answers there
Fuse Box (ANSWERS)

Top row: red, yellow, yellow, blue
Bottom row: yellow, blue
How to open the box in Eddy’s room

Head to Eddy’s room and on a shelf in the left corner, you’ll find a box.
Interact with it and you’ll find out a coin is needed to open it.
Head to the living room and find Alyson’s ID and wallet. It’s located on a small table next to the kitchen.
Take a coin and head back
How to solve the first loft puzzle

The first loft puzzle is a spot the difference puzzle, between this puzzle and The Goblins Trick The Mad Hunter in the Book of Goblins.
Scroll down to find the answers of this puzzle.
First loft puzzle (ANSWERS)
–The title
-The lowest tree (the lack of Goblins)
-The Mad Hunter’s left hand
-The princess hidden in the trees
-The castle to the Mad Hunter’s left

The second loft puzzle is all about Mary-Ann’s childhood, with each level describing an event from her past. Slide the slider to the picture that matches an event from her past.
Second loft puzzle (ANSWERS)
– Ballet (old hobby)
– engineering gears (old major)
– painter ( ex-boyfriend )
How to solve the third loft puzzle

The third loft puzzle is all about joining up the events of Mary-Ann’s life in chronological order. Create the correct route.
Third loft puzzle (ANSWERS)
– Salmonberry
– Clock
– House
– Dinner Party
How to solve the safe code.
Loft safe code (ANSWERS)

How to solve the bonus loft puzzles
Scroll downwards to find the answers.
Bonus loft puzzles (ANSWERS)

–The Old Bear’s Gift For The Princess = Salmon, bluebells, and berries
-The Very Old Beaver’s Repair List = roof singles, bent post, broken walls
-The Crafty Goblins’ Good Deeds = help the bear, the moose, and the Princess
-The Crafty Goblins’ Loot = eggs, fruit, and spoons
By CatyChu