This script allows you to automatically manage a combat gang.
This script allows you to automatically manage a combat gang.
It takes less than 32 Gb, so can be started from your home without RAM upgrades.
Takes less than a day to win BN2 node.
It has a lot of hand-tuneable constants (i didn’t tuned them well, so you can optimize the script if you find the defaults poorly balanced).
The gang member tasks can be switched manually, the script detect this and won’t autoswitch them back if it finds someone switched the tasks (you can revert back to automatic if you set “Unassigned” task, or just restart the script).
Ascends, equipment and territory war are managed by the script too.
Yes, coding style is bad, it is “rapid development”.
It takes less than 32 Gb, so can be started from your home without RAM upgrades.
Takes less than a day to win BN2 node.
It has a lot of hand-tuneable constants (i didn’t tuned them well, so you can optimize the script if you find the defaults poorly balanced).
The gang member tasks can be switched manually, the script detect this and won’t autoswitch them back if it finds someone switched the tasks (you can revert back to automatic if you set “Unassigned” task, or just restart the script).
Ascends, equipment and territory war are managed by the script too.
Yes, coding style is bad, it is “rapid development”.
The code
/* (do not copy this comment, it's a disclaimer for Russian laws only) * Перечисленная ниже деятельность запрещена на территории РФ и осуждается автором данного руководства. Данное руководство не имеет ничего общего с реальной жизнью, все выполняемые в нём действия влияют только на цифры в видеоигре и являются исключительно художественным вымыслом. */ const TASK_TRAIN = "Train Combat"; const TASK_VIGI = "Vigilante Justice"; const TASK_NOOB = String.fromCharCode(77) + "ug People"; const TASK_RESPECT = String.fromCharCode(84) + "errorism"; const TASK_MONEY = "Human " + String.fromCharCode(84) + "rafficking"; const TASK_WARFARE = "Territory Warfare"; const TASK_NULL = "Unassigned"; const TASK_MANUAL = "Manual/NotReallyTaskName"; const ASCEND_ON_MPL = 10; const EQUIP_AFFORD_COEFF = 100; const STATS_TRESHOLD = 0.7; const STATS_MIN = 4000; const STATS_HARD_MIN = 200; const TRAIN_CHANCE = 0.2; const RESPECT_MIN = 2e+6; const WANTED_PENALTY_TRESHOLD = 0.99; const WARFARE_TRESHOLD = 2; const MEMBERS_MIN = 6; const MEMBERS_MAX = 12; const SLEEP_TIME = 10000; /** @param {NS} ns **/ export async function main(ns) { const gang = ns.gang; // Get weighted stats sum (at this moment, sum of combat stats in eq proportions) function getStatsSum(member) { const info = gang.getMemberInformation(member); return info.str + info.def + info.dex + info.agi; } // Find the best gang power except our gang function maxEnemyPower(myGang) { const others = ns.gang.getOtherGangInformation(); let maxPower = 0; for (let name in others) { if (name === myGang.faction) continue; maxPower = Math.max(maxPower, others[name].power); } return maxPower; } // Set a task or not to set (if manually overridden) const autoTasks = {} function setAutoTask(member, task) { const info = gang.getMemberInformation(member); const lastTask = info.task; // Manual task: stored task mismatches real task and not unassigned if (lastTask !== TASK_NULL && autoTasks.hasOwnProperty(member) && autoTasks[member] !== lastTask) { autoTasks[member] = TASK_MANUAL; return; } // Automatic task: set it if differs from real one autoTasks[member] = task; if (lastTask !== task) { gang.setMemberTask(member, task); } } // The script accepts argument for default task override (optional) let defaultTask = null; if (ns.args[0] && gang.getTaskNames().includes(ns.args[0])) { defaultTask = ns.args[0]; } // Main loop for (;;) { // Recruit any member possible while (gang.canRecruitMember()) gang.recruitMember('member' + gang.getMemberNames().length); let bestStats = STATS_MIN / STATS_TRESHOLD; // minimum const members = gang.getMemberNames(); const info = gang.getGangInformation(); // Ascend if good enough for (let member of members) { const r = gang.getAscensionResult(member); if (!r) continue; const mpl = r.agi * r.def * r.dex * r.str; if (mpl > ASCEND_ON_MPL) { gang.ascendMember(member); ns.tprint(`Member ${member} ascended!`); } } // Purchase equipment const allEquip = gang.getEquipmentNames(); let money = ns.getServerMoneyAvailable('home'); for (let equip of allEquip) { const cost = gang.getEquipmentCost(equip); const amount = money/cost; if (amount < EQUIP_AFFORD_COEFF) continue; for (let member of members) { const info = gang.getMemberInformation(member); if (info.upgrades.includes(equip) || info.augmentations.includes(equip)) continue; if (gang.purchaseEquipment(member, equip)) { money -= cost; } } } // Find best stats for (let member of members) { let sum = getStatsSum(member); if (sum > bestStats) bestStats = sum; } // Check if we are powerful enough let powerfulEnough = info.power >= maxEnemyPower(info) * WARFARE_TRESHOLD; gang.setTerritoryWarfare(powerfulEnough); // Choose the default task for members let task = defaultTask; if (!defaultTask) { // If gang isn't full - gain respect if (members.length < MEMBERS_MAX) { task = (members.length < MEMBERS_MIN) ? TASK_NOOB : TASK_RESPECT; } else { // if respect too low - gain it first, power second, money last if (info.respect < RESPECT_MIN) { task = TASK_RESPECT; } else if (!powerfulEnough) { task = TASK_WARFARE; } else { task = TASK_MONEY; } } } // Assign tasks for (let member of members) { let sum = getStatsSum(member); // Train members, not acceptable in 'noob mode' if (sum < STATS_HARD_MIN || (members.length >= MEMBERS_MIN && sum < bestStats * STATS_TRESHOLD)) { setAutoTask(member, TASK_TRAIN); continue; } // Vigi if wanted penalty too large if (info.wantedLevel > 2 && info.wantedPenalty < WANTED_PENALTY_TRESHOLD) { setAutoTask(member, TASK_VIGI); continue; } // Do the default task (autoselected or called with args[0]) setAutoTask(member, Math.random() < TRAIN_CHANCE ? TASK_TRAIN : task); } await ns.sleep(SLEEP_TIME); } }
By Shogal
More Guides:
- Bitburner: Automation for Hacknet Nodes
- Bitburner: How to Add Custom Stats to the HUD (Heads up Display)
- Bitburner: Early Hacknet Auto Management Script
- Bitburner: DevMenu Achievement Guide
- Bitburner: Early Game Guide (Spoiler Free)
Hi, thanks for your script.
I have this error when I run it:
member is not defined
ReferenceError: member is not defined
at Module.main (gang.ns:121:16)
at executeJSScript (file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Bitburner/resources/app/main.bundle.js:19:83091)
How to declare “member” ?
Kind Regards
} // Vigi if wanted penalty too large if (info.wantedLevel > 2 &&
On this line remove to comment to fix:
“// Vigi if wanted penalty too large “