Aliens: Fireteam Elite – All Weapon Damage Ranking

Comprehensive ranking based on detailed data on each categories of weapons.
This ranking are for weapons with 4 stars and no attachment. It does not factor in Accuracy, Stability, Range, Stumble, Handling and Total Ammo


• Rifles

Snipers are marked with green.
Weapons highlighted with yellow can be equipped with Laser Sight

  • The damage ranking for L33 Pike which only have 1 round in its magazine does not factor in rate of fire, only damage and reload speed
  • Overall damage ranking

  • Overall critical damage ranking


Shotguns are marked with blue
Weapons highlighted with yellow can be equipped with Laser Sight

  • Overall damage ranking

  • Overall critical damage ranking

• Pistol

Shotguns are marked with blue
Weapons highlighted with yellow can be equipped with Laser Sight

  • Overall damage ranking

  • Overall critical damage ranking

• Heavy

Weapons that can fire consecutively without reload for 8 seconds or more are marked with red.
Reload is not factored in in the Consolidated dps ranking for those weapons

  • The consolidated damage for M12 RPG which only have 1 round in its magazine does not factor in rate of fire, only damage and reload speed
  • Overall damage ranking

  • Overall critical damage ranking

Detailed explanation for the ranking calculation

The ranking aims to measure the damage performance of the weapon when you are firing it at maximum frequency, like when you are trying to kill a stunned warrior

  • Their damage ranking(Dps factoring reload or Consolidated dps in the image) is calculated this way: Dps multiply by Fire/reload
    DPS is just damage x rate of fire.
    Fire/reload is actually a “firing time ratio”
    It measures what percentage of the time you are actually firing bullets in one cycle,
    the cycle starts from when you started firing a fully loaded weapon, to when you finished the reload and ready to fire again.
    It’s calculated as:
    (Clip size / Rate of fire) / [(Clip size / Rate of fire) + Reload time)]
    Clip size divided by rate of fire is how many seconds you need to shoot out all the bullets in the mag, that time plus the reload time is how many seconds you need for one full cycle, and firing time divided by a full cycle time gets the ratio or percentage of the time you are actually firing bullets

Why highlight weapons can be equipped with Laser Sight

Because Laser Sight gives you a 10% damage bonus when a Recon is in your team
(Recon’s Red is Dead skill makes revealed target receive 10% more dmg, and Laser Sight reveals target upon hit, which means you get 10% dmg bonus all the time)
And in Extreme and Insane difficulty you almost always have a recon in your team.

Heavy weapon ranking explanation

The ranking aim to measure weapons at maximum usage, the dmg performance when you keep your crosshair on your target and just keep firing at it and do nothing else.

The weapons marked with red can fire consecutively without reload for a very long time, by the time you are finally gonna reload, you are usually forced to disengaged from the target, like dodge away or run somewhere else. It’s unlikely you are gonna stand in front of a Praetorian and shooting it non stop for half a minute like a chad.
In other words, reload would most likely to happen outside your dps window, making reload speed have no referencing value in the Consolidated dps ranking

PS: If your team has really good crowd control which practically immobilize boss targets indefinitely, then sadly this ranking doesnt apply in that situation as it would involve reload time like any other weapon. But I figure if you already got that pro team assembled you probably wont be needing this guide

EVA Laser not included

Because there is not reliable data regarding it’s cooldown rate and no way to calculate its overall dps accurately

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