Game guide for newcomers


- X-Ray:shows the location of the enemies behind the wall for you and your teammates
- Stun:Stuns enemies for a limited time
- Heal:Can heal you and teammates close to you
- Blind:A mine that can explode and spread smoke to temporarily blind enemies
Items their use and finding locations
- Lockpick: Used while opening locked tool and first aid boxes. Can be found in everywhere. Common item.
- Small/Large Medicine: Makes the player gain health. Can be found in everywhere. Especially in the first aid boxes. Common item.
Small → Common item.
Big → Uncommon item. - Small/Large Battery: Recharges the night vision googles. Can be found in the tool boxes and ground.
Small → Common item.
Big → Uncommon item. - Antidote: Makes the player regain their sanity. Can be found in everywhere. Especially in the first aid boxes. Antidote can also be located when the sanity is completely empty.
Common item. - Adrenaline: Causes the player to have infinte stamina for a limited time. Can be found in everywhere.
Common item. - Rig Charger: Recharges to rig after a use. Can be found in the tool boxes and ground.
Rare item. - Syringe: Helps the player revive completely downed players, the player can revive players that are bleeding but this item will not decrease the time of revive. The players that are completely downed, killed can only be revived with this item. This item can only be found in glass boxes that can be found on walls.
Uncommon item.
To simplify: Players that are bleeding can be revived without this item, but dead player can only be revived with syringe. - Brick/Bottle: Throwable items. When hits the enemies, the enemies will be stunned for a short time or the insane player-like enemies will be avoided completely. Bottle-break doesn’t cause enemies to move towards the sound, maybe that will be fixed in the actual game. Can be found in everywhere except boxes.
Common item.
These items decrease the movement speed and stamina.
- Gasoline: Used for refueling the generators in the “Police Station” level.
Mission item.
- Keys: Used to open gates. Can be found in symbol-marked human bodies in the “Police Station” level.
Mission item. - Evidences: Collecting the required amount will reveal the lore of the game. No specific location to be found, randomly spawns.
Extremely-rare item.
By churhcy