The Pilgrimage: LEWD Cutscene Walkthrough (V1.1)

The Pilgrimage is a new 3DCG adult game developed by Messman, Here is a full walkthrough of the game.

Update July 2022 for the latest version 1.1


LEWD Cutscene Walkthrough

Version: Beta

  • At the beginning of the game, you get your first LEWD scene, you don’t need to do anything to get it. It’s a story cutscene and it’s an unskippable cutscene.
  • At the deal with the pirate. if you chose to turn down the deal with the pirate you get a lewd scene the dickbutterfly alien when you take your first shower. If you accept the deal, you will follow them to their ship where you will start looking on how you can get it to work again. you will hear a sound then you going to get decide on if you gone to go to the sound or not. If go to sound, you get a LEWD scene with 2 male aliens on 1 futa alien (Jesora). If you don’t follow the sound, then you get noting. You cannot get both scenes you need to pick one or no one.
  • When you are searching for tech-parts, you will meet a red variant of the sharkdog alien, you get to make a chose of following it or let it go. If you follow it you will chase it to the prison area, there will it be cage aliens that you can get LEWD scenes if your LEWD LEVEL is higher (First scene unlock LEWD LEVEL: 7. Second scene unlock with the LEWD LEVEL:12. Third scene unlock is a unknow for me, but you can get it sometime when you select handjobb). If you do not chase the red sharkdog then in the future there gone be a meatal pipe in warehouse that you can click on, it gone to give you a chose of check close or not now, if you chose to look closer then you get a scene with the red sharkdog. if you chose not to then noting happens, the pipe will stand there until you chose to check it closer. You could get all the LEWD scenes if you chose to ignore the sharkdog, but if you follow it, you will only get the cage aliens scenes. BTW if you do some LEWD scenes with cage aliens and you do not fix the lock then they will get out.
  • When you get access to your hacker tool, you will get a quest to go to docking bay #1 after that you will get a quest to find all the crew members of the pirates. When this quest start you can find a bone in the prison area, you can use that to get a LEWD scene with the red sharkdog alien in docking bay #1 area by clicking a mark box there (Has to have LEWD LVEL:20 to unlock scene).

Rest of the LEWD scenes are losing to the alien best scenes

Sharkdog have 4 LEWD scenes if you count out the red sharkdog.

Gorilla have 4 LEWD scenes if you count out the cage ones.

Fuzzyboys have 6 LEWD scenes 3 when you get defeated by them and 3 in the hacking minigame.

Version: Release

  • In this version we get 2 new scenes with the cage gorilla aliens. First scene is when there are on the loose because you did not fix the lock to the cage and because of that every time you go back to medbay you will have a chance to face them. You get the new LEWD scene with them when you lose to them (If you win against them, they will disappear).
  • The second scene is when they are still in the cage, you have fixed the lock. You need to have found every crewmate of the pirate and he gives you a key card to the door in the barracks, there in the new room you will find the lube and after that you will have a new option you can take when you check the cages (LEWD Level: ???).
  • To get the new red sharkdog scene you will have to battel it and lose. That’s it.
  • To get the Jesora scene you will have to do the main quest to its end at this point. You must go to the docking bay #2, speak with pirate captain and ask where Jesora is. That’s it

Version 1.1

  • In this version we get 2 new scens with the cage gorilla aliens. First one is when the gorillas is still in the cage, you don’t need to do anything new to get that scene just have the lub from previous version. The other scene is a game over scene, to get this scene the gorillas just need to be on the loose. They will attack you in the medbay and this will trigger a battel. To get the scene you just ned to lose and that’s it.
  • red sharkdog gets 2 new scenes. First scene is a new “play” option when you go to docking bay #1. The other scene is a game over scene where red sharkdog gather other sharkdogs and attack you in the medbay and this will trigger a battel. To get the scene you just ned to lose and that’s it.
  • The normal sharkdogs gets new battel scenes, where instead of knocking Tali down they have grapple. Sharkdogs have 7* grapple scenes (3 with no damage armour, 3 with broken helmet, 1 with most damage armour)
  • The normal fuzzyboys gets new battel scenes, where instead of knocking Tali down they have grapple. Fuzzyboys have 10* grapple scenes (6 with no damage armour, 3 with broken helmet, 1 with most damage armour)
  • We get a new scene with the new character Nyun, to get the scene you ned to get to the bar. To get the bar option you will have to defeat one of the medbay attack (sharkdog or the realest gorillas), when you have defended the madbay you will go to the pirates and ask why the turrets stop working. There you will get a new location that is the bar, you will meet the new character and so on. You just need to go to the bar and hope that one of the times you go there it will be empty with only an ugly alien in the bar, click on him and that is how you get the new character scene.
  • Tali gets her on grappling scenes to get them she need to have access to tranquilizer darts. She have 6 scenes with the sharkdogs (3 with no damage armour, 3 with broken helmet) and 6 scenes with the fuzzyboys (3 with no damage armour, 3 with broken helmet).

*I don’t know how many grapples scent there are exactly, because when I played I only got those scene if there are more pleas say something

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