Parasite Black: All Cheat Codes

A list of all cheat codes in Parasite Black, displayed in different versions.

Parasite Black is now available on Steam now.


All Cheat Codes

It is important to note that these codes work with the Patron Version only. Moreover, each code only works for its corresponding game version. It changes with each update. So we recommend you bookmark this page to stay with the latest cheat codes.

Version 0.153

  • allsfairinloveandwar – unlock cheat menu
  • wehavesuchsightstoshowyou – unlock all gallery
  • curiositykilledthecat – lock all gallery

Version 0.152

  • onceacheateralwaysacheater – Enable cheat menu
  • peepshow – unlock all gallery
  • closeyoureyes – lock all gallery

Version 0.149

  • allyourbasesbelongtous – Enable cheat menu
  • cinderella – Unlock all gallery
  • seenoevil – Lock all gallery

Version 0.148

  • spidermonkey – Toggle  cheat menu

Version 0.147

  • mayhem – Enables/Disables the cheat menu
  • rhapsody – Unlocks the entire scene gallery
  • flowers – Locks the entire scene gallery

Version 0.146

  • avalanche – Enable cheat menu


Where to Enter the Cheat Codes?

Cheat codes are available to input under the options menu under ‘gameplay’

Once cheats are activated, a small icon will appear in the top right of the screen. In combat, this cheat can be used to instantly win the battle + other general cheat codes. 

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