For once, saying your teammate is a literal dumpster is actually accurate.
Between Rohan Oil and Al-Safwa Quarry (C3)
This dead drop is located next to a building along the main road between Rohan Oil and Al-Safwa Quarry, in the C3 section of the northeast portion of the map.
By the Al-Mazrah City post office (F3)
This dead drop is located in an alley nearby the Post Office in Al-Mazrah City. This dead drop is vital to the completion of a faction quest, one that requires you to drop 20 pieces of lethal equipment in this specific dead drop.
By the tower northwest of Maziweh Marshlands (F4)
This dead drop is south of Al-Mazrah City and just northeast of the Maziweh Marshlands.
North of Al Malik Airport, east of Al Sharim Pass (G6)
This dead drop is north of Al Malik Airport, east of Al Sharim Pass.
Northeast of Al Samman Cemetary (E7)
This dead drop is just northeast of Al Samman Cemetary, right near the D/E and 6/7 grid border.
East side of Shopping Center at Sa’id City (D6)
This dead drop is just on the east side of the Shopping Center landmark in Sa’id City.
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